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Q1. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns given in the brackets. Pradeep
asked us where _______________ (we/he) were going. Meenu answered that _____________ (they/ she) and
___________ (me/I) were going to Monica’s party. “_______________ (I/ You) want to go too” he said. “Why don’t
______________ (me/ you) take me with you?” “ ________________ (We/You) don’t like to go to _____________
(her/his) house, remember? They have a dog which scares ______________ (us/you)” said Meenu. “
_______________ (They/It) tried to bite me. Why wouldn’t _____________ (I/me) be scared of it?” “Okay,
_____________ (they/ we) will tell Monica to keep the dog at _________________ (his/her) neighbour’s place.
Then, you can come with us.”
Q2. Rewrite the sentences using pronouns in place of the nouns written in bold.
a)Amita said that Amita had a headache.
b) This is Puja’s cycle. Puja bought the cycle last week.
c) The children were hungry. Mother made lunch for the children.
d) Tariq and Gagan met Kuldeep at the park. Tariq and Gagan asked Kuldeep to play with Tariq and Gagan.
e) Vinod found an old ball. Vinod threw the ball away.
f) This is Rajat. I know Rajat very well.
Q3. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
a) The children are going to the zoo. ______________ will have lots of fun.
b) Look at the little bird. ____________ has such a tiny beak.
c) I got up late and so ____________ did not drink any milk.
d) Rani borrowed my pencil and then returned it to ____________.
e) Anita and I are friends. _______________ love to read stories.

Subject and Predicate

Q1. Add predicates to the following subjects and form meaningful sentences.
a) My uncle _________________________________________________
b) The basketball player ________________________________________
c) Only five passengers _________________________________________
d) This picture ________________________________________________
e) The children ________________________________________________
f) The driver _________________________________________________
Q2. Underline the subjects in red and the predicates in blue.
a) The notice board is near the Principal’s office.
b) Noise pollution can cause a headache.
c) Most of the rooms in the hotel were vacant.
d) The water in the lake shone brightly in the moonlight.
e) The merchant sold the diamonds in another country.
f) A large number of people went to see the trade fair.
g) Look at the beautiful bird sitting on the tree.
Tenses – Simple Present and Simple Past
Q1. Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense.
a) I have enough money to spend. _______________________________________________________________
b) Arun waits for me. _________________________________________________________________________
c) My sister gets up at six o’clock. ________________________________________________________________
d) The horse pulls the cart. __________________________________________________________________
e) An owl lives in the tree hole. ________________________________________________________________
f) Priyanka writes very neatly. ___________________________________________________________________
g) I know her well. ___________________________________________________________________________
h) Mary is a fast typist. ______________________________________________________
Q2. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and write their tense.
a) The boys swam in the river. _______________________
b) Please send the application in advance. ___________________
c) Last night, we had delicious dinner at Nirula’s.__________________
d) The clock tells us the time. ____________________
e) The wise man thought of a plan. ____________________
f) Birds fly high in the sky. ____________________
Q3. Read the paragraph carefully and circle the verbs in the past tense.
Juno and his mother lived in a little cottage. They looked after their beautiful garden. Everyday Juno went to school
and his mother worked on the farm. He helped her in the evenings when she filled water from the well and
watered the plants. She then chopped vegetables in the kitchen and cooked food. Every night, she told him a story
before going to bed.
Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
a) She _____________ (like) tea but not coffee. (simple present tense)
b) Ajay __________ (catch) the ball and ____________ (throw) it to the wicketkeeper. (simple past tense)
c) Pandas _____________ (eat) green leaves. (simple present tense)
d) I _____________ (hear) the news in the morning. (simple past tense)
e) My parents ______________ (live) in Kanpur. (simple present tense)
f) Raj ____________ (put) on his shoes and went for a walk. (simple past tense)
Q1. Read each sentence. Write M if a main verb is underlined. Write H if a helping verb is underlined.
1. We will learn about new buildings. _____________

2. The backhoe is digging the foundation. _____________

3. It had filled several dump trucks. _____________

4. The dump trucks are removing the dirt. ____________

5. Workers are building the outer wall. ____________

6. A cement truck is pouring the concrete. ____________

7. It will need several days to dry. _____________

8. At noon the workers will eat their lunch. ____________

Q2. Choose the correct main and helping verb pair from the box to complete each sentence.
had climbed, have lifted ,will watch ,are reading , is going

1. We __________________ a movie about skyscrapers.

2. The lift in the building ________________ up.

3. The workers ________________ the plans.

4. Cranes _______________ the heavy beams.

5. A worker _____________ a tall ladder.

Q3. Read each sentence. Circle the helping verb and underline the main verb in each of the sentences.

1. Jamie had built his first model rocket last year.

2. He has painted it red, white and blue.
3. Jamie is building another rocket.
4. It will fly high in the air.
5. A parachute will bring the rocket back to Jamie.
6. I am buying a model rocket too.

Q. Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense of the verb given in the bracket.
a. Ira _________ to Mumbai thrice a year (go).
b. The new employer ________ us a lot of work (give)
c. It ________ a lot during monsoon (rain).
d. I _________ the plants everyday. (water)
e. You _________ very little. It is not good for your health. (eat)
f. That big house _______ to Mr. Sharma(belong).
g. Birds ______ in the sky (fly).
Q Rewrite the sentences from their present form to simple past tense.
a. The teacher teaches in the class.
b. The boy cries loudly.
c. The children play basketball in the school playground.
d. She waters the plants
e. The mouse hides in a corner.

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