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College of Nursing – Valenzuela City

PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Nursing STUDENT NAME


Care of Mother and Child at Risk or Problems
(Acute and Chronic)


EXPECTED OUTCOME : The student should be able to perform wound care and dressing correctly
ASSESSMENT TASK : Return Demonstration

Exceptional Good Average Poor

Assessment Dimension SCORE
(3) (2) (1) (0)
1.Verify the order. Verified the doctor’s Verified the Verified the Failed to verify
order properly and doctor’s order doctor’s order the doctor’s
accurately. with minimal improperly and order.
error. inaccurately.
Observed principles Hand washing Hand washing Hand washing
2. Hand washing of medical hand was done with was done with was not done.
washing. minimal errors. maximal errors.
3. Prepare the equipment Gathered materials Gathered Gathered Failed to gather
needed (tissue forcep, clean needed completely. materials with materials with all materials
disposable gloves, cotton little time more time needed.
balls, tape, antiseptic
preparation. preparation.
solution, if any, plastic
disposable bag.).
Greeted and Performed the Performed one Failed to greet
identified patient by two (2) ways of (1) way of and identify
asking his/her name identifying identifying patient.
4.Greet and identify the and checking his/her patient. patient.
patient. ID band politely.

Explained procedure Explained Explained Failed to

5. Explain the procedure. and its purpose to procedure but procedure but in explain
Assist the client procedure the client clearly and lacks some an unclear procedure and
will cause no discomfort. completely with details. manner. its purpose.
client’s consent.
Provided privacy Provided privacy Provided privacy Failed to
during the entire but not in the but was provide privacy.
6. Provide privacy if the procedure. entire observed only at
client’s desire. procedure. times.

7. Assist client to a Properly and skillfully Placed client Placed client Failed to
comfortable position. positioned the client comfortably and comfortably and positioned
comfortably. in any in any client properly
preferable preferable and
position with position with comfortably.
less supervision. maximum
8. Apply clean exam gloves. Performed the proce- Performed the Performed the Failed to
Remove dressing and place dure with ease. procedure with procedure with perform the
in appropriate receptacle. little error. some errors. procedure.
Observe the undressed

9. Cleanse around the Performed the proce- Performed the Performed the Failed to
incision with warm, wet dure with ease. procedure with procedure with perform the
washcloth. minimal maximal procedure.
9.1. Cleanse the suture line supervision. supervision.
with prescribed solution
9.2. Used applicators should
not be reintroduced into the
sterile solution.

10. Removed used exam Performed the proce- Performed the Performed the Failed to
gloves. Wash hands. Set up dure with ease. procedure with procedure with perform the
supplies. little errors. some errors. procedure.

11. Apply a new pair of clean Performed the proce- Performed the Performed the Failed to
exam gloves. Grasping just dure with ease. procedure with procedure with perform the
the edges, apply a new little error. some errors. procedure.
gauze dressing. Tape lightly.

12. Remove gloves and Performed the proce- Performed the Performed the Failed to
wash hands. Conduct dure with ease. procedure with procedures with perform the
client/family education about minimal errors. maximal errors. procedure.
the dressing.

Documented the Some of the Most of the Documentation

information about details of details of was not done.
the procedure procedure were procedure were
13. Documentation
properly and not not
completely. documented. documented.

OVERALL SCORE: ______________

Target Raw Score: 29 out of 39. If raw score is less than 29, repeat the return demonstration.


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