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Superfoods To Strengthen The Brain & Blood

Here are some of David Wolfe’s superfood secrets to optimal health. In the video,
he demonstrates making superfood drinks. What does he put into superfood
Lucuma – a fruit used as a non-glycemic sweetener, doesn’t spike blood sugar, rich in
vitamins and minerals
Astragalus – “one of the top herbs on earth” contains a compound that can repair your
“telomeres,” or, can correct damage to your chromosomes/DNA due to the aging
process – your brain will be more clear, more energy/endurance
Chaga/reishi mushrooms — powerful for nervous system, brain, joints, longevity,
immunity and blood sugar
Chlorella – highest chlorophyll-containing plant in the world. 40x higher in chlorophyll
than wheat grass. Identical to hemoglobin in blood. Detoxifies your system
Cacao – magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese  — good for blood building and heart
health. According to David, cacao is the #1 longevity food in the world, and decreases
your risk of having a heart attack by 50%
Ho shou wu – builds bone marrow and stem cells
Gotu kola – improves memory and brain function
Cinnamon - high in chromium, promotes weight loss, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-
Cayenne – blood building, healing, good for the heart
Coconut water - similar to blood plasma. Minerals, electrolytes, potassium, better than
any sports drink
Mesquite - helps to stabilize blood sugar
Raw honey – a brain food, containing minerals, vitamins, nutrients, great for allergies
Purslane – good for brain health, naturally high in omega 3’s
Want to learn more or find some of these superfoods? You can get most of them
in bulk/in powdered form to use in smoothies, through the Longevity Warehouse.
David talks a lot more about blood sugar, thyroid issues, aging, detoxification and more
in the video. Watch the full video here on GaiamTV to learn more from David!

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