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Elma, Ray Allen A.

Tomas Claudio Colleges 03/16/2022

So, what I felt towards the documentary I watched entitled “Salat” or poverty in English
was so heartbreaking and alarming. It was shown in the film about people who suffered from
malnutrition and a mother with her children were being highlighted on the said documentary
film. Her one child, a girl, was currently studying in elementary and she had this severe
malnutrition condition which caused her difficulties sometimes in paying attention during class
discussions. Might as well to her other children who also had the same condition. These children
were so unlucky that they experienced the cruelty of life even at a young age. Well, it’s not their
fault why they were in that state of condition. It was their parent’s fault why they were suffering
tremendous difficulties in life. After knowing that they slept through the night with empty
stomachs, my heart was literally shattered into pieces. I can’t imagine if I were in their situation,
I would rather lose hope of pursuing life. But with them I can see that they were striving hard to
survive each day. However, people were thoughtful that they were able to make action towards
this kind of societal issue. Such as the school wherein one of the children featured in the
documentary was extending their service to those malnourished children by conducting feeding
program. And some organizations as well in the community where they lived were also
conducting the same program while supplementing them vitamins that will provide nutrients in
their bodies at the same time. Despite hardships in life, we could always find a way to solve our
dilemmas and misfortunes. I could definitely say that feeding program would be the best possible
way to end malnutrition or if not at least lessen its increasing rate in the country. I would also
like to add that one thing a person suffers from poverty is that having unstable job or no job at
all. It was emphasized in the documentary that the mother settled only for 20-40 pesos as an
exchange for her effort in peeling those garlics in the neighborhood. I somehow realized that the
government should offer vocational jobs for the people who didn’t finish their education so they
can somehow earn money for a living and provide to their family. I mean if we only look for the
real problems in our society nobody will be left behind. On the other hand, with regards to
malnutrition, no one should leave remains in their plates because not everyone is able to eat as
much as the food, we intake on a daily basis. We should learn to be contented in simple things
and appreciate life that we have right now. If we think that our problems are depressing, please
know that there are people who suffer much as we do. I hope that feeding program will be
implemented consistently all over the country so we could end malnutrition and may those who
are in authorities provide jobs for unemployed or uneducated individuals in order to end poverty
in our country as well.

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