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S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Date: ______________
Subject Teacher: FLORDELIZ C. ATON ____________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian over Printed Name
General instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which refers to the source of knowledge?

A. Information B. Literacy C. Media D. Technology
2. Which refers to the knowledge, data or instruction delivered through signals or symbols?
A. Information B. Literacy C. Media D. Technology
3. Which refers to a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and can locate,
evaluate and use the needed information effectively?
A. Communication Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Media Literacy
4. Which refer to the ability to access, analyze and communicate information in a variety of forms, including print and
non-print messages?
A. Communication Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Information Literacy D. Media Literacy
5. Which refers to incorrect information that circulates through various media?
A. Fake News B. Fiction C. Literature D. Research
6. Which refers to the transformation of the means of communication for humans?
A. Evolution of Media C. Influence of Media
B. Media Convergence D. Media Role and Functions
7. At which age did people develop machine tools for communication?
A. Digital Age B. Industrial Age C. Information Age D. Pre-Industrial Age
8. At which age did long distance communication became more efficient?
A. Digital Age B. Electronic Age C. Information Age D. Pre-Industrial Age
9. Which is a role and function of media that pertains to it bridging the gap between a digital divide?
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
10. Which is a role and function of media that pertains to serving as storage for information?
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
11. Which is a role and function of media that involves criticizing or praising the operations of the three branches of
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
12. Which type of media requires airwaves and sound effects to deliver information?
A. New Media B. Print C. Radio Broadcast D. Television Broadcast
13. Which type of media involves the use of ink and paper to deliver information?
A. New Media B. Print C. Radio Broadcast D. Television Broadcast
14. Which type of media allows the distribution of information through digital platform?
A. New Media B. Print C. Radio Broadcast D. Television Broadcast
15. Which refers to the co-existence of tradition and new media?
A. Broadcast Media B. Media Convergence C. New Media D. Print Media
16. Which refers to the source of information that are highly credible because of proximity?
A. Library B. Indigenous media B. Internet D. Secondary Sources
17. Which refers to the disparities in the access to telephones, personal computers and internet across certain
demographic groups?
A. Digital Divide B. Computer Addiction C. Cyberbullying D. Plagiarism
18. Which is an act of borrowing the ideas or works of others without acknowledgement?
A. Computer Addiction B. Cyberbullying C. Digital Divide D. Plagiarism
19. Which refers to the act of causing harm or harassment using electronic means?
A. Computer Addiction B. Cyberbullying C. Digital Divide D. Plagiarism
20. Which is a state of being dangerously dependent on electronic devices?
A. Computer Addiction B. Cyberbullying C. Digital Divide D. Plagiarism
21. Which refers to the creator of media content?
A. Audience B. Media C. Message D. Producer
22. Which refers to the consumer of media content?
A. Audience B. Media C. Message D. Producer
23. Which pertains to any information passed on through communication?
A. Audience B. Media C. Message D. Producer
24. Which pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions that media and information
professionals may select and use in communicating ideas, information and knowledge?
A. Audience B. Message C. Language D. Producer
25. Which type of code makes use of equipment to aid or put emphasis on media content?
A. Artistic Code B. Symbolic Code C. Tactical Code D. Technical Code
26. Which of the following was used as media for storage during Pre-Industrial Age?
A. Books B. Cloud C. Flash Drive D. Papyrus
27. Which of the following was used as media for communication during the Electronic Age?
A. Newspaper B. Personal Computer C. Telephone D. Smart Phones
28. Which of the following was used as media for broadcast communication during the Industrial Age?
A. Newspaper B. Radio C. Television D. Youtube
29. Which of the following was used as media for storage during the Information Age?
A. Cloud B. Compact Disc C. Paper D. Stone
30. A reporter gathers facts about an alleged malpractice of a court judge and presents an expose about it. Which role
and function of media is manifested in this scenario?
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
31. A library is where books, encyclopedia and other resource materials are stored and made available for students to
access. Which role and function of media is manifested in this scenario?
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
32. A smart phone is one of the most useful product of technology as it allows friends and family to keep in
constant contact. Which role and function of media is manifested in this scenario?
A. Advocate B. Channel C. Resource Center D. Watchdog
33. What type of media is Spotify?
A. New Media B. Print C. Radio Broadcast D. Television Broadcast
34. Which is NOT a consequence of computer addiction?
A. Jail time B. Isolation C. Sleeplessness D. Sedentary Lifestyle
35. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for avoiding plagiarism?
A. Use the style manual in properly citing sources.
B. Copy and paste statements as they are written in the original text.
C. Put quotation marks around everything that comes directly from a text and cite a source.
D. Paraphrase, but be sure that you are not simply rearranging or replacing a few words and cite the source.
36. How does media and information literacy help combat fake news?
A. A literate individual will know how to share information.
B. A literate individual will know who to share information with.
C. A literate individual will scrutinize information before sharing.
D. A literate individual will know how to gather information.
37. Why is it important to understand media evolution?
A. To know the origin of media.
B. To appreciate the progress of media.
C. To know how to use media.
D. To identify the important dates for media.
38. How does knowing the types of media help in becoming media and information literate?
A. Knowledge of media types equips a person with skills in creating media content.
B. Knowledge of media types reminds a person of the changes that media went through.
C. Knowledge of media types allows a person to determine which to use when necessary.
D. Knowledge of media types helps a person determine which sources deliver accurate and reliable information.
39. How does symbolic and technical codes affect media content?
A. Media language adds aesthetic value to media content.
B. Media language directly communicates the message of the media content.
C. Media language aids comprehension and intensifies the impact of media content.
D. Media language randomly adds comedic and dramatic value to media content.
40. Why must knowledge be considered a responsibility?
A. With knowledge, a person can get whatever he or she wants.
B. Knowledge can be used to improve or destroy the lives of people.
C. Knowledge takes time and effort to acquire.
D. Knowledge is a necessity to lead a normal life.

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