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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the structural frame
2. Apply the structural frame to your personal case situation

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I am the project manager for ComNet Communications. I am responsible for managing

and directing project work. In addition, I manage audio-visual technology integrations.
As part of my job duty, I assigned resources with the necessary experience and skills for
task assignments. The resources I assign to the project team are shared resources from
other divisions within the company. Sharing resources often causes conflict.

ComNet has two distinct operating divisions. The established structured cabling side of
the business and the newly formed audio-visual integration side. Comment simple
hierarchy should be reframed into dual authority or an all-channel network. The hierarchy
creates silos. Operations services the structured cabling side of the business, and the
business managers have mandated that resources for structured cabling (SC) and audio-
visual should be kept separate. For example, the warehouse clerk is technically a shared
resource but falls under the purview of SC.

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

ComNet’s simple structure has two levels: the strategic apex and the operating level
(Bolman & Deal, 2021). The director of ComNet’s business unit has restricted operations
from allocating resources to AV. Although the director can be flexible and adapt, the
chosen path is to block and stifle change to the structure.

The director’s actions influence the situation and fan the fire of conflict. From the
direction of management, operations are shirking their responsibilities to maintain quality
for ComNet’s customers. Management’s bureaucracy leads to structural dilemmas such
as responsiveness versus unresponsive; in this case, its both. It is irresponsible to allow
silos to exist in organizations. Turning down requests for operational assistance and
sharing resources perpetuates bureaucratic rigidity (Bolman & Deal, 2021). Furthermore,
as the siloed divisions become unresponsive, performance suffers.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action
regarding your case.

ComNet has several challenges to overcome before it can begin its transformation. First,
the company must reframe its strategy to include the newly formed AV division. The
reframing needs to examine its current structure and design a structure that works for the
organization. The core process is at the heart of the conflict.

SC sends all equipment and materials directly to the site, where AV needs to order and
bring them into the warehouse, which requires warehouse operations. The current
operations manager limits the time the clerk spends on AV projects. So, scheduling and
managing the resources is a challenge.

I would use the model or develop a hybrid of Helgensen’s Web of Inclusion (HWI) or
Adhocracy. Using HWI would focus on nurturing good relationships (Bolman & Deal,
2021). Organizations and their teams do appreciate hierarchical structure while at the
same time engaging in loose and flexible connected with lateral means. Adhocracy, if
well managed, will avoid pitfalls yet be flexible enough to adjust to construction projects
riddled with change orders. A balance between HWI and Adhocracy would protect the
organization from failing.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

ComNet is siloed. SC is mature and well-established. However, the AV project

environments can quickly change. Client changes to system design or changes to
construct action configurations initiate change throughout the entire project. I learned that
ad hoc structures could benefit organizations where managing change for their clients is
central to delivering professional project management services.

However, ComNet operates with a simple structure, a traditional top-down pyramid.

Helgesen’s Web of inclusion can add a new dimension to the conventional line staff
(Bolmen & Deal, 2021). HWI focuses on nurturing good relationships, which reflects the
leader-member exchange theory (LMX). The structure becomes more circular than
hierarchical, changing anyone’s role. HWI Web’s center and its periphery are
interconnected. When procurement orders equipment, the project team is selected,
operations assign technicians, and the warehouse prepares to receive, inventory, and
manage material for the job. These functions are interconnected and would benefit from
the HWI structure.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and

Leadership (7th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

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