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Talent Management in the 21st Century

The workplace continues to experience rapid change as a result of globalization, new

technologies, and shifting employee expectations. Operational silos are increasingly blurred
and traditional hierarchies flattened. Decades ago, talent management and talent
development (then workplace learning and performance) were distinct functions. Today,
senior leaders are increasingly seeing the value of uniting the two to achieve the greatest
impact on employee performance and the bottom line.
Organizations that understand the purpose and practices of effective talent development—
and its role within talent management—will be well positioned for the world of work in the
21st century. ATD is pleased to continue leading the profession through this evolution,
empowering professionals to develop talent in the workplace and, ultimately, to create a
world that works better.

The workplace continues to experience rapid change as a result of globalization, new

technologies, and shifting employee expectations. Operational silos are increasingly blurred
and traditional hierarchies flattened. Decades ago, talent management and talent
development (then workplace learning and performance) were distinct functions. Today,
senior leaders are increasingly seeing the value of uniting the two to achieve the greatest
impact on employee performance and the bottom line.
Organizations that understand the purpose and practices of effective talent development—
and its role within talent management—will be well positioned for the world of work in the
21st century. ATD is pleased to continue leading the profession through this evolution,
empowering professionals to develop talent in the workplace and, ultimately, to create a
world that works better.

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