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Headline 1: Want to get more students for your courses?

Headline 2: This is for you ((name))

Hey (first name),

Wouldn’t you be interested in putting your epic course in front of a massive audience? Think about it. You
have spent countless hours creating a course that can change someone’s life.

But lack of marketing skills, as well as high ad costs, is crippling your possibilities of getting more

What if there was a way to get massive exposure to a highly engaged, buying audience without any
marketing cost or tech skills required?

That’s where AdsOpenCourses comes in.

This game-changing platform is empowering course creators to share their courses with students from
over 19 African countries.

And the best part is...

We leverage our email list of 20,000 students and other marketing campaigns to get you
more sales...

While you get paid 30% of every sale without lifting a finger.

Yes, because the courses are pre-recorded — meaning you only have to create them once and just
upload them on our platform.

Getting paid is simple... you just need PayPal.

Are you ready to become part of this incredible platform and significantly boost your course sales without
any hassle?

Go here while the time is still right: {link here}

Best Wishes,

{Name Here}

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