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Name: Venus Rovie C.

Laque Subject: Purposive Communication

Course: BSHM1

Module 2 and Topic 1: MODES OF COMMUNICATION


Task 1: Comprehensive Questions: Instruction: Check your understanding of the input by

answering the following questions:

1. What are the different types of communication mode and how do they differ from each other?
ANSWER:The different types of communication mode are the following:face-to-face inter
action, video, audio and text-based.Face-to face interaction is the most common of all these
modes. It is casual and informal conversation between two or more people.Body languages and
facial expressions can be seen in this mode that is why it is more effective to use this method.Video
is useful because it help people communicate and reach out for each other despite the distance,
and this mode enable us to see the face and body of the people we want to interact,even
though we are not doing a face-to-face communication.On the audio mode, only the voice of
the speaker is heard.It is quite difficult because the body language and cues of the
person you are talking to I sun seen.Text-based communication includes email, text
messaging and instant messaging.This mode may not provide audio and video, but it has a wider
reach and can disseminate information to mass audiences quickly.

2. What are the other forms or modes of communication that have not been discussed and which
have recently become part of virtual communication technology?
ANSWER:The other modes of communication that have not been discussed
are:handwritten messages,typewritten messages,short telegrams,computer-encoded texts,landline
telephone conversations and audio/video recorded messages.

3. Explain Diana Wheatley’s quote and give one illustration:

“Meaning is made in conversation,
Reality is created in communication,
And knowledge is generated through social interaction…
Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the world.”
ANSWER:One time conversation may result to a much deeper connection.And through this
effective communication,how we picture out the world will change.A situation that fits this quote
is when two strangers with the same beliefs and values interact.Because the two of them
shared the same ideals and interests, it will be a successful communication and their bond will
be stronger and the will have the same understanding of our world.

4. As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of other
speakers in understanding the Philippines English variety that you use?
ANSWER:Other speakers of English may have difficulty in understanding the Philippine English
variety because of our accent.There are tendencies that we are unable to distinguish
the difference in the sound of /I/ and /i/, and the /th/ sound will be replaced by/d/.Also some of us
interchange /v/ with /b/ and /f/ with /p/.Our pronunciation makes it harder for other speaker of
English to understand us.
5. With the advent of computer-mediated communication or CMC, how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your own account as a way of conveying messages to the
ANSWER:Nowadays,we spend more time in social medias and a lot of people all around the globe
also use it. So we must think before we click, we should not post anything bad for it may reach to
anyone.Personal issues like when you have a misunderstanding and argument with someone, don't
post it in social media.When you have a lots of money,don't brag on social media.Your personal life
should be separated to your social media accounts.

Task 3: VIDEO AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION. Instruction. View a video conference from

Youtube titled “A video conference call in real life” by Tripp and Tyler (Ref: Then, answer the following questions:

1. What was the topic of the video conference?

The topic of the video conference is all about the financial reports of their company and the
updates of their project.

2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?

The participants are Paul,Tyler, Beth,John,David and Tripp.They are from their own homes
and some are on the hotel and some are stuck in traffic.

3. How was the flow of the video conference?

It was not good.Everything is a mess, they did not have a successful
communication.There are so many noises and distractions present.
4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?
There are many technical glitches encountered.It was not resolved immediately that is why the
result of the video conference is an miscommunication.
5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the constraints of
this communication mode?
Technical glitches due to poor internet connection, network instability and also time
lag.Because the people involved in the video conference are on their own homes, they do
unusual stuffs that may seem unprofessional.

TASK 4. AUDIO AS A MODE OF COMMUNICATION. Instruction. Listen to the four recorded

telephone conversations your teacher will pay. Identify the caller and the callee and analyse the context
of the conversations. As you listen to the conversations, provide the information called for by filling in
the table below.

1 2 3 4
Topic Asking Telephone Telephone Telephone
Information Etiquette Call:Formal
through the phone Conversation
Telephone The caller asked The caller was The caller asked The caller
Conversation the callee if asked by the callee the callee if she
if he is dark or can tell him the the timeline
she came into their light, he ICU visiting hours
shop and answered that he and the caller proposal
is West African wants to know
asked about a requested if
sepia, like a the lab test of a
catalogue for
brunette.His body patient and the
can speed it
computer parts are not callee transferred
games.He asked entirely black.He his call to the callee said
for said to the lab.There was a
callee"Madam why noise barrier but would be
her address so he don't you see for the callee and
can deliver yourself?'' caller had an for they ha
the catalogue to communication for other m
her house and and they are
polite and used arrive.The c
the callee asked
for his curtsy.
if they ca
number because
their supplied
according to
her she have so callee refuse
and said
questions about
computer quality product

games. from their

supplier and

change the

they will be

square one.They

asked if the

deliver the
supplier in

Friday and

said ''No problem”

Variety of English California English British English Indian English Hong kong
Used English
Callee Tina Madam Nurse Frankie

Variety of English California English West African Indian English British English
Used English
Caller Mr.Alex Wilis Wole Soyinka Man Steven Davis

TASK 5. TEXT-BASED COMMUNICATION. Instruction: Identify the type of text-based

communication mode that best suits the following situations. Explain why. Write your answer on the
blank after each item.

1. Disseminating information about the change in examination schedule

Facebook wall status and Messenger's Group Messaging would be the most appropriate because it
is faster and convenient.It will be accessible to everyone because it is widely used by the students.

2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of university
One may announce this type of information in a school bulletin or in a social media posts so that
students will be aware of the new policy.

3. Explaining why the student failed in the test

This can be done trough email or personal message because dissemination of information in this
situation should be private.

4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming

Handwritten letter would be best in this situation because it can convey your
sincerity.Apologizing through this means is much more meaningful than sent text
messages or private message.

5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum

A Group Messenger would be best for this.Just like when a teacher announce to her/his class that
they will be having a lecture it is best to announce it to a messenger group so the students can
reach it quickly.

6. Explaining why you failed to attend the class activity

It would be best to personal message or email the teacher/instructor. Information's like this
should be private.

7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for the Aetas in Tarlac
It would be best to message the Messenger Group of the class to inform the entire class about
this community service program.It is more convenient than messaging personally everyone in
the class.

8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon

It would be best to post information like this to the Facebook page of the school so that
everyone will be informed immediately.
9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher
An email would be best for this situation.Emailing is a formal and better mode
to announce this kind of information.

10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping a pornographic magazine

It would be best to reprimand the student through email and private messaging because this
matter should be discussed in private.


Instruction: Bring out to class three to four clippings or print-outs of cartoons that show the use
of technology today. In groups, discuss the following questions:

1. What ideas about technology do the cartoons present?

ANSWER: the newest thing that people may reduce their stress and works
2. Do these cartoons present positive or negative ideas about technology?

Be ready to present your discussions to the class.

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