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The Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world because of

its high population. Every year many women become pregnant and the
reason is lack of education or family planning. And because of lack of family
planning the children or the whole family will suffer from poverty. This
documentary I've had been watching shows how people survive in everyday
life. The father of the family died because of a gun and the mother became a
mother and a father to them and has a responsibility to take care of her
children but sad to say the mother is busy finding money to buy food for them.
There is no one in her family was working because her husband died. The
place was chaotic, there were many riots and many deaths so it is not safe to
live there but they have no choice because they cannot afford to go
somewhere. I felt sad because many children suffer in poverty and it causes
them to a severely malnourished and it causes different diseases. This
documentary is like the teenage pregnancy we watch because they go to
sleep if they don't have food. I felt sad about this because at a young age they
suffer a lot like lack of nutritious food which is very important in our health. I
admire how Mary grace wants to go to school even if she didn't eat but she
felt dizzy while studying because of hungry. I admire her also because she
wants to finish her studies and wants to get out of that place. I like how people
help them with a feeding program. This program was implemented not to
solve poverty but to teach the parents what is the right thing to do. The
characteristics of a Filipino I value are helping each other, family first, and
resilient because they want to be with their family even if they experience
poverty and they always manage to survive in difficulties. Life is all about
surviving so we need to be strong to face any circumstances in life. The
connection of this documentary in the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) is to teach us how to value what we have and be helpful to others,
especially to those people who experience poverty.

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