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A. Part of Speech/ Kelas Kata

Adjective Noun Verb Adverb
Kata Sifat Kata Benda Kata Kerja
sebagai subjek menjelaskan
noun(terletak sebagai predikat
atau objek verb
didepan noun
Beautiful Girl Dance beautifully
Cantik Perempuan dengan cantik
The beautiful girl dances beautifully.
(Singular Subject)
The beautiful girls dance beautifully.
(Plural Subject)

B. Adverb of frequency
Penentuan keterangan waktu atau seberapa sering peristiwa terjadi
dalam Adverb of Frequency ini dapat kamu gunakan persentase sebagai
1. 100% (always, constantly, usually, normally, frequently, regularly,
2. 50% (sometimes, rarely, occasionally, infrequently, seldom, hardly
3. 0% (never)
Beberapa adverb of frequency diurutkan dari tingkat keseringannya:
1. Always (selalu)
2. Usually (biasanya)
3. Normally (biasanya)
4. Often (sering)
5. Sometimes (kadang-kadang)
6. Occasionally (kadang-kadang)
7. Seldom (jarang) Rarely (jarang)
8. Hardly ever (hampir tidak pernah)
9. Never (tidak pernah)
Adverbial seperti seldom, rarely, hardly ever, dan never biasanya tidak
diaplikasikan pada kalimat negatif karena artinya akan menjadi double
Contoh kalimat Adverb of Frequency:
1. He always studies so hard in English courses. He wants to be a winner
of Spelling Bee Competition. (Dia selalu belajar begitu keras dalam
kursus bahasa Inggris. Dia ingin menjadi pemenang Kompetisi Spelling
2. Bian visits the library frequently. He loves to read books. (Bian sering
mengunjungi perpustakaan. Dia suka membaca buku.)
3. I hardly ever see Tom in low spirit just like now. Maybe there is
something wrong with him. (Saya hampir tidak pernah melihat Tom
dengan semangat rendah seperti sekarang. Mungkin ada yang salah
dengan dirinya.)
4. I never found someone like you, the one who keeps trying hard in every
situation. (Aku tidak pernah menemukan seseorang sepertimu, orang
yang terus berusaha keras dalam setiap situasi.)
C. Plural and Singular
Singular noun plural noun
Tunggal jamak/ lebih dari satu
one cat/ a Cat Cats
Satu kucing/ seekor kucing Kucing – kucing
Mouse Mice
Tikus Banyak tikus
Box Boxes
Kotak kotak – kotak
Pronoun: Kata Ganti
Singular Pronoun Plural Pronoun
Tunggal jamak/ lebih dari satu
He They
dia laki - laki tunggal Mereka
She We
dia perempuan tunggal Kami
It I
benda tunggal Saya
D. Articles (imbuhan) An/ A/ The
Kata 'a', 'an', dan 'the' adalah jenis kata artikel yang terbagi menjadi dua
kategori, yaitu definite dan indefinite. Kata 'the' termasuk definite, yang
berarti sudah pasti dan ‘the’ bisa untuk kata benda (noun) tunggal (singular)
dan jamak (plural). Sedangkan kata 'a' dan 'an' termasuk indefinite, yang
berarti tidak pasti atau secara general.
An/ A artinya satu (tunggal) atau seekor, sebuah, seorang etc
We use a/ an for indefinite singular nouns.
Put a before nouns which begin with consonant sounds,such as:
Digunakan sebelum kata benda dengan awalan kata huruf konsonan, seperti:
1. a window
2. a map
3. a butterfly
4. a buffalo
5. a park
6. a school
Put an before nouns which begin with vocal sounds (a,i,u,e, o), such as:
Digunakan seblum kata benda dengan awalan kata huruf vokal, seperti:
1. an iron
2. an item
3. an idiom
4. an eraser
We use the for definite nouns (something that have already been
mentioned/ sesuatu yang sudah disebut sebelumnya).
Example: I live in a small house. The house is comfortable.
1. She is a zookeeper.
2. This is an eagle named Ares, the eagle is not bald.
(singular noun/ kata benda tunggal)
3. Some visitors greet a zookeeper. The visitors look so happy.
(plural noun/ kata benda jamak)
Mengapa a university bukan an?
Jawaban: Memang seharusnya kalo huruf a ketemu vokal jadinya "an" .
Tapi ada pengecualian, misalnya : university kan dibacanya "yuniversiti"
nah huruf awalnya jadi y (konsonan). Maka jadi "a university" bukan "an
E. Pronouns (kata ganti)
Pronouns (kata ganti) merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan
kata benda (noun) dalam bahasa Inggris, dan pronouns  terbagi menjadi
beberapa macam sesuai dengan fungsinya.
Possessive Possessive
Subject Adjectives Pronouns Object Reflexive
Menunjukkan Kepemilikan
I My … Mine Me Myself
You Your … Yours You Yourself
We Our … Ours Us Ourselves
They Their … Theirs Them Themselves
He His … His Him Himself
She Her … Hers Her Herself
It Its … Its It Itself
Arti Kata
1.Subject Pronouns (kata ganti orang/ benda pada posisi subjek)
Subject Pronouns Arti Kata
He Dia (perempuan tunggal)
She Dia (laki – laki tunggal)
It Ini
I Aku/ saya
You Kamu
We Kami/ Kita
They Mereka
2. Object Pronouns (kata ganti orang/ benda pada posisi objek)
Object Pronouns Arti Kata
Him Dia (perempuan tunggal)
her Dia (laki – laki tunggal)
It Ini
me Aku/ saya
you Kamu
us Kami/ Kita
them Mereka
3.Possessive Adjective (penunjuk sifat kepemilikan)
Possessive Pronouns Arti Kata
his ... ...nya (Dia (perempuan tunggal))
her ... ...nya (Dia (laki – laki tunggal))
it ... ...nya (benda)
my ... ...ku
your ...
our ... Kami/ Kita
their ... Mereka
His miliknya (Dia (perempuan tunggal))
hers miliknya (Dia (laki – laki tunggal))
its miliknya (benda)
mine milikku
yours milikmu
ours milik kami/ kita
theirs milik mereka
4.Arti kata dari Reflexive Pronouns (menjelaskan sesuatu untuk diri sendiri)
Reflekxive Pronouns Arti Kata
Himself Diri sendiri (laki – laki tunggal)
Herself Diri sendiri (perempuan tunggal)
itself Diri sendiri (hewan/ benda)
Myself Diriku sendiri
Yourself Dirimu sendiri
Oursef Diri kami/ kita sendiri
Themselves Diri mereka sendiri
F. Has/ Have
Joe has a new pen.  We have two cars.
(Singular Subject) (Plural Subject)

Cara menyatakan alamat

1. I live at Jalan Kilimanjaro number 24, Depok, Jakarta. (Note: selamat
menyatakan alamat disertai nomor rumah preposition
menggunakan at)
2. I live on Jalan Anggrek, Bukittinggi.
3. I live in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
In on At
in January
Days of the week:
on Monday
in spring Clock times:
Days + parts of days:
Years: at 7.30 a.m. / at 5
on Tuesday afternoon /
in 2015 o’clock
on Saturday mornings
Centuries: Festivals:
in the 20th century at Christmas / at Easter
on November 22nd
Times of day: Exceptions:
Special days:
in the morning at night / at the
on my birthday / on
Longer periods of weekend
New Year’s Eve
in the past / in the
1990s / in the holidays
I. Complete “has” or “have” into correct sentence!
 Joe ... a new pen.
(Singular Subject)
Joe has a new pen.
 I … two cars.
(Plural Subject)
Joe have a new pen.
J. “There is …”/ “There are …”
There is a card on the desk.
(Singular Noun Phrase)
There are many students in the library.
(Plural Noun Phrase)
K. Dialogues of “There is …”/ “There are …”
 A: Is an invitation card on the desk?
(Singular Noun Phrase)
B: Yes, there is.
 A: Are many invitation cards on the desk?
(Plural Noun Phrase)
B: Yes, there are.
L. Demonstrative Pronouns: This is/ That is, These are/
Those are
We use them to show the relative distance between us and the nouns.
this is for a singular object near us.
these is for plural objects near us.
that is for a singular object away from us
those is for plural objects away from us.
M. Family Tree
1. Parent = Orang tua
2. Father = Ayah
3. Mother = Ibu
4. Children = Anak – anak
5. Child = anak
6. Son = Anak Laki-laki
7. Daughter = Anak Perempuan
8. Brother = Saudara Laki-laki
9. Sister = Saudara Perempuan
10. Uncle = Paman
11. Aunt = Bibi
12. Cousin = Saudara Sepupu
13. Nephew = Kemenakan Laki-laki
14. Niece = Kemenakan Perempuan
15. Grandchild = Cucu
16. Grandson = Cucu Laki-laki
17. Granddaughter = Cucu perempuan
18. Husband = Suami
19. Wife = Istri
20. Mother in-law = Ibu Mertua
21. Father in-law = Ayah Mertua
22. Sister in-law = Ipar Perempuan
23. Brother in-law = Ipar Laki-laki
24. Son in-law = Menantu Laki-laki
25. Daughter in-law = Menantu Perempuan
26. Step Mother = Ibu tiri
27. Step father = Ayah tiri
N. Date and Time
Morning Afternoon Evening Night

00:01 - 11.59 12:01 - 18:00 18:01 - 22:00 22:01 - 23.59

1 to 11.59 am 12.01 to 6 pm 6.01 to 10 pm 10.01 to 11.59 pm

12 o'clock is noon (daytime) or midnight (night).

The days of the week:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
The months of the year:
January February March April May June
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
July August September October November December
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Expressing the year:
How we write
2008 1900 1959 2000
the year
How we say Nineteen Nineteen The year
thousand and
the year hundred fifty-nine 2000
Expressing the date:
How we write August 12th,
1st January 2004 07/09/1959
the date 2003
The seventh
How we say The first of August the
of September
the date January 2004 12th 2003
September seventh nineteen fifty nine
For single days and dates we use on.
I was born on the 7th of the month.
For months we use in.
I was born in September.
My birthday is on September the 7th.
O. Simple Present Tense
1. The simple present: Verb

Subject Predicate
Singular Subject
He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ that Verb I (Verb I + s/ es)

(+) She goes to school today.

(−) She does not go to school today.
Plural Subject
Verb I
they/we/ I/ you
(+) We go to school today.
(−) We do not go to school today.
2. The simple present: to be

Subject Predicate
Singular Subject Is
He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ that
(+) She is at school today.
(−) She is not at school today.
Plural Subject Are
they/we/ you
(+) We are at school today.
(−) We are not go to school today.
I Am
(+) I am at school today.
(−) I am not go to school today.
P. Simple Past Tense
1. The simple present: Verb

Subject Predicate
Singular Subject
He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ that
Verb II
Plural Subject
they/we/ I/ you
(+) We went to school today.
(−) We do not go to school today.
2. The simple present: to be
Subject Predicate
Singular Subject was
He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ that
(+) She is at school today.
(−) She is not at school today.
Plural Subject were
they/we/ I/ you
(+) We are at school today.
(−) We are not go to school today.

3. The simple past negative

He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ was not Adj/
that were n
they/ we/ I/
Example: She n
you does not walk to school everyday.
She did not walk to school yesterday.
Mia is not in Geneva. Mia was not in Geneva.

He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/

did not Verb1
they/ we/ I/
Example: Iyou
did not walk to school yesterday.
4. The simple present: yes/ no question
was He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/ adj/
were They/ we/ I/
Example: Mia was inyou
Geneva. -Was Mia in Geneva?
Were you in Geneva?
He/ she/ Mia/ it/ this/
Did that verb1
They/ we/ I/

Example: Did you goyou

to Geneva?
He/ Verb 1 (+-s/ She walks to school
sh -es) everyday.
does not Verb1 She does not walk to school
Adj/ noun// everyday. Mia is not in
is Mia is in
Is He/ adj/ noun/ India.
Is Mia in India.
Does Verb 1 adverb Does she walk
to school
e/ everyday?
They Verb 1 I walk to school
e do not Verb 1 everyday.
I do not walk to school
y What/
They everyday.
Wherare/ am Adj/He/ she/
noun/ Adj/
You are in / You are not in
am I is/ does
am,Verb 1adj/ noun/
adverb we/ I/ noun/
Do Are
Am you
I inin
is she?
/ Mia
5. The simple past: information question
What Where
was/ He It
Who Why
dShe Thi Verb 1
When How. Mia
Example: Where was she?
Where did she walk?

What Where
Who Why Were they/ we/ I/ Verb1
When How. / you
Example: Where were they?

Study - studied

Q. Yes/ No Question

Yes/ No Question
Kalimat Tanya dengan jawaban yes atau no
Yes/ No question adalah kalimat Tanya (pertanyaan) yang membutuhkan
jawaban yes (ya) or no (tidak).
Menggunakan is, am dan are dalam kalimat tidak memiliki verb (kata kerja)

to be Subject
(kata bantu) Is your book thick?
noun Yes, it is
Is he/ she/ it
adjective Am I beautiful?
Yes, I am
Am I adverb Are they healthy?
Yes, they are
Are they/ we/ you

Mengunakan do/ does dalam kalimat yang memiliki verb (kata kerja)

to be Subject
(kata bantu) noun Do they go to school?
 Yes, they do
Do they/ I/ adjective Does she go to school?
we/ you adverb  Yes, She does
Does he/ she/ it

1. Yes/ no question dengan menggunakan to be (kata bantu) is, am dan

 (is, am or are) he a student?
(Singular Subject)
Is he a student?
 (is, am or are) they a student?
(Plural Subject)
Are they a student?
2. Write a short reply for each question!
 Is he a student?
(Singular Subject)
Yes, he is. // No, he is not. // No, he isn’t
 Are they a student?
(Plural Subject)
Yes, they are. // No, they are not. // No, they aren’t.
3. Yes/ no question dengan menggunakan do or does
 (do or does) mother cook breakfast?
(Singular Subject)
Does mommy cook breakfast?

 (do or does) the chefs cook breakfast?

(Plural Subject)
Do the chef cook breakfast?
4. Write a short reply for each question!
 Does mommy cook breakfast?
(Singular Subject)
Yes, he does. // No, he does not. // No, he doesn’t
 Do the chef cook breakfast?
(Plural Subject)
Yes, they do. // No, they do not. // No, they don’t.
R. Wh/ How Question

Wh/ How Question

Kalimat Tanya untuk meminta informasi
Yes/ No question adalah kalimat Tanya (pertanyaan) untuk meminta
1 What: apa What is your name?
2 Who: Siapa Who’s that woman?
Who’s: Who is
3 Why: Mengapa/ Kenapa Why do like English?
4 Where: Dimana Where do you live?
5 When: Kapan When do you go to my house?
6 How: Bagaimana How do you answer the math test?
7 How much: Berapa banyak How much money do you have?
8 How many: Berapa banyak How many books do you have?
9 How often: seberapa sering How often do you go sport?
10 Which: yang mana Which one do you like?

Menggunakan is, am dan are dalam kalimat tidak memiliki verb (kata kerja)
to be Subject
What (kata bantu) Do they go to
Where Is he/ she/ noun school?
Who it  Yes, they do
adjective Does she go to
When Am I adverb school?
How Are they/  Yes, She does
we/ you
Mengunakan do/ does dalam kalimat yang memiliki verb (kata kerja)
Auxialary Subject
What verb Do they go to school?
Where (kata bantu)  Yes, they do
Do they/ I/ Verb Does she go to
we/ you school?
Does he/ she/  Yes, She does
1. Penggunaan (what, where, who, why, when or how) in the bracket
and (do or does) after that!
 … is he? He is a student.
(Singular Subject) (accupation/ pekerjaan)
What is he? He is a student.
 … are they? They are student..
(Plural Subject)
What are they? They are student.
2. Write question about the words in bold.
 He drink juice.
(Singular Subject)
 What does he drink?
S. Expression (Asking for Identity)
No Expression Response/ Answer
1 Where do you study? I Study at SMP N 1 Ampel.
Dimana kamu bersekolah? Saya sekolah di SMP N 1 Ampel
2 Who is the girl? She is my sister.
Siapa gadis itu? Dia adalah saudara perempuanku?
3 Where do you come from? I come from Palu.
Dari manakah asalmu? Saya berasal dari Palu.
4 What is your hobby? My hobby is cooking.
Apa hobimu? Hobiku adalah memasak.
5 What is your mother? My mother is a house wife.
Apa pekerjaan ibumu? Ibuku seorang ibu rumah tangga.
6 What does your father do? My father is a teacher.
Apa pekerjaan ayahmu? Ayahku seorang guru
7 Where do you live? I live in Boyolali, Central Java
Dimana tempat tinggalmu? Saya tinggal di Boyolali, Jawa
T. Imperative Sentense (Kalimat Perintah)
Fungsi: Command/ Instruction (perintah),
Prohibition(larangan) and Caution (himbauan)
Observe the spartan!
Don’t touch me!, no smoking!, don’t enter!, No parking, staff only
Caution: wet floor, keep silent
Baca dan pahami dengan baik kemudian salin dibuku
tulis masing – masing dengan rapi


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Sering, Jarang, dan Kadang dalam Bahasa Inggris", Klik untuk
Penulis : Risky Guswindari
Editor : Nibras Nada Nailufar

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