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Worksheet: 2A-2B
Exercise A
Match the speaker to the descriptions. There is one description that you do not need.
Speaker 1 ____c____ a) might benefit from getting a maid to help out.
Speaker 2 ____g____ b) would like the opportunity to give their opinion.
Speaker 3 ____a____ c) does not appreciate long explanation and trivial comments.
Speaker 4 ____h____ d) would benefit from extension activities to supplement the work.
Speaker 5 ____e____ e) probably enjoys outdoor pursuits.
Speaker 6 ____b____ f) finds it tedious when his girlfriend wants to talk to him.
Speaker 7 ____d____ g) feels uncomfortable when feature length presentations drag on.
h) does not enjoy an international lifestyle.
What things annoy you?
Do any of the examples in the listening task sound like things you find annoying? Why?
Exercise B
Answer the multiple choice questions.
1. When did the Colombian exchange happen?
a) In the 1600s.
b) During the last 50 years.
c) In the first part of the 1500s.
d) In the late 1400s.
2. What is not mentioned as an exchanged fruit and vegetable between the new and old worlds?
a) Papayas.
b) Sweetcorn.
c) Pineapples.
d) Vinegar.
3. How many crops grown in the world today originate from the Americas?
a) Less than half.
b) Just over half.
c) Nearly all.
d) Over three quarters.
4. Why were some of the new crops not initially popular?
a) They caused diseases.
b) The new foodstuffs were too salty.
c) The supply chain was deficient.
d) Consumers had unfounded and irrational doubts about the foods.
5. What was the result of the Irish potato crisis?
a) Many Irish people died due to a famine.
b) The Irish export economy completely collapsed.
c) The English government did its best to support the Irish economy.
d) European nations sent agricultural experts to Ireland.
6. What animals were introduced by Europeans into the New World?
a) Cattle.
b) Sheep.
c) Wolves.
d) Peacocks.
7. What is the legacy of the Colombian Exchange?
a) The old and new worlds no longer do much trade together.
b) The old world does not have any foods that originate in Europe.
c) Negotiation tactics are extremely tense and fractious.
d) New foods are still being shared between the old and new words.
8. What is true of Quinoa?
a) It is not popular in Europe these days.
b) It was invented by Christopher Colombus.
c) It has clear health benefits.
d) It is incredibly expensive in Canada.
1. What imported products do you like?
Exercise C
Decide if the statements are true or false
1. The woman probably has a lot of conversations. True/False
2. During a polar night, the sun shines all the time. True/False
3. The woman says that people tell her she should enjoy the polar night. True/False
4. The woman was born in Tajikstan. True/False
5. The first winter in Norway is darker than the second one. True/False
6. During the first winter, people do not stay indoors. True/False
7. People decorate their houses and gardens between November and February. True/False
8. White nights happen during the winter. True/False
9. There are no drawbacks associated with white nights. True/False
10. The woman hates snow because she can’t go out in her car. True/False
Could you live in Norway’s arctic circle?
Would the seasons there be too difficult to adapt to?
Are you surprised that the woman enjoys the polar nights and white nights?
What European countries would you prefer to live in? Why?

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