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Physical science

Host1: good afternoon everyone, I’m your host Nica Arrubio

Host2: and Justine Pillado

Both host: and welcome to The Daily Talk show!

Host1: we came upon this inspiring institution, this afternoon we have 4 special guest called the great
philosophers. Some of you or more like all of you have heard of them, but for some of you who don’t
know, let’s take a look at this clip.


Host2: with the help of our guests, we will be discussing about the atomic theory and why is it
important. Let’s have a round of applause to our 4 great philosophers Mr. Democritus, Leucippus, Plato,
and lastly Empedocles.

Host1: welcome to The Daily Talk show, Mr. Democritus, Leucippus, Plato, and Empedocles thank you
for being with us today.

Host2: and it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Democritus: the pleasure is ours Nica and Justine thank you for having us here.

Host1: I have a question for you, when did you discover the atomic theory?

Democritus: around 400 B.C I introduced the idea of the atoms as the basic building block matter.

Host2: that is very interesting that you had the basic idea of atoms

Host2: and did you proved your idea?

Democritus: I wasn’t able to explain my idea because I didn’t have the resources I just have the
existence of atoms.

Host1: so you didn’t manage to prove your idea because you lack of resources?

Democritus: yes

Host2: so if you have the resources you need would you be able to prove your idea?

Democritus: ill conduct an experiment to try and see how it would work to prove the theory

Host2: okay, thank you Mr. Democritus now let’s proceed to Mr. Leucippus

Host1: good afternoon, Mr. Leucippus it’s good to have you here right now. Now it’s time to ask you
some question.

Host1: How did you discover atom?

Leucippus: using scientific reasoning and observation, I developed the theory of atomism, which posited
that the whole universe is made up of solid atoms constantly moving through void or empty space

Host2: so what did you believe about matter?

Leucippus: that the universe consists of two different elements, which I called “the full” or “solid” and
“empty” or “void”

Host2: wow, thank you for the wonderful answer Mr. Leucippus now let’s proceed to Mr. Plato good
afternoon sir

Plato: same to you

Host1: so we have a question waiting for you Mr. Plato

Host1: why everything made is not meant to be change?

Plato: because real things don’t change and restricted change to the realm of appearances the physical

Host1: okay and how did you improved the 4 classical elements?

Plato: by adding a specific tiny particles which every form of matter can be divided into one of the basic
four geometric solids

Host2: what is the four geometric solids?

Plato: Tetrahedron for fire, Octahedron for water, Icosahedron for air, and cube for earth

Host1: thank you very much Mr. Plato. Next up, we have another great person coming up that is Mr.
Empedocles. After the Commercial break!


Both host: We are back!! The next person that we will be interviewing now is…Mr. Empedocles.

Host1: I will be asking you some question, so tell me what do you believe in?

Empedocles: I believe that everything is made of the four elements fire, water, earth, and air

Host2: why do you believe that everything is made of the four elements?

Empedocles: I believed that everything in the universe was made of four elements, including living
organism and I also believed all matter whether alive or not, was conscious

Host1: well that’s all thank you for all that wonderful answers Mr. Democritus, Leucippus, Plato, and
Empedocles we have learned so much today and thank you for coming to our show

Host1: and that’s all for today we will see you next time, again were your host Nica Arrubio

Host2: and Justine Pillado

Both host: and this is The Daily Talk show!

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