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Genetic Mutation

Syndrome/Disease Type of Mutation Symptoms/Manifestations

Beta thalassemia Insertion They do not gain weight and grow at the
- a blood disorder that reduces the expected rate (failure to thrive) and may
production of hemoglobin develop yellowing of the skin and whites of
the eyes (jaundice).
Cystic Fibrosis Deletion sinus infections, poor growth, fatty
- The most common genetic stool, clubbing of the fingers and toes,
abnormality causing cystic and infertility in most males.
fibrosis involves the deletion of just
three DNA bases (a codon) from the
CFTR gene.
Sickle cell anemia Substitution Anemia, pain, swelling of hands and feet,
- an inherited red blood cell disorder frequent infections, delayed growth or
in which there aren't enough healthy puberty, vision problems
red blood cells to carry oxygen
throughout your body.
Chromosomal Mutation

Syndrome/Disease Type of Symptoms/Manifestations

Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome Inversion dysmorphic features, including
- is a rare cause of X-linked relative macrocephaly, hypertelorism,
intellectual disability and downslanted palpebral fissures, prominent
associated anomalies in males due forehead with frontal hair upsweep, and broad
to a mutation in the MED12 gene thumbs and halluces.
located at chromosome Xq13.
Cri du chat syndrome Deletion high-pitched cat-like cry, mental retardation,
- rare genetic disorder caused by delayed development, distinctive facial features,
missing pieces on a particular small head size (microcephaly), widely-
chromosome. spaced eyes (hypertelorism), low birth
weight and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in
Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome Duplication severe intellectual disability, poor muscle tone,
- usually caused by the presence of an "coarse" facial features, and a prominent
abnormal extra chromosome forehead. They tend to have a very thin upper lip,
12 called isochromosome 12p.
with a thicker lower lip and a short nose.
Down Syndrome Trinomy 21 flattened face, almond shape eyes that slant up,
- babies with Down syndrome have short neck, small ears, a tongue that tends to
an extra copy of one of these stick out, tiny white spots on the iris, small hands
chromosomes, chromosome 21. and feet
Klinefelter Syndrome Klinefelter Taller than average stature, longer legs, shorter
- is a genetic condition that results torso and broader hips, absent, delayed or
when a boy is born with an extra incomplete puberty, small firm testicles, small
copy of the X chromosome. penis, enlarged breast tissue
Turner Syndrome Turner Short stature and non-functioning ovaries which
- a condition that affects only causes infertility, some may also have extra skin
females, results when one of the X on the neck, puffiness or swelling of hands and
chromosomes (sex chromosomes) feet, skeletal abnormalities, heart defects, high
is missing or partially missing. blood pressure, kidney problems

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