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NSTP 1 (2560) 10/03/21

Contextualize the 7 Environmental Principles to the Philippine Setting. Give concrete


1. Nature Knows Best

Mother Nature as we could say it is just a large laboratory. Nature has evolved
throughout the course of our 4.5 billion-year history, all living forms, processes,
methods, tools, techniques, and algorithms that have been time-tested and created as a
consequence of tests, trials, and optimization in the forms of evolution and adaptation

A tangible illustration of this is how many kinds of animals continue to live after
being subjected to near-cataclysmic catastrophes and even coexisting with mankind.
Every other species is a sophisticated biological system that has evolved to allow it to
thrive. Survivors pass on their traits and develop intricate biological systems that allow
them to flourish in their environment throughout time. This advancement enabled them
to adapt to a given environment. We may claim that extant species of our time have
been organized by nature to their best through the process of natural selection. Another
example is how we humans may use the miracles of adaptation to inspire us to create
our wonder. Trees stay upright and robust while being exposed to the forces of nature.
As a result, architects and engineers utilize trees as inspiration when designing building

You see, nature is an engineer and scientist by itself. Through creating complex
processes, it engineers every phenomenon and organism to its best. 
2. All forms of life are important

There is no doubt that humans, as the apex of all species, feel we are at the top of the
food chain and lords of the Earth. We might sometimes lose sight of the importance of
each organism and its place on the planet. No matter how little or unimportant an
organism appears to us, its life has a function.
Flies are an example of this. Despite their unappealing look, flies serve an important
function in preserving the ecological balance in our environment. It's no surprise they're
dubbed "Nature's Clean-up Crew." Flies and their larva help break down decaying
organic waste into its fundamental blocks, from rotting corpses to fecal matter.

3. Everything is connected to everything else.

From an ecological viewpoint, everything is linked in the sense that there is a complex
network of creatures, species, and environments that interact with one another to attain
An example of this, when your body comes into direct physical touch with the
ground, such as when you walk barefoot on the ground, free electrons, which are
abundant on the planet, enter your body. These free electrons are among the most
powerful antioxidants known to science. Another example is how bats pollinate plants;
they can do so because plants provide a benefit to the bat by providing food such as
insects or fruits. Bats, in turn, aid in the pollination and reproduction of the plant.
Everything in our world, both alive and nonliving, is in some manner related. Sometimes
the links are evident, sometimes they are subtle, and they are frequently unmeasurable
or untraceable. But the linkages exist, and they frequently impact us in ways we are
unaware of.
4. Everything changes. 

Nothing remains constant and everything changes. Everything in the known universe is
liable to change. 

There is a lot of change that we can observe in our surroundings. For example, in a
river, the path of the river appears to us to be stationary. However, the direction of the
flow may alter over time. Because of erosion and a variety of other causes. Another
example is related to our collective progress as a civilization. A resulting issue we face
is a growing population, which necessitates a large number of dwelling places. Because
of this, we utilize the resources given by nature. What was once a forest and a vibrant
ecology, today is a subdivision full of urban homes.

5. Everything must go somewhere.

According to the rule of conservation of energy, energy cannot be produced or

destroyed; it can only be changed from one type of energy to another. Concerning the
environment, nothing goes to waste, every single thing is used to sustain the needs of

Have you ever wondered what enables us to breathe? It is a waste product of plants
and organisms that can do photosynthesis. As a result, we create carbon dioxide, a
waste product of our system that serves as a vital nutrition source for such organisms.
We could wonder, "Where does our garbage go?" The solution is that it returns to
nature, ready to be reused.
6. Ours is a finite Earth.

To further comprehend this statement, we must first realize that it refers to the
resources that sustain life, not the planet itself.

Our resources are expected to run out first before that happens. Many resources
cannot be readily replenished by natural means at a rate fast enough to keep up with
demand. Our fuels are an example of a finite resource; fuels require time to produce
and cannot be produced in a single lifetime. It is made from the dead remains of
creatures and took thousands of years to create.

7. Nature is beautiful and wonderful, and we are stewards of God's creation.

Nature is a beautiful place; it is full of intricacy as well as beauty. All living forms and
their environment have an intrinsic purpose. The different processes of adaptation that
Nature subjected them to determine their purpose. As humans, we are the only animals
capable of reasoning and achieving sophisticated intellect. We might take on the role of
guardians and be accountable for the preservation of our natural environment.

We may become individuals who care about our environment by reducing our
negative effects on it. Humans live a life that is now governed by pollution. Individually,
we can care for our environment by stepping up efforts throughout the world to discover
newer and cleaner energy sources to power our houses, drive our automobiles, and
illuminate the night. The joint efforts have yielded results in a variety of ways. You may
assist by becoming active in conservation, volunteering, and maintaining in touch with
your local environmental government authorities.

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