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EDUC3030 Language Learning Technology

and Materials

 Taught: Semester 2 View timetable

 Credits: 20
 Class Size: 35
 Module Manager: Dr James Simpson
 Email:
 This Module is approved as a Discovery Module
 This module replaces EDUC3011, EDUC3012

Discovery module overview

Module Summary

Are you thinking about language teaching at some point in your career? Want to keep
up with the latest trends in methodology, and make classes motivating for your
students? In this module we look at the design and use of ICT resources in language
teaching and learning. We also consider criteria for selecting and evaluating web-based
material for particular pedagogic purposes. You will have the opportunity to gain
practical experience of designing language learning materials with ICTs, using the
media discussed and examined in this module.
The module is taught with seminars throughout semester 2. Sessions take place on
Monday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm, and are very hands-on, with demonstrations of
particular uses of technology and the creation of materials. The assessment consists of
a portfolio of teaching materials illustrating different uses of technology and a 3,000
word assignment in which you discuss your rationale for designing the materials and
how you feel they would promote learning. There are no pre-requisites for the module.
For further information on this module contact Dr James Simpson:


On completion of this module, students should:

 - have developed their knowledge of a range of technology-based materials and

tools available to classroom language teachers
 - be able to design and prepare materials appropriate for a range of language
learners and using a range of media sources and tools
 - understand and be able to apply criteria for selecting and evaluating materials
from WWW to use in language classrooms
 - understand some uses of computer-mediated communication and virtual worlds in
language teaching.


The module will cover the following range of issues:

 - Selecting and evaluating materials on the WWW

 - Designing materials using online tools
 - Creating audio materials
 - Interactive web pages
 - Language corpora and concordancing
 - Creating stories for language learning using ICT
 - Teaching writing with technology
 - Computer-mediated communication and language learning
 - Language learning in virtual worlds

Students will be required to design a set of language learning materials using three of
the media discussed on the module.

Assessment and teaching


Assesment % of formal
type assesment

Essay 2,500 word essay 50

Portfolio of materials equivalent to 2,500

Portfolio 50

Total percentages (Assessment Coursework) 100

Private Study

Preparation and reading for lectures and seminars.

Preparation, reading, and writing up assignments.

 ---------------------------

Tutorials: students are entitled to a face-to-face or email tutorial. Students with

exceptional difficulties may receive additional tutorial support.

Progress Monitoring

Progress will be monitored through contributions to lectures/seminars, and


Teaching methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours

Lecture 11 2 22

Seminar 1 3 3

Private Study Hours 175

Total Contact Hours 25

Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

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