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Reg: 385/AK-8/FKIP-UNSUR/2021


(A Case Study On 10th Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Cianjur)

Submitted to English Education Study Program of Suryakancana University
in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

NPM 8820317034




The Utilization of Writco Application

in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text

Joerdan Okthianza

Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Dr. Halimah, M.Pd. Vina Nurviyani, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0415037801 NIDN. 0422018303

Submitted to English Education Study Program of Suryakancana University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of

Cianjur, July 2021

The Dean of FKIP UNSUR, The Head of Study Program

Dr. H. Munawar Rois, M.Pd. Dr. Jauhar Helmie, M.Pd.

NIK. 4103003026 NIDN. 0415068001


I honesty and hereby state this paper entitled The Utilization of Writco

Application in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text is completely ny own work. I

am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from other sources

and they properly acknowledged.

Cianjur, July 2021

Joerdan Okthianza


Do not see the problems with one point of view, but you have to see it from all
point of views and choose with no regret at the end.


This paper is preciously dedicated to Almighty Allah SWT. who gives me

guidance and strength in my life, especially to finish my paper. My father

(Saraya) and my mother (Dwi Ratmini) who support me and teach me everything

with love and their super knowledge. I can’t say anything for them. Because,

parents’ love is can’t be replied with anything. But, the important thing is thank

full for everything you do to me until now. I love you so much. Then, my big

brother (Joffa Gusthianza) who suggests me what should I do when I confuse to

pick a title or main topic. All of my family members and my best friends that

cannot be mention one by one.

Cianjur, July 2021

Joerdan Okthianza


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, first of all, thanks to almighty Allah SWT. for

helping me and give the author good health and mental also chance to finish this

paper entitled The Utilization of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of

Descriptive Text. The author expresses in deep and sincere gratitude for those who

have guided in completing this paper.

This paper contains the utilization of Writco application in teaching

writing of Descriptive text. The media can develope all of skills of students

especially in writing skill. This instructional media can be used for teachers who

want to develop the students’ writing skill beside can make the teaching-learning

process more fun and easier than before.

The author realizes this paper is not perfect. However, the author hope it

can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion will highly appreciate.

Cianjur, July 2021

Joerdan Okthianza



Foremost, Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin, the author would like to praise

and express his highest gratitude and thanks to Allah the Almighty for the
blessing who has led the auhor to complete the paper entitled The Utilization of
Writco Applicaiton in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text as one of the
requirements to finish the study in English Education Department of
Suryakancana University Cianjur. The second, never forget to say shalawat and
greeting for the prophet Muhammad SAW. may he give us syafaat and help in the
hereafter. Aamiin Yarabbalalamiin.

The author would like thanks to everyone who given the contribution so
that the paper can be finished on time. This paper cannot be separated from
people’s help and guidance. Therefore, he would like to express his special
gratitude to:

1. The Rector of Suryakancana University Prof. Dr. H. Dwija Priyatno, S.H.,

M.H., Sp.N. who has provided the opportunity to follow the lectures at
UNSUR Cianjur until completion this paper.
2. The Dean of Suryakancana University Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training Dr. H, Munawar Rois, M.Pd. for his permission to write this paper.
3. The Head of English Education Study Program Dr. Jauhar Helmie, M.Hum.
thanks for the knowledge, advice, motivation and time given since the author
study in this campus
4. The Secretary of English Education Study Program Nia Kurniawati, M.Pd.
thanks for every knowledge, patience and motivation given to the author.
5. Dr. Haliamah, M.Pd. and Vina Nurviyani, S.S., M.Pd. as the first and second
advisor who always guided and assisted the author in writing and finishing
the paper. Thank you very much for the time, patience, giving great advice,
carefullness, and valuable input in correcting the author’s paper.

6. Haruman Taufik Kartanegara, M.M.Pd. and Ratih Dewiana, S.Pd. as the
headmaster and the head of curicullum of SMA Negeri 2 Cianjur who giving
permission to hold the research at school.
7. Eneng Rohanah, S.Pd. as the English teacher in SMA Negeri 2 Cianjur and
all of tenth grade students of IPA 2 as the participants of the research.
8. The deepest gratitude is dedicated to the author’s beloved parents, Mr. Saraya
and Mrs. Dwi Ratmini, thanksful for their endless support, pray, and
everlasting love. May Allah SWT. always blessing and giving them
strenghtness forever.
9. The author’s big brother Joffa Gusthianza, S.Gz. thank you so much for
guiding and supporting the author in his paper.
10. The author’s best friends, Crazy Rich Squad Members, Asep Herman
Maulana, Ramadhan Ihsan Nurqolbi, M. Luthfi Aziz, Dandi Ahmad Fauzi,
Ira Ajeng Lestari, Dede Irawan, M. Syifa Alfagiam, Milma Vinca Cantikka
Hidayat, and Fuzi Fauziyah who always support the author.
11. All of friends especially IV B class in English Education Study Program 2017
who given admirable memories and experiences.
12. Last but not least, to all people who always helped the author that cannot
mentioned one by one.

Lastly, the author realizes that the paper is not perfect and lack, therefore
the author expects the criticism and suggestion for its perfection. Hopefully this
paper will be helpful and useful for the readers.

Cianjur, July 2021

The Author

Joerdan Okthianza

(A Case Study On 10th Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Cianjur)
Joerdan Okthianza

In digital era, students need digital media for learning writing particularly stories,
poetries, and quotations that making them comfortable, fulfilled, and engaged.
Unfortunately, they do not get the facilitation they should get from their school
yet. Therefore, in this study the author helped the students in facilitating the media
for making stories, poetry, and quotations, especially Descriptive text. The media
was Writco application. This study has two purposes, namely: to investigate the
use of Writco application and to examine the advantages and disadvantages of
Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. The study used
descriptive qualitative method. The author used non-participant observation and
open-ended questionnaire to gained the data. The participants were 31 students of
the tenth grade of IPA 2 in SMAN 2 Cianjur. The data gained from observation
and questionnaire that related to the Creswell’s theory. As a result, the findings
from the first issuse showed that Writco application is used as a digital media in
teaching-learning process and it is very applicable for the students. Because, it
facilitates the students in making some stories, poetires, and quotes. The findings
of second problem showed that the Writco application has some advantages, it is a
simple application, it makes the students more enjoyable in teaching-learning
process, it is easy to overcome the issues from the application, and Writco is a
satisfying application for students in learning writing stories, poetries, and quotes.
However, Writco application has two disadvantages, namely the connection
should be stable and the cellphones should support the application.
Keywords: Writing, Descriptive Text, Digital Teaching-Learning Media, Writco


APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................1
1.2 Research Questions....................................................................................4
1.3 Aims of the Study......................................................................................5
1.4 Clarification of the Terms..........................................................................5
1.5 Significance of the Study...........................................................................7
1.6 Organization of the Study..........................................................................8
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK..............................................9
2.1 Concepts of Writing...................................................................................9
2.1.1 Definition of Writing..........................................................................9
2.1.2 Process of Writing............................................................................12
2.2 Concepts of Descriptive Text..................................................................14
2.2.1 Social Function of Descriptive Text.................................................14
2.2.2 Generic Structures of Descriptive Text............................................15
2.2.3 Language Features in Descriptive Text............................................17
2.2.4 Examples of Descriptive Text..........................................................18
2.3 Blended Learning.....................................................................................20
2.4 Teaching-Learning Media........................................................................23
2.4.1 Definition of Teaching-Learning Media...........................................23

2.4.2 Kinds of Teaching-Learning Media..................................................26 Digital Teaching-Learning Media.............................................26 Non-Digital Teaching-Learning Media.....................................28
2.5 Writco Application..................................................................................29
2.5.1 Concept of Writco Application.........................................................30
2.5.2 Features of Writco Application........................................................30 Home Button..............................................................................31 Explore Button...........................................................................31 Compose/Create Button.............................................................31 Notification Button....................................................................31 Profile Button............................................................................32
2.5.3 Stages to Create a Story, Poem, or Quote by Using Writco
2.6 Previous Research....................................................................................35
2.7 Concluding Remark.................................................................................40
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................43
3.1 Research Design......................................................................................43
3.2 Research Population and Sample.............................................................44
3.3 Teaching Material....................................................................................45
3.4 Data Collection........................................................................................46
3.4.1 Observation.......................................................................................47
3.4.2 Questionnaire....................................................................................49
3.5 Data Analysis...........................................................................................50
3.5.1 Observation.......................................................................................51
3.5.2 Questionnaire....................................................................................53
3.6 Concluding Remark.................................................................................56
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS.............................................58
4.1 The Use of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text. .
4.1.1 Data Gained from Observation.........................................................59 Observation Result on Monday 19th of October 2020................60 Observation Result on Thursday 22nd of October 2020.............63

x Observation Result on Thursday 12th of November 2020.........66 Observation Result on Monday 16th of November 2020...........71
4.1.2 Data Gained from Questionnaire......................................................76
4.1.3 Discussion of the Utilization of Writco Application in Teaching
Writing of Descriptive Text..............................................................79
4.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Writco Application in Teaching
Writing of Descriptive Text.....................................................................90
4.2.1 Data Gained from Observation.........................................................90
4.2.2 Data Gained from Questionnaire......................................................95
4.2.3 Discussion of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Writco
Application in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text......................98 The Advantages of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of
Descriptive Text.........................................................................98 The Disadvantages of Writco Application in Teaching Writing
of Descriptive Text..................................................................105
4.3 Concluding Remark...............................................................................108
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................111
5.1 Conclusions...........................................................................................111
5.2 Suggestions...........................................................................................113


Table 2.1 The Example of Descriptive Text (My Room)......................................18

Table 2.2 The Example of Descriptive Text (My Small House) 19
Table 4.1 Students’ Responses 99
Table 4.2 Students’ Responses 100
Table 4.3 Students’ Responses 101
Table 4.4 Students’ Responses 103
Table 4.5 Students’ Responses 104
Table 4.6 Student’s Response 106
Table 4.7 Students’ Responses 106
Table 4.8 Students’ Responses 107


Figure 2.1 Sign in/up page of Writco 32

Figure 2.2 The Homepage of Writco 33
Figure 2.3 The Drafts of Writco 33
Figure 2.4 The Story Draft of Writco 34
Figure 2.5 The Story Draft of Writco 35


APPENDIX 1 Excerpt of Observation Result.....................................................120

APPENDIX 2 Excerpt of Questionnaire Result 132
APPENDIX 3 Lesson Plan 148
APPENDIX 4 Letters 166


This chapter includes information about the description of the research

background and research problem. It consists of background of the study, research

question, aims of the study, clarification of the terms, significance of the study,

and organization of the study.

Background of the research encompasses the reason for choosing the topic,

research qusetions delineate the problem discussed in the research, purposes of the

study describe the aims of the research, clarification of key terms show the show

the meaning of certain terms applied in the topic of the research, significant of the

study provides the information about the benefits of the research, and

organizations of the study clarify all chapters of the research.

2.1.1 Background of the Study

Today, the results of observations show that not all students can compose

English texts correctly, particularly Descriptive paragraphs. According to

Sumarsih & Sanjaya (2013) stated that not all of students are able to write

Descriptive text properly. Based on their observation, it was contained 75%

students who were unable to write Descriptive text. It was because of the learning

technique that was adopted by English teacher is a technique that reduce the

interest and liveliness of the students in the learning process, therefore students

are bored and do not want to continue learning as they ought to do. In addition,

according to Ramadian et al. (2019) argued that based on their analysis of


students’ writing, it was found that their writing were lacks using some particular

things such as tenses, grammar, and vocabulary. Likewise, it showed that students

were unaware of the organization and the language features of Descriptive texts.

Teaching writing is free access to teach necessitates modern instructional

approaches (Alqahtani, 2019). Writing skill is known as productive skill, which is

require creating rather than receiving language (Spratt et al., 2005 as cited in

Ramadian et al., 2019). According to Hajrah et al. (2019) Writing is the process of

conveying meaning in written form. It has a variety of roles for both people and

society as a whole, and it is not limited to knowledge transmission. Effective

technical writing is a mixture of good word use and good vocabulary, good

sentence construction and good content arrangement, and is composed of plain,

direct, and easy language with the reader's needs in mind (Gartland, 2007 as cited

in Hajrah et al., 2019).

In learning writing, students need to learn many text types, for example

Narrative, Report, Procedure, Descriptive, Recount, etc. The Descriptive text is

one of the genres of writing that students who study English must learn (Sumarsih

& Sanjaya, 2013). It is one of English material of the tenth grade of senior high

school. According to the current Indonesian curriculum, Kurikulum 2013, the

learning goal of studying English for tenth grade of senior high school is to

compose an impressive Descriptive text. In this case, they should be able to

analyze the social role, text structure, and grammar in a clear Descriptive text.

Moreover, they have to write a Descriptive paragraph about people, a tourist

attraction, or a historical location (Hajrah et al., 2019).


Descriptive writing, according to Oshima and Hogue (2007) as cited in

Taufikurohman (2018) appeals to the senses by describing how something looks,

feels, smells, tastes, or sounds. A different meaning of Descriptive paragraph, it is

a type of paragraph that goes into great detail about a person, a location, an item,

or a thing. As a result, the readers will be able to picture and envision what is

being described (Hajrah et al., 2019).

In learning writing Descriptive text, students need attractive teaching-

learning media. The existence of teaching-learning media in the classroom makes

it easier for the teachers and the students. Teachers benefit from media it allows

them to offer more content and asissts them to gain more interest from students.

Students, on the other hand, benefit from media, they have a better understanding

of the content presented by the instructor and a greater desire to learn (Yana &

Darwati, 2017). Mobile apps increase the likelihood of interaction. As a result, it

has the potential to make students more interactive and engaged in the classroom.

Learning is no longer a passive practice, but rather an aggressive one, with the

support of a teaching-learning media, and it can be used to find new experiences.

Many researchers have already investigated the use of application or

teaching-learning media in teaching writing of Descriptive text. First, Sumarsih &

Sanjaya (2013) conducted a research about TPS as an Effective Technique to

Enhance the Students’ Achievement on Writing Descriptive Text. Second,

Taufikurohman (2018) also conducted a research about The Effectiveness Of

Using Padlet In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text. Third, Ratnaningsih &

Azizah (2019) conducted a research to see the Error in the Descriptive Text

Writing of Vocational High School. Fourth, Ramadian et al. (2019) also

conducted the research to see The Implementation of Visual, Auditory,

Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Model in Improving Students’ Achievement in

Writing Descriptive Texts. Last, Hajrah et al. (2019) conducted a research about

The Effectiveness Of Using Tourism Brochures In Teaching Writing Descriptive

Text To The Tenth Grade Students.

The previous research generally investigated that the majority of them

provide a face-to-face learning method, also known as an offline class. On the

other hand, this study focuses on using simple application, easy to use by the

students in an offline and online class. It is Writco application. The research about

the utilization of Writco appplication in teaching writing of Descriptive text

through blended learning is still rare. Therefore, firstly, the author focused on the

use of Writco application as the teaching-learning media in teaching writing of

Descriptive text through blended learning. Secondly, the author focused on the

advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text.

2.1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background above, there are three questions related to the

topic. They are:

1. How is the use of Wricto application in teaching writing of Descriptive text?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages in learning Descriptive text through

the Wrtico application?


2.1.3 Aims of the Study

From the research questions above, this research has three aims of the study,

they are:

1. To investigate the use of Wricto application in learning writing of Descriptive


2. To examine the advantages and disadvantages in learning Descriptive text

through the Wrtico application?

2.1.4 Clarification of the Terms

In this study, the writer states some explanation of the glossology that

predominantly used in this research. These glossology help the readers to

understand accurately about the words or phrases here:

1. Writing

Writing is the process of conveying meaning in written form. “Effective technical

writing is a mixture of good word use and good vocabulary, good sentence

construction and good content arrangement, and is composed of plain, direct, and

easy language with the reader's needs in mind” (Hajrah et al., 2019).

2. Descriptive Text

Descriptive paragraph is a type of paragraph that goes into great detail about a

person, a location, an item, or a thing. As a result, the readers will be able to

picture and envision what is being described (Hajrah et al., 2019). Moreover,

Descriptive text is the simple text of writing, which uses simple present tense that

was learned by the students when they were in elementary school. Descriptive text

is to describe a particular person, place or thing (Potradinata, 2018).

3. Blended Learning

Tanduklangi et al. (2019) define blended learning as a combination of face-to-face

and online learning to take advantage of face-to-face and online classes. On the

other hand, according to Bouilheres et al. (2020) stated that blended learning as

an accessible strategy of information delivery. Damaiyanti & Sari (2017) stated

that blended learning allows students to prepare according to their preferred

learning style. Verbal students can learn more about the subject discussed in class

by asking questions and discussing it with the teacher and classmates.

4. Teaching-Learning Media

The term "media" refers to the techniques and methods used in the teaching and

learning process. All aids/tools that a teacher and learner can employ to achieve

particular educational goals are referred to as the media. In other terms, the

teaching media is a medium that transmits instructional messages or learning

material (Meliala et al., 2021).

There are various teaching media that can be used in either conventional media or

modern/digital media in teaching learning. In fact, digital media is more

commonly adopted and used recently by teachers or students rather than

conventional media, without underestimating the position of traditional media

(Fauzi, 2017).

5. Writco Application

Writco is a multilingual social writing, publishing, and exploration forum that

brings readers and authors together from all over the world. Writco has a

community with the best talent, where it can get access to the best and most

exclusive material, as well as trending posts, poetry, and quotes from different

authors. (Purohit, Salunkhe, & Maurya, Writco, 2019)

2.1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of this study is hopefully can be used in theoretically, pedagogically,

and practically

1. Theoritically, the result of this study is expected to support the theories about

writing skill, Descriptive text, application that supports the media in teaching-

learning process through blended learning, and to expand literature about the

use of application as teaching-learning media through blended learning.

2. Pedagogically, this study can be useful for teachers or lectures to know

another application as teaching-learning media through blended learning

especially in teaching writing. In addition, this research can be useful for the

students to be a reference of how to use the application as teaching-learning

media through blended learning especially in learning writing.

3. Practically, this study can be a reference for all researchers or writers who

want to know about the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing

of Descriptive text, and can facilitate understanding of an application as

teaching-learning media through blended learning.


2.1.6 Organization of the Study

This study include of five chapters, namely chapter I, chapter II, chapter III,

chapter IV, and chapter V. Each of them can be explained as follow:

Chapter I is the introduction. This chapter tells about background of the

study, research question, aims of the study, clarification of the terms, significance

of the study, and organization of the study.

Chapter II is theoretical framework. This chapter consists of theory

underpinning this study and previous study. Those are concepts of writing,

Descriptive text, blended learning, teaching-learning media, Writco application,

previous research, and concluding remarks.

Chapter III is research methodology. This chapter tells about the

methodology that used in this study. It consists of research design, data collection,

research instrument, data analysis, and concluding remarks.

Chapter IV is research findings and discussions. This chapter presents the

findings of the research and discussions about the result of the study.

Chapter V is research conclusions and suggestions. This chapter is the last

chapter of this study. It contains about all of the conclusion of the study and some

suggestions to the other authors who wants to research about writing skill.

This chapter presents some previous studies which relate to the topic of the

research. Some theoretical concepts that might support this study are intended to

be provided. Discussions include concepts of writing, concepts of Descriptive

text, concepts of blended learning, concepts of teaching-learning media, concepts

of Writco application, previous research, and concluding remark.

2.1 Concepts of Writing

This subchapter the author presented some of the expert perspectives on the

definition of writing and the writing process. The description are described below.

2.1.7 Definition of Writing

MacArthur et al. (2016) define writing as a social technology that allows

people to interact with one another. It is learned and created in social situations,

and it defines social relationships, alters the writer's social presence, generates

mutual meanings, and enables social action. Fiction is influenced by and responds

to the social contexts under which it appears, and it takes on the characteristics of

the societies and histories it experiences. The challenge in learning of the material

and symbolic technology of writing, as well as the strenuous psychological effort

of writing, are motivated by the social value of writing. Writing has become one

of the Indonesian students’ language skills, particularly senior high school

students, they should master it. In fact, senior high school students are asked to be

able to write a text because they were taught how to write a text in their school


(Potradinata, 2018). On the other hand, (Maslichah & Tarwiyah, 2017) argued

that writing is a talent that communicates emotion using writing.

On the other side, writing is either a way of thought by the writer or a way

of thinking that is communicated with the reader, also writing seemed more than

public communication; it was a way of thought as Lesnussa & Bugis (2017)

writing is both a way of thinking and a form of communicating. Besides, writing

relating to Puspita & Hasyim (2019), is a form of functional communication that

allows students to create their own imagined worlds. Writing is also defined as a

mental activity involving skilled decision-making that is appropriate for the

situation. In addition, often entities choose writing as a method of exchanging

information quickly and accurately to be communicated in certain respects, such

as transmitting messages, business letters, and essential information in the product

of an organization (Sumarsih & Sanjaya, 2013). Also, (Rahmah, 2017) stated that

writing is a mechanism where certain thought and concepts be transformed into

written form.

Writers compose writing form for specific circumstances, to achieve goals,

and to make points within those situations. Several ethnographic surveys of

writers in and out of school show people preparing and writing in particular

circumstances, based on personal assessments of situations and one's positions

and desires in such situations, whether it's small children captioning images

(MacArthur et al., 2016). (MacArthur et al., 2016) said that writers also actively

collect information about the situation and information relevant to the situation in

order to decide what to write, what material to include, and the most effective way

of representing it.

Every element of human life is influenced by genre. People use genres to

make their lives simpler, to fulfill standards, and to save time as they go about

their everyday lives, engaging with others and trying to make sense of the world

(Devitt, 2004:1). A classification system derived from literary and rhetorical

criticism that names types of texts according to their forms is known as artificial

and rhetorical (Devitt, 2004:5). Literature and nonliterature; narrative and

nonnarrative; narrative, exposition, argument, description; the lyric, the sonnet;

the Petrarchan sonnet are all examples of text forms suggested by Devitt. These

systems for classifying texts, whether they are called genres, subgenres, or modes,

are comprehensive or selective, universally agreed or contested, and keep genre

based on static goods (Devitt, 2004:6). The text that students should learn in

KURTILAS as a standard of education system follows the genres of descriptive,

narrative, recount, report, procedure, and anecdote. (Aryuntini et al., 2018)

writing is important to learn because: (1) it necessitates a thorough understanding

of grammar, idioms, and vocabulary; (2) when students write, they embark on an

adventure in that language; and (3) when students write, they become deeply

interested in the language they use.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a way of

thinking and communicating in which certain thoughts and concepts being

transformed into written form, allowing for a conceptual experience involving or

constructing one's own fictional world.


2.1.8 Process of Writing

Written texts, unlike spoken utterances, are usually not automatically heard

by the intended audiences after conception, but can be improved to increase their

social impact. The value of audience knowledge in professional writing and

revision has long been documented (MacArthur et al., 2016). Writing is a very

complicated method involves planning what to write, transforming thoughts into

the text, and analyzing what has been written (Lesnussa & Bugis, 2017).

Furthermore, Writing should not be regarded purely as a productive skill.

Pre-writing, writing, and post-writing are the three stages of the discovery process

(Harmer, 2001, as cited in Alsmari, 2019). Productive skills like writing, effective

ability is the creation of concepts through the writer's experience and vocabulary.

In this ability, through their understanding and vocabulary, students can

potentially generate language themselves based on their concepts. Alsmari (2019)

suggests that the pre-writing stage can be addressed through brainstorming,

collecting data and planning an outline of the content. The writing stage is where

learners do the task of writing such as a story, a report, a letter, etc., either

individually or collaboratively.

Following up on students' work and having appropriate input on how

flourishing their work has been is the post-writing level. Those phases help

students successfully complete the writing challenge and foster the writing

process. This teaching writing method approach replaced a typical approach that

considered writing the creation of an output that resulted from teacher-focused

instruction in rules, from the physical process of writing to spelling, grammar,


composition, and so on. While the method approach saw writing as a social and

constructive task, it was seen as a quiet and lonely activity by the conventional

approach. Besides, prewriting, planning, writing or drafting, revising the draft,

and final editing are some steps in the writing process proposed by Sahardin et al.

(2017) to produce successful writing.

Fauzi (2017) explains that students must have many skills to be a good

writer, such as (1) mastering the mechanics of letter forming, (2) mastering and

obeying spelling and punctuation conventions, (3) using the grammatical structure

to express the intended meaning of one, (4) arranging material at the paragraph

level and representing new or provided knowledge in the full text and organizing

content at the paragraph level. The teacher seems to have the intent of writing in

mind in terms of the teaching of writing. “In theory, the object of writing is the

expression of ideas, the delivery of a thought to the reader,” Ur continues, “so the

ideas themselves can arguably be considered as the most important aspects of

writing.” The instructor must ensure that the students will articulate their thoughts

in proper sentences in order to ensure that this aim is achieved. Of course, that is

not always easy (Ratnaningsih & Azizah, 2019).

As a consequence, if students wish to develop their writings and become

better authors, they must possess some steps and a range of abilities, as follow (1)

prewriting, (2) planning, (3) writing or drafting, (4) revising the draft, and (5)

final editing are some steps in the writing process. Then, (1) mastering the

mechanics of letter forming, (2) mastering and obeying spelling and punctuation

conventions, (3) using the grammatical structure to express the intended meaning

of one, (4) arranging material at the paragraph level and representing new or

provided knowledge in the full text and organizing content at the paragraph level

are some abilities to be a writer. Furthermore, Writing is a complex method that

involves pre-writing stage, writing, and post-writing. Pre-writing stage is planning

what to write, writing stage is transforming thoughts into the text can be include

in writing stages, and post-writing is analyzing what has been written can be

include in post-writing stages.

2.2 Concepts of Descriptive Text

In this subchapter, the author presented some expert opinions on a brief history of

the writing genre, discussed the principles of Descriptive text, generic structures

of Descriptive text, language features, and some Descriptive text examples. The

detail information are explained below.

2.2.1 Social Function of Descriptive Text

Indonesia's School-Based Curriculum, senior high school students should be

able to master a range of writing texts. Descriptive texts are one of them; they are

a form of writing text that is part of the senior high school curriculum. This means

they should be able to write a Descriptive text that is precise, fluent, and

appropriate according to the curriculum's standards. People are aware of genres,

but not always of their power. Descriptive text is the simple text of writing, which

uses simple present tense that was learned by the students when they were in

elementary school. Students have to describe something in the Descriptive text or

someone (Potradinata, 2018). Description replicates the way things look, smile,

taste, feel, or sound; it can also invoke moods like pleasure, loneliness, or fear. It's

used to render visual representations of objects, locations, and even units of time

like days, hours of days, or reasons.” they argued that Descriptive writing refers to

the senses, because it says how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or

sounds (Ratnaningsih & Azizah, 2019).

On the other hand, Ramadian et al. (2020) explained that Descriptive text is

a text representing the person, place, or mood. Theoretically, Sumarsih & Sanjaya

(2013) argued that Descriptive text is a paragraph vividly depicts an individual,

location, or thing in such a way that the reader may imagine the subject and enter

into the imagination of the writer.

Therefore, according to Ramadian et al., (2020) a paragraph that clearly

describes an individual, location, or thing in such a way that perhaps the reader

could even imagine the subject and enter the writer's imagination which refers to

the senses of something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds is known as

Descriptive text. Description replicates the way things look, smile, taste, feel, or

sound; it can also invoke moods like pleasure, loneliness, or fear. It's used to

render visual representations of objects, locations, and even units of time like

days, hours of days, or reasons.

2.2.2 Generic Structures of Descriptive Text

Rahmah (2017) stated that, a Descriptive text has two stages: 1). General

statement, where the topic is introduced. 2). Descriptions, which contain the three

characteristics above; the description can start from the most important to the least

important, and vice versa. As the Descriptive text for upper secondary school is

compulsory, teachers should concentrate on teaching this subject in their

syllabuses. It is certainly true that, particularly for Descriptive texts, we need to

enhance the writing abilities of students (Ramadian et al., 2019). Similar with

Sahardin et al. (2017) stated the generic structures for Descriptive text are; (1) a

general statement & (2) a description. General statement is introducing the

topic/subject, providing some general identifying details, and indicating which

aspects of the object, person, or place will be represented and description is where

the subject/knowledge topic's is divided into parts (Sahardin et al., 2017).

Another explanation, some common Descriptive writing structures: The

term "Identification" refers to the process of identifying the phenomenon that will

be described. The term “Description” refers to a detailed description of the

components, features, or characteristics of something or someone (Susana, 2020).

Whereas, Rivai et al. (2017) stated identification and description are the two

generic structures of Descriptive text. The identification of Descriptive text is

typically defined as the paragraph's main idea or as a general statement and the

Descriptive text's description is about the explanation of the general statement or

main idea or supporting information to the general statement. It is comparable

with Husna (2013) the generic structure of Descriptive text has two main

components. Identification and definition are the two terms. The identification is

typically mentioned in the first paragraph, followed by the description in the

second paragraph. The description is divided into three sections: the parts of the

place, the quality of the place, and the place's characteristic.


In conclusion, the previous section has shown that the generic structures of

Descriptive text are identification and description. Identification refers to the

process of identifying the phenomenon that will be described, it usually

mentioned in the first paragraph. Description is a detailed description of the

components, features, or characteristics of something or someone. It is divided

into three sections: the parts of the place, the quality of the place, and the place's


2.2.3 Language Features in Descriptive Text

The following are the language features of a Descriptive text: (a) specific

nouns, (b) simple present tense, (c) detailed noun phrases to provide information

about the subject, (d) different adjectives to define number or identify the subject,

(e) linking verbs to provide information about the subject, (f) thought and feeling

verbs to express personal opinions about the subject, (g) action verbs to express

personal opinions about the subject Students will better concentrate on arranging

their texts to the genre of their choosing if they know and appreciate the generic

structure (Sahardin et al., 2017).

It is similar to Husna (2013) mentioned that the language features of

Descriptive text are using Simple Present Tense, relational verbs, and adjective

words. Relational verbs used when classifying and describing

appereances/qualities and parts/functions of phenomena (is, are, has, have).

Adjective words are used to supplement nouns with additional details. They may

be technical, daily, or literal, depending on the context.


It is comparable with Susana (2020) language features Descriptive text often

used Simple Present Tense. In the same way with (Meisuri, 2013) stated that the

language features or the linguistics features of Descriptive text is often used

Simple Present Tense as normally. On the other hand, Puspitasari & Kurniawan

(2017) said in writing Descriptive texts, grammar mastery is defined as the ability

to produce sentences in the form of purposeful and meaningful connected texts,

rather than single sentences, that accurately and meaningfully cover the use of to

be (is, am, are), has and have, plural and singular verbs (-s, -es, -ies), adjectives,

pronoun referents, and possessive adjectives.

In summary, it has been shown from those reviews that the language

features or linguistics features of Descriptive text are using Simple Present Tense,

specific nouns, relational verbs, and adjective words.

2.2.4 Examples of Descriptive Text

First example, the title is “My Room” the text is describing the parts and the

spaces available one of the room in the house.

Table 2.1 The Example of Descriptive Text (My Room)

The Title: My Room Generic Structure
My room, there I usually use to sleep and
spend free time in it. Sometimes feeling
sad, happy, and others. Because it is my
private room, I often to do anything in my Identification
room alone. When my firends come, we
enjoying my meal and talk about the day
we passed.
In my room, I do not only lie down on my
bed but do others activities like watching
movie. Because when I watch the movie Description
alone, I can more focus with the story of
the movie.

My room is cooler than the living room or

other rooms
I know it is a very small room but it is the
best place I have ever seen.


Another example, the title is “My Small House” it describes all rooms in house

start from the living room until the bathroom.

Table 2.2 The Example of Descriptive Text (My Small House)

The Title: My Small House Generic Structure
My house is located at Kp.bojong picung,
Jalan Cikuray, Desa Pamoyanan.
There are several rooms in my house.
There is a living room, family room,
kitchen and bathroom, four bedrooms and
a prayer room. The first room is the living
room. The living room is used to receive
guests who come to my house. Inside
there are several pieces of furniture,
including sofas, tables, and framed photos Identification
on the walls. living room is colored
yellow and it looks very screne when you
see it many times. I love this living room.
The second room is the family room. it is
the most spacious room In my house, we
usually use the family room to watch
television together. In the living room
there are television, chairs, and tables. It's
a big television, so when we sit together
we can see the film clearly.
Actually, I don’t like the chairs and tables Description
in my living room, because they take
more spaces. In my house, I have a large
kitchen, include the dinner place, also the
bathroom near the kitchen and warehouse.
This house has four bedrooms. The first
room is my parents’ room, the second
room is my room, the third room is my
brother’s room, and the last is the guest
room. My parents’ room is bigger than
mine and it has a big bed, but my room is
furnished with some furniture and some

big pictures on the wall.

It is my house, the small and lonely place
that I love


2.3 Blended Learning

Tanduklangi et al. (2019) define blended learning as a combination of face-

to-face and online learning to take advantage of face-to-face and online classes.

Blended Learning is a word based on two syllables derived from the English

language: blended and learning. Moreover, Blended learning is essentially a

mixture of competence in learning that is achieved face to face and digitally face

to face (Wahyuni, 2018). On the other hand, according to Bouilheres et al. (2020)

stated that blended learning as an accessible strategy of information delivery.

Another definition comes from Garison & Kanuka (2004:96) in Puspita & Hasyim

(2019:123) who suggested that blended learning is a form of learning that is

carried out by lecturers and teachers and may be simple or complicated. It's easy

because mixed learning is the careful combination of face-to-face and online

learning environments in the classroom.

Damaiyanti & Sari (2017) stated that blended learning allows students to

prepare according to their preferred learning style. Verbal students can learn more

about the subject discussed in class by asking questions and discussing it with the

teacher and classmates. Blended learning is the term most widely used to refer to

any mix of face-to-face instruction and computer technologies (online and offline

activities/materials), relate to Sulisworo (2018). The delivery of this strategy may

involve one or any variety of modes to complement face-to-face lectures, social

media, problem-solving gamification, video conferencing with each other or with

business members, role-playing games, immersive learning systems, competitive

online quizzes or exercises, and the multitude of online simulations available.

Wahyuni (2018) pointed out in explaining the blended learning ingredients

that five main ingredients are used in the blended learning process, such as; (1)

Live Events: synchronous, instructor-led learning experiences in which all

learners participate at the same time; (2) Online content: learning activities that

are independently undertaken by the learner, at his or her own level and at his or

her own time; (3) Collaboration: Learners connect and develop with others.

Examples include e-mail, threaded conversations, and wikis. (4) Assessment: A

test of the knowledge of learners. Pre-evaluations may occur to assess prior

information before live or self-paced activities, and post-evaluations may occur

after planned or online learning events to evaluate the transition of learning; (5)

Support Materials: These have reference resources that improve retention and

transmission of learning, both tangible and interactive. Printable references, work

aids and personal digital assistants are included.

Furthermore, blended learning can be used in a variety of treatment and data

gathering techniques, such as the Flow Model, which combines physical meetings

with e-learning sessions (Hosseinpour et al., 2019). There were six sessions in

Flow Model: kickoff event, initial learning activity, check-in event, treatment,

final assessment, and feedback.


Kickoff event is a physical or online meeting in which the manager or

instructor explains the program goals. It's a crucial stage since it tells students

about the course schedule and anything else they need to know about time

management. Initial learning activity is noteworthy that the instructional sessions

were held offline for both classes as physical meeting is one of the important


Check-in event is when the students contributed on the introduction and

conclusion paragraphs, while each student was responsible for writing a central

paragraph on their own. This strategy was chosen to ensure that all members of a

group participate actively. In the control group, this collaborative assignment was

completed offline. The final draft was expected to be delivered to the teacher by

the students.

The treatment is to control the effect of teacher’s corrective feedback, essays

were assessed by two raters based on the analytic rubric and the students received

scores related to the five aspects of writing including content, organization,

grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics of writing. The final assessment is an event

that concludes the program and evaluates the students. Feedback session is a

follow-up interview to assess the students’ perceptions of their blended learning

course (Hosseinpour et al., 2019).

Based on the discussions above, it can be summarized that blended learning

is defined in two syllables in the English language: blended and learning. Blended

learning is a form of learning that is carried out by teachers and students that

could be easy or complex. It is basically a mixture or blend of face-to-face and


online learning experience. Blended learning has several ingredients, as follow

live events, online content, collaboration, assessment, and support materials.

Besides, blended learning can be used in a variety of treatment and data gathering

techniques, such as the Flow Model, which combines physical meetings with e-

learning sessions. There were six sessions in Flow Model: kickoff event, initial

learning activity, check-in event, treatment, final assessment, and feedback.

2.4 Teaching-Learning Media

In this subchapter, the author presented some expert opinions on a brief history of

teaching-learning media, role of media in teaching-learning process, definition of

media, kinds of teaching-learning media they are digital and non-digital. The

detail are showed below.

2.4.1 Definition of Teaching-Learning Media

The role of media in teaching and learning cannot be overstated. The role of

media in the classroom supports both the teacher and the students. Teachers

benefit from media because it helps them to produce more and more content. in

teaching-learning process, media also aids teachers in receiving more interest

from students. Students, on the other hand, benefit from media because they

develop a deeper appreciation of the content provided by the instructor and a

stronger motivation to learn.

The technological advancement is supporting the media transformation. The

internet and smartphones are two examples. In terms of school, there are many

benefits of having a smartphone. Mobile apps improve the probability of contact.


As a result, it has the ability to make students more interactive and engaged in the

classroom. With mobile apps, learning is no longer a passive practice, but rather a

productive one. Mobile apps, unlike college, are available 24 hours a day, seven

days a week. With the aid of a learning program, a smartphone can be used to

learn something new (Yana & Darwati, 2017). There has been a lot to discuss and

improvements in the discussion of the advantages of using technologies and

online tools to teach and study foreign languages. There are various teaching

media that can be used in either conventional media or modern/digital media in

teaching learning.

In fact, digital media is more commonly adopted and used recently by

teachers or students rather than conventional media, without underestimating the

position of traditional media (Fauzi, 2017). In addition, media in teaching and

learning process comes from Putri (2019) argued that media education is a vital

component of instructional technologies. It has the ability to bridge the new

digital gap that occurs between students' encounters with technology outside of

school and the classroom experiences. It is similar with Hajrah et al. (2019) media

is defined as all resources that intentionally try to convey a message: the means by

which people exchange information. However, there are still a range of barriers to

tackle by using this method in the classroom. Teachers, on the other hand, must

constantly convince their peers and subordinates of the intellectual aims of

technology, while, on the other hand, they face accessibility challenges in a rural

environment such as the one in which this research project was conducted

(Guaqueta & Castro-Garces, 2018).


Media relates to Yana & Darwati (2017) are different components in a

learner's environment that help them understand. They also describe media as

"physical medium" for interacting with students and inspiring them to understand.

Yana & Darwati (2017) argued that there are six kinds of media that are explained

as: (1) Drawing or teacher mode drawings, (2) Still pictures, (3) Audio recording,

(4) Motion picture and TV, (5) Real object, simulation and models, and (6)

Programmed and computer-assisted instruction. There are several benefits of

using media in the teaching-learning process by Yana & Darwati (2017). These

benefits are explained as follows: (1) to increase the learners’ motivation, (2) to

avoid the learners bored, (3) to make the learners easy to understand the

instructional material, and (4) to make the teaching learning process more


Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that teaching-learning

media is an essential part of instructional technologies, which are described as any

tools that attempt to communicate a message intentionally: the medium by which

people share knowledge. It has the opportunity to close the digital divide that

remains between students' encounters with technology outside of school and their

experiences in the classroom. In teaching learning, there are a number of teaching

media that can be used in either traditional or modern/digital formats. In reality,

teachers and students are more likely to embrace and use new media than

conventional media in recent years, considering the prominence of traditional

media. It has six kinds of media, such as drawing or teacher mode drawings, still

pictures, audio recording, motion picture and TV, real object, simulation and

models, and programmed and computer-assisted instruction. In addition, there are

four benefits of using media, such as to increase the learners’ motivation, to avoid

the learners bored, to make the learners easy to understand the instructional

material, and to make the teaching learning process more systematic.

2.4.2 Kinds of Teaching-Learning Media

Basically, teaching-learning media defined into two types or kinds, there are

Digital and Non-digital media. The detailed explanation of them are described

below. Digital Teaching-Learning Media

In a digital world, digital technologies are a combination of hardware and

software devices that enable communication, access, transmission, and storage of

information and knowledge (Mercader & Gairín, 2020). Students and teachers

will be in various locations when performing teaching – learning exercises due to

the use of interactive technologies. Several steps have been taken to ensure that

teaching and learning practices will continue without the need for face-to-face

interaction. Remote learning is now widely supported by technology, specifically

the internet, tablet, and laptop.

The use of a digital teaching-learning media in the teaching of writing

increases communication among students and offers more opportunities for

engagement and writing together which are more meaningful and less threatening,

especially for shy students (Purcell et al., 2013). Furthermore, Aljumah (2012)

claimed that a digital or online application can also be motivating since it makes

students feel obligated to their students to design and maintain surroundings that

encourage students to continue learning beyond class.

During the Covid-19 crisis, one of Indonesia's largest telecommunication

companies saw a 16% rise in broadband streams, which was attributed to the

growing use of platforms for remote learning (Ahmadi & Ilmiani, 2020). In the

same way with (Yordming, 2017) stated that technology offers a plethora of

choices for making teaching more engaging and sustainable in terms of

improvements. Technology is used to promote modern models, and it supports the

students' visual and auditory senses.

Therefore, it is depend on teachers matching their teaching strategies to the

class atmosphere and creating a learning environment where students are able to

use digital learning so that students bravely propose questions in the discussion

and increase online collaborative learning with teachers. Not only would

incorporating digital learning into classroom teaching benefit students, but it

would also benefit teachers. Teachers may believe that students recognize

teachers' efforts and enthusiasm for teaching, in addition to promoting personal

professionalism (Lin et al., 2017).

In addition, it can be concluded that digital teaching-learning media is a

combination of hardware and software devices that enable communication, access,

transmission, and storage of information and knowledge. It offers a plethora of

choices for making teaching more engaging and sustainable in terms of

improvements. Digital teaching-learning media is used to promote modern

models, and it supports the students' visual and auditory senses. Teachers should

match their teaching strategies to the class atmosphere and creating a learning

environment where students are able to use digital learning so that students

bravely propose questions in the discussion and increase collaborative teaching-

learning process. Non-Digital Teaching-Learning Media

Traditional media refers to non-digital teaching-learning media. It refers to

the use of media without the development of technology its use in the teaching-

learning process. Examples of non-digital teaching-learning media are teacher-

centered and printed out textbooks as teaching-learning media. However, in

teaching-learning process, instructional material becomes one of the most

significant variables that determine learning success. It is described as something

used by teachers to encourage students to learn. Teachers could have

conversations, role-plays, discussions, and chalkboard work, but supporting

materials provide a lot of the variety in language instruction. As a result, it's

important for teachers to assess the book before depending on it. As a result, they

will be able to choose the most appropriate and suitable course book. It is

important to remember that how teachers choose and use course books in the

classroom is more likely to be decided by how innovative teachers are in assessing

the course book and selecting which materials are suitable for the teaching

activities (Hanifa, 2018). (Ajoke, 2017) stated that there are so many types of

instructional materials for teaching-learning media. They are; instructional chart,

poster, flashcard, flipchart, worksheet, and newsletter.


Non-digital teaching-learning media, in addition to having many advantages

in the teaching-learning process, also has many advantages, such as being the

most direct and efficient tool. When students experience problems or disputes,

teachers in this kind of teaching-learning media use a versatile teaching approach,

adapting the material according to the actual requirement under the general

teaching arrangement, which is conducive to cultivating not only the basic

technique but also the good habit of shaping students' self-study performance (Liu

& Long, 2014).

In conclusion, non-digital teaching-learning media is refers to the use of

media without the development of technology its use in the teaching-learning

process. It has so many advantages, they are being the most direct and efficient

tool. Because, teachers use a versatile teaching approach, adapting the material

according to the actual requirement under the general teaching arrangement,

which is conducive to cultivating the good habit of shaping students' self-study


2.5 Writco Application

In this sub-chapter elaborated the concept of Writco application, the features of

Writco application, and the stages to make or create a story, poem, and quote by

using Writco application. The detailed concept of the application is described


2.5.1 Concept of Writco Application

Writco is a multilingual social writing, publishing, and exploration forum

that brings readers and authors together from all over the world. Writco has a

community with the best talent, where you can get access to the best and most

exclusive material, as well as trending posts, poetry, and quotes. You will also

benefit from the writing of different authors. We also provide you with unique

Writco content written by our professional writers (Purohit, Salunkhe, & Maurya,

Writco, 2019).

Writco allows the users to compose in over 25 categories and 11 languages,

and it also allows the users to read and listen to stories and poems. Write your

stories and poems in captions with a dedicated space and the freedom to express


Based on the definition above, the author can concluded that Writco

application is a multilingual social writing, publishing, and exploration forum. It

allows the users to compose in over 25 categories and 11 languages, also to read

and listen the stories, poems, and quotes.

2.5.2 Features of Writco Application

There are five features of Writco application home button, explore button,

compose/create button, notification button, and profile button. The detail

information are explained in the following description.

31 Home Button

The first feature of Writco is home button. When the users activate the

application's home button, the user is taken to the homepage, which displays other

people's work such as stories, poems, and quotes. Explore Button

More stories, poetry, and quotes can be found using the explore button. It would

be more widely exploration than on the homepage feature. When the users want to

find stories that they feel are particularly interesting, the explore button should be

useful. Compose/Create Button

Users of the app will be guided to write a story, poem, or quote by pressing the

compose/create button. If the users want to write a poem, they have to click the

compose button first, then select the poem button. The user will be given a format

to write a poem, starting with the title, content, and tags they want to share or

publish. In addition, Writco allows the users to add images in each formats (story,

poem, and quote). story, poem, or quote author or reader will see photos or images

that support the theme posed by the story, poem, or quote. Notification Button

Another Writco's feature is the notification button. If the users have already

created a story, poem, or quote and it turns out that their work has been

commented on or replied to by other users, they will receive a notification or


information. Typically, the feedback they get is courteous and encourages them to

enhance the quality of their work. Profile Button

On the profile button users may view information about their accounts and make

changes to their nickname, profile picture, school/college, address, age, and


2.5.3 Stages to Create a Story, Poem, or Quote by Using Writco Application

There are five procedures to compose/create a story, poem, or quote. Each step is

elaborated below.

First Step

The first step is the users have to sign in to Writco applicaiton, they can sign in

using their Google account or Facebook account

Sign in Page of Writco

There are Google account and
Facebook account

Figure 2.1 Sign in/up page of Writco


Second Step

After the first step is done, the homepage will be visible to the users right away. If

they want to write a story, poem, or quote, the users have to click on the compose

button, which depicts a pencil / pen on the homepage.

The hompage
There are several features on it.
Such as, home button, explore,
compose button, notification
button, profile button.

Figure 2.2 The Homepage of Writco

Third Step

The next step, the users have to choose one of the three features: story, poem, or

quote. Choose the story option if they want to write a story; the same goes for

users who want to write a poem or a quote.

The Drafts
There are story, poem,
and quote drafts

Fourth Step
Figure 2.3 The Drafts of Writco

After they choose the draft, the users will be guided to create a story, poem, or

quote. Start from title, photos, until the content of the story, poem, or quote. In

this step the users can express their feeling to entertain the others users or the

reader who uses Writco.

The Story Draft

It includes Photo, Title, and
the Content

Figure 2.4 The Story Draft of Writco

Last Step

The last point, the users have to select the categories or the tags that relate to their

story, poem, or quote theme. It makes easier for the reader to find out the others

stories, poems, and quotes. The next is click the publish button. Then, the users

have made their own stories, poems, or quotes using Writco application.

The Story Draft

It includes Language, and
Categories that relate to the

Figure 2.5 The Story Draft of Writco

2.6 Previous Research

The research of teaching writing of using media has been conducted by

many authors. Purnawarman et al. (2016) have conducted a research entitled “The

Use Of Edmodo In Teaching Writing In A Blended Learning Setting”. The aim of

this study was to see how Edmodo, as a learning medium, was used in a blended

learning environment to teach writing in accordance with a genre-based approach,

how Edmodo aided student participation, and how students interpreted Edmodo's

use in teaching and learning practices. This research used a qualitative approach

and used a case study design. A total of 17 students from a senior high school in

Bandung, Indonesia, took part in the study. Observations, document analysis,

interviews, and questionnaires were used to gather information. The findings

revealed that Edmodo could be inserted into GBA writing periods while teaching

writing. Edmodo also aided students' academic involvement during classroom

sessions. Centered on the Uses and Pleasure Theory (UGT) paradigm, the students

had a range of reactions to using Edmodo.


Moreover, Taufikurohman (2018) investigated the effectiveness of using

media in teaching Descriptive text in his resesarch entitled “The Effectiveness Of

Using Padlet In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text”. The subject consisted of 54

students and he used quantitative method to collect the data.

The result of the research shows that the learners that interested in writing

descriptive text using the media Padlet were 13 of 27 students with a percentage

of 48.1% of total responses. They felt comfortable or not while writing descriptive

text using Padlet the frequency was 21 out of 27 students with a percentage 77.7%

of total responses. They were able to pay more attention to the learning process

the frequency was 16 of 27 students with a percentage of 59.2% of the total


Besides, They were more motivated in the learning process the frequency

was 17 out of 27 students with a percentage of 63% of the total responses. The

Padlet was easy for them and the learning process became more organized in the

classroom the frequency was 13 of 27 students with a percentage of 44.3% of the

total responses. They got more material about writing descriptive texts the

frequency of students who answered strongly agree with the statement was 17 of

27 students and the percentage was 62.9% of the total responses. It could provide

guidance in writing descriptive text the frequency was 21 of the 27 students agree

with this statement and the percentage was 77.7% of the total responses. It helped

them in learning achievement 16 out of 27 students answered agree the percentage

was 59.2%. It did not make the learning process narrower the frequency was 11

out of 27 total students who disagree with the statement and the percentage was

40.7% of the total responses.

Disagree and strongly disagree Padlet is not effective the frequency of 8 out

of 27 students with a percentage of 29.6% respectively, the material could still be

presented properly by the teacher the frequency was 10 of 27 students strongly

disagree with the statement and the percentage was 37.1% of the total responses, it

required a smartphone with good specifications to be used in the learning process.

As a result, 14 of the 27 students answered strongly agree with the statement with

a percentage of 51.8% of the total responses, a stable internet connection was

required for using the smartphone in the classroom the frequency was 15 of the 27

students strongly agree with this statement and the percentage was 55.5% of the

total responses, They did not agree that writing descriptive text using Padlet was

difficult for them than without Padlet the frequency was 12 of the 27 students

answered disagree with the percentage of 44.4% of the total responses, it was

quite expensive for them the frequency was 12 out of 27 students agree with the

statement and the percentage was 44.4% of the total responses.

In addition, Afsyah (2019) has conducted a research entitled “WhatsApp

Application in English Language Teaching (ELT) Context: Media to Describe

People”. This study aims to analyze the function of learning media using

WhatsApp in learning material describing people can support improving

vocabulary in students that can be used in the learning process of teaching English

in Senior High School. The results of this study when teachers use WhatsApp

media applications to English classrooms to improve their vocabulary, students


can become more active in speaking English on WhatsApp and increase students'

learning motivation about learning material. When using the WhatsApp

application, students can place themselves in a real- world conversation and get

teaching from mistakes made by their partners or members in their WhatsApp


Furthermore, Fauzi (2017) examined the effect of Edmodo in writing skill.

The reresearch entitled “The Effect of Edmodo on Students’ Writing Skill in

Recount Text”. The finding showed that p-value was less than 0.05 (0.006<0.05).

Referring to the data, there was enough evidence indicating that the null

hypothesis could be rejected, and thus it could be concluded that using Edmodo

was effective to teach recount text. This study attempts to contribute to the

improvement of teaching writing by maximizing the use of ICT tools. Using

Edmodo, both students and teachers can have a safe online environment to

conduct more effective and sustainable teaching and learning process

The last, Rahmah (2017) conducted a research about students’ improvement

in writing descriptive text, her research entitled “Improving Students' Score In

Writing Descriptive Text Through Think Talk Write Strategy” In this research, she

used questionnaire to collect the data. The first statement about the use of think

talk write strategy that can be learning becomes clearer and easier.

The data showed that 7 students were choose strongly agree, 12 students

were choosed agree and 11 students were choosed neutral. So, it was obtained

77.33 %. The second statements about the use of think talk write strategy can help

students in writing descriptive text. The data showed that 5 students were choosed

strongly agree, 12 students were choosed agree and 10 students were choosed

neutral, 3 students were choosed disagree. It was obtained 72.67%. The third

statements about the use of think talk write strategy can be happier. The data

showed that 10 students were choosed strongly agree, 11 students were choosed

agree and 9 students were choosed neutral. It was obtained 80.67%. The fourth

statements about the use of think talk write strategy makes the students more

easily understand. The data showed that 10 students were choosed strongly agree,

8 students were choosed agree, 7 students were choosed neutral and 5 students

were choosed disagree. So, it was obtained 78.67%. The fifth statements about the

use of think talk write strategy can help the students in writing descriptive text.

The data showed that 7 students were choosed strongly agree, 14 students were

choosed agree and 9 students were choosed neutral. It was as much as 78.67%.

The sixth statements about the use of think talk write strategy can help the

students in developing their idea to write descriptive text. The data showed that 11

students were choosed strongly agree, 12 students were choosed agree, 7 students

were choose neutral. So, it was obtained 82.67%.

The seventh statements about the use of think talk write strategy makes the

student not boring in learning. The data showed that 13 students were choosed

strongly agree, 7 students were choosed agree and 10 students were choosed

neutral. It was obtained 82%. The eighth statements about the use of think talk

write strategy can be more creative in writing descriptive text. The data showed

that 10 students were choosed strongly agree, 12 students were choosed agree and

6 students were choosed neutral, 2 students were choosed disagree. It was


obtained 84%. The nine statements about the use of think talk write strategy can

improve motivation of students in writing descriptive text. The data showed that 9

students were choosed strongly agree, 12 students were choosed agree, 9 students

were choosed neutral. So, it was obtained 74 %. The tenth statement about the use

of think talk write strategy can improve the students’ skill in writing descriptive

text. The data showed that 6 students were choosed strongly agree, 10 students

were choosed agree, 10 students were choosed neutral and 4 students were

choosed disagree. So, it was obtained 72%.

2.7 Concluding Remark

This chapter has presented the concepts about writing, Descriptive text,

blended learning, teaching-learning media, and Writco application. The author

concluded them below.

Writing is a way of thinking and communicating in which certain thoughts

and concepts being transformed into written form, allowing for a conceptual

experience involving or constructing one's own fictional world. As a consequence,

if students wish to develop their writings and become better authors, they must

possess some steps and a range of abilities according to Alsmari (2019), as follow

(1) prewriting, (2) planning, (3) writing or drafting, (4) revising the draft, and (5)

final editing are some steps in the writing process.

Descriptive text known as a paragraph that clearly describes an individual,

location, or thing in such a way that perhaps the reader could even imagine the

subject and enter the writer's imagination which refers to the senses of something

looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds (Ramadian et al., 2020). Rivai et al.

(2017) stated that the generic structures of Descriptive text are identification and

description. Identification usually mentioned in the first paragraph, it refers to the

process of identifying the phenomenon that will be described. Description is

divided into three sections: the parts of the place, the quality of the place, and the

place's characteristic, it a detailed description of the components, features, or

characteristics of something or someone. The last, language features or linguistics

features of Descriptive text are using Simple Present Tense, specific nouns,

relational verbs, and adjective words (Rivai et al., 2017).

Blended learning is defined in two syllables in the English language:

blended and learning. Blended learning is a form of learning that is carried out by

teachers and students that could be easy or complex. It is basically a mixture or

blend of face-to-face and online learning experience (Puspita & Hasyim,

2019:123). Blended learning has several processes, as follow live events, online

content, collaboration, assessment, and support materials. Also, blended learning

has four models there are (1) the rotation model, (2) flex model, (3) self-blend

model, and (4) enriched virtual model (Rahmawati et al., 2021)

Teaching-learning media is a medium that transmits instructional messages

or learning material (Meliala et al., 2021). Basically, teaching-learning media

defines into two types or kinds there are Digital and Non-digital media. Digital

teaching-learning media is a combination of hardware and software devices that

enable communication, access, transmission, and storage of information and

knowledge (Mercader & Gairín, 2020). Non-digital teaching-learning media is


refers to the use of media without the development of technology it use in the

teaching-learning process (Hanifa, 2018).

Writco application is a multilingual social writing, publishing, and

exploration forum. It allows the users to compose in over 25 categories and 11

languages, also to read and listen the stories, poems, and quotes. Writco has some

features to suppport the users as follows: (1) home button, (2) explore button, (3)

compose/create button, (4) notification button, and (5) profile button.


The research methodology is an essential part of the research process. In this

chapter, many aspects are discussed that used to conduct the study. They contain

the research design, research population and sample, data collection, data analysis,

and concluding remark.

3.1 Research Design

Qualitative research is exploratory, which means that researchers use it to

delve into a topic when the variables and theoretical foundation are unknown. A

good qualitative purpose statement includes information about the central

phenomenon investigated, the study participants, and the research site (Creswell

& Creswell, 2018). Besides that, Qualitative research is a method for investigating

and comprehending the meaning that individuals or groups ascribe to a social or

human problem (John W., 2013). On the other hand, Aditya, Maulana Yusuf. &

Ridwan (2020) argued that qualitative research aims to comprehend

circumstances in their uniqueness as part of a specific context, as well as the

interactions that occur there. Understanding the essence of that environment, what

it means for participants to be in that setting, what their lives are like, what's going

on for them, what their purpose is, what their worlds look like in that setting, and

in the study to be able to express that faithfully to those who are involved in that

setting, is a and in itself. Then, Marshall and Rossman (2006) as cited in

Muamalah, (2020) stated that qualitative research is pragmatic, interpretive, and

grounded in people's lived experiences.


Refers to the explanation above, in conducting this study, the author used

qualitative research in analyzing, investigating, and comprehending the data of

teaching writing of descriptive text by using Writco application.

Move on to the concepts of descriptive qualitative research, Royani and

Sadiah (2019) as cited in Dwifadjrin & Pamungkas (2020) defined that descriptive

qualitative research is a form of research that involves systematically evaluating a

topic. The aim of descriptive qualitative research is to create systematic and

reliable explanations based on field facts. More specifically, qualitative analysis is

the compilation of data related to incidents that occur during the research process.

Qualitative research was conducted by collecting data in a natural classroom

setting without tampering with the situation and real-world action as observed in a

natural setting (Masruddin, 2019). Ahmadi & Ilmiani (2020) argued that the aims

of qualitative descriptive research are to obtain information or a summary that

covers three social aspects: location, person, and behavior, all of which interact


Moreover, the author used descriptive qualitative method in evaluating,

compilating, and obtaining the data information of teaching writing of descriptive

text by using Writco application.

3.2 Research Population and Sample

A sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plants to

study, while a population is a group of individuals that share a set of


The participants in this study were tenth grade students in SMAN 2 Cianjur.

The students in this sample were those who were studying in the academic year

2020/2021. The authors conducted a sample selection on October 2020.

The researcher used a non-probability sampling technique to pick the sample

for this research. Non-probability sampling refers to the selection of a sample

without using a random procedure. This study used convenience sampling, which

is a form of non-probability sampling in which the researcher selected a sample

based on who was willing and able to participate in the research (Mercer et al.,


As mentioned before, the author was selected the sample on October 2020.

The author was given the opportunity to teach tenth grade students of IPA 2, IPA

6, and IPS 4. The author was only choosed one of the classes as the sample of the

research, it was tenth grade students of IPA 2. It had 31 students in total there are

21 of females students and 10 of males students. Because, the author was

observed the tenth grade students of IPA 2 are very energetic and enthusiastic

when face-to-face or online learning. Therefore, this class could be an excellent

sample for this study.

3.3 Teaching Material

Descriptive Text is the material used in this study. The author used this

material because Descriptive text is covered in the learning syllabus, and when the

author conducts one of the instruments used in this study, called as observation.

Also, in November 2020 one of teachers in SMAN 2 Cianjur teaches the students

about Descriptive Text. Then, the author teaches this content to tenth grade of IPA

2 students in SMAN 2 Cianjur for five meetings.

At the first meeting, the students were explained about the definition and

purpose of the Descriptive text. In the second meeting, students learned about the

text's structure as well as the Simple Present Tense formula, which is one of

Descriptive text's language features. In the third meeting, students were given

information about all of the language features found in the Descriptive text. In the

fourth meeting, the students attempted to write descriptive text in their own books,

which was reviewed by the instructor. In the fifth meeting, students were taught

how to use the Writco application, step by step, from logging in to publishing

their text results; this is one of the tasks they must complete in order to learn how

to write Descriptive text.

3.4 Data Collection

The term "data" refers to information gathered through research. For data

collection, the researcher must employ some procedures. Because the goal of this

study is to obtain data, the data collection strategy is a crucial phase in the

research process. Data can be gathered in a variety of settings, from a variety of

sources, and in a variety of ways.

Setting the study's parameters through sampling and recruitment; gathering

information through unstructured or semi-structured observations and interviews,

records, and visual materials; and defining the procedure for capturing

information are all steps in the data collection process (Creswell & Creswell,

2018). The researcher used observation and questionnaire to figure out the

answers of research questions.

3.4.1 Observation

The first was observation. Observation is a method of watching and

listening to an encounter or phenomena as it occurs that is purposeful, systematic,

and selective (Kumar, 2011). There are numerous options. When you want to

learn about the interaction in a group, research the food patterns of a community,

determine the functions performed by a worker, or research the behavior or

personality features of an individual; observation is the most appropriate way of

data collecting. Kumar (2011) argued there are two types of observation:

participant observation, and non-participant observation. Participant observation

is when you, as a researcher, participate in the activities of the group being

observed in the same manner as its members, with or without their knowing that

they are being observed. Besides, non-participant observation occurs when you, as

a researcher, remain a passive observer, watching and listening to the group's

actions and deriving conclusions from them (Kumar, 2011).

Relevant to the theory above, the author used non-participant observation to

observe students activities in teaching-learning process without involved in the

activities as a passive observer, watching and listening to its activities and writing

conclusions from the observation. The author observed the teacher in the

classroom without engaging with the students in order to focus on the teaching-

learning process and to learn how the teacher teaches the material to the students,

especially in the writing of Descriptive text class.


The author observed the process how the use of writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text in blended learning. The observation had done

by the author directly to make it clear and easy in analyzing the interaction in

classroom activities and online learning. Further more, the author took field notes

of what had been observed to describe the situation during the teaching-learning


The observation instrument helped the author to investigate the first and

second research question. The observation was done in the classroom activities

and online learning, consisting of 31 students. The author did the obsevation four

times. First, the teacher was seen for the first time on 19 th October, 2020. Her

name is miss ER, she taught her students through face-to-face learning about

social function, generic structures, and language features of Descriptive text.

Second observation, on 24th October, 2020 when the teacher taught the students

about one of Descriptive text’s language features that was simple present tense.

She taught the social function, positive formula, negative formula, and

interrogative formula of simple present tense. Third observation, on 12 th

November 2020 when the teacher taught students about kinds of adjective that

includes in Descriptive text in online learning. She used WhatsApp application as

the teaching tool and Google Classroom as the medium to collect the assignments.

Last, the author did the observation on 16th November 2020 when the teacher

asked the students to create a Descriptive text with “historical place in or around

your home” topic. Then, she explained about the Writco appplication and

instructed the students to download and install the application. At the end of class,

the teacher has guided the students to upload the students’ Descriptive text in

Writco application.

3.4.2 Questionnaire

In this study, the author used questionnaire to examine the advantages and

the disadvantages toward using Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text. Kumar (2011) stated that a questionnaire is a written list of

questions to which respondents must respond and record their responses.

Respondents read the questions, interpret what is anticipated, and then write down

their replies in a questionnaire.

Roopa & Rani (2012) stated that there are roughly four different forms of

questionnaire design. They are used in accordance with the survey's objectives.

(1) Contingency questions/Cascade format, (2) Matrix questions, (3) Closed-

ended questions, and (4) Open-ended questions are the four types of questions.

(Creswell & Creswell, 2018) in qualitative research, you ask open-ended

questions so that participants can express opinions about their experiences without

being bound by the author's points of view or previous research findings. An

open-ended question allows participants to form their own opinions in order to


To answer the first and second research questions the author used an open-

ended questionnaire. It makes the respondent answers in their own phrases, rather

than being limited range of options. The questionnaire was given to each of the 31

students after four meeting were done, exactly on 17th November 2020. It is

provided to the tenth grade students of IPA 2 in SMAN 2 Cianjur. The


questionnaire was created in Google Forms and used Indonesian language to

ensure that all of the statements were understood by the students. The

questionnaire consists of 10 questions that inquire about the implementation,

benefits, and disadvantages of using Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text. The author would send the students a connection to the

questionnaire, which they would fill out on their smartphones easily. The students

would be able to complete the questionnaire once. The questionnaire took about

two weeks to complete.

3.5 Data Analysis

In a qualitative research, the methods section should also include the steps

for evaluating the different types of qualitative data. The aim is to make sense of

text and image data in general. It entails segmenting and separating data (much

like peeling back the layers of an onion) as well as reassembling it (Creswell &

Creswell, 2018). Techniques of analyzing the data were used in order to

synthesize the data collecting from various sources into a coherent description of

what the researcher had been observed and discovered. The obtained data was

classified to get framework of the utilization of Writco appplication in teaching

writing of Descriptive text.

In this study, the author used qualitative observation and open-ended

questionnaire to gain the data. According to Creswell & Creswell (2018) the

discussion of qualitative data analysis in the study could start with a few general

comments regarding these processes: (1) simultaneous procedures and (2)

overview the data analysis processes.


3.5.1 Observation

The observation that the author used was in form of field note. The author

used it to know the real reaction and situation in utilizing Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. The author analyzed the data from classroom

observation by describing the result of field notes. The author archived the

classroom observation into observation sheet. The author noted from the lesson

begin until the closing session. Therefore, the teacher’s activities in teaching-

learning process can be seen in classroom observation sheet.

Further more, the respondents’ data was analyzed by using qualitative. It

was relevant to the theory of Creswell & Creswell (2018). There were five stages

of this method. The detail information as follows.

1. Organize and Prepare the Data for Analysis as the Initial Stage

First, organize and prepare the data for analysis as the initial stage.

Observation are transcribed, materials are optically scanned, all visual material is

cataloged, and data is sorted and organized into different types based on the

sources of information (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). The author prepared to

observe the participants in teaching-learning process by holding observation sheet

in hand. The author did the observation in four times.

2. Read or Examine All of the Facts

Second, read or examine all of the facts. This initial stage gave a general

feel of the data and considered its broader meaning. The data of observation was

segmented into two, namely how is the use of Writco application in teaching

writing of Descriptive text and what are the advantages and disadvantages of

Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. A sketchbook of ideas

can start to take shape for visual data (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Moreover,

after the initial stage, the following the distribution of the observation was read all

of the findings that students have provided in order to determine the facts that

occured in this study.

3. Start Coding All of the Data

Third, start coding all of the data. Coding is the process of categorizing data

by bracketing chunks (or text or image segments) and adding a word in the

margins to signify a category. It entails taking text or image data acquired during

data collection, segmenting sentences (or paragraphs) or photos into categories,

and labeling those categories with a term, which is typically based on the

participant's actual language (called an in vivo term) (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

After read the findings from the questionnaire, the author categorised the

respondents’ activities that were tenth grade of IPA 2 students in SMAN 2 Cianjur

based on two different research questions. The first research question was about

the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text and

second research question was about the advantages and didsadvantages of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text.

4. Create a Description and Themes

Fourth, create a description and themes. Make a description of the scene or

persons, as well as categories or themes for study, using the coding process. A

detailed portrayal of information about people, places, or events in a setting is

known as description. This description can be coded by researchers (Creswell &

Creswell, 2018). The author began organizing data according to research

questions. Transcript of observation data acquired for the first research question to

investigate about the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text. Second research question assisted by classroom observation to

examine what are the advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text.

5. Representing the Description and Themes

The final step is to depict the description and themes. Plan out how the

descriptive qualitative’s description and topics will be expressed. This could be a

talk that includes a timeline of events or a deep analysis of various topics

(Creswell & Creswell, 2018). After organizing the data, in this stage the author

began to describe the total results of the observation sheet in detail. From that

detail explanation or description, the author knew about the utilization of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text and the author decided wether

the Writco application gave the advantages or disadvantages in teaching writing of

Descriptive text.

3.5.2 Questionnaire

This research employed the open-ended questionnaire that used to find out

the answer of the research questions. The students wrote the answer individually

based on their opinions during the teaching-learning process.


For the questionnaire, the data was collected from the respondents were

analyzed by using qualitative from Creswell & Creswell (2018) namely overview

the data analysis processes. There were five stages of this method:

1. Organize and Prepare the Data for Analysis as the Initial Stage

First, Organize and prepare the data for analysis as the initial stage.

Questionnaires are transcribed, materials are optically scanned, all visual material

is cataloged, and data is sorted and organized into different types based on the

sources of information (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). The author gave 10

questions to tenth grade students of IPA 2. Some of these questions will be given

after the teacher used the Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive

text has been implemented. The question focused on how is the utilization,

advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text.

2. Read or Examine All of the Facts

Second, read or examine all of the facts. This initial stage gave a general feel of

the data and considered its broader meaning. The data of questionnaire was

segmented into two, namely how is the use of Writco application in teaching

writing of Descriptive text and what are the advantages and disadvantages of

Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. A sketchbook of ideas

can start to take shape for visual data (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Moreover,

after the initial stage, the following the distribution of the questionnnaire was read

all of the findings that students have provided in order to determine the facts that

occured in this study.

3. Start Coding All of the Data

Third, start coding all of the data. Coding is the process of categorizing data

by bracketing chunks (or text or image segments) and adding a word in the

margins to signify a category. It entails taking text or image data acquired during

data collection, segmenting sentences (or paragraphs) or photos into categories,

and labeling those categories with a term, which is typically based on the

participant's actual language (called an in vivo term) (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

After read the findings from the questionnaire, the author categorised the

respondents’ answers that were tenth grade of IPA 2 students in SMAN 2 Cianjur

based on two different research questions. The first research question was about

the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text and

second research question was about the advantages and didsadvantages of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text.

4. Create a Description and Themes

Fourth, create a description and themes. Make a description of the scene or

persons, as well as categories or themes for study, using the coding process. A

detailed portrayal of information about people, places, or events in a setting is

known as description. This description can be coded by researchers (Creswell &

Creswell, 2018). The author began organizing data according to research

questions. Transcript of questionnaire data acquired for the first research question

to investigate about the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text. Second research question questionnaire data to examine what are

the advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text.

5. Representing the Description and Themes

The final step is to depict the description and themes. Plan out how the

descriptive qualitative’s description and topics will be expressed. This could be a

talk that includes a timeline of events or a deep analysis of various topics

(Creswell & Creswell, 2018). After organizing the data, in this stage the author

began to describe the total results of the questionnaire in detail. From that detail

explanation or description, the author knew about the utilization of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text and the author decided wether

the Writco application gave the advantages or disadvantages in teaching writing of

Descriptive text.

3.6 Concluding Remark

In summary, qualitative research is a method for investigating and

comprehending the meaning that individuals or groups ascribe to a social or

human problem. Descriptive qualitative research is a form of research that

involves systematically evaluating a topic (John W., 2013). According to Aditya,

Maulana Yusuf. & Ridwan (2020) the aims of qualitative descriptive research

are to obtain information or a summary that covers three social aspects: location,

person, and behavior, all of which interact synergistically. The sample of this

research are the tenth grade students of IPA 2 in SMAN 2 Cianjur, they were 31

students that include 21 female students and 10 male students. The data will

collect through non-participant observation and open-ended questionnaire.

Those instruments helped the author to investigate and examine the research

This chapter is to investigate and examine the research questions related to the

theory in second chapter. The data were gained from observation and

questionnaire. The first research question is about the implementation of Writco

application in teaching of Descriptive text. The second is about the advantages

and disadvantages of Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text.

To gain the data, the author conducted non-participant observation and open-

ended questionnaire.

4.1 The Use of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text

This section elaborates the utilization of Writco application in teaching

writing of Descriptive text as the first research question that was answered

through classroom observation and questionnaire.

The classroom observation data were analyzed in four phases or meetings.

First meeting conducted on 19th October 2020, the teacher taught the students

about the social function and generic structures of Descriptive text. The teacher

gave one example to make the students understand to it. Second meeting

conducted on 24th October 2020, the teacher taught the students about social

function and the formulas of simple present tense. It is one of the language

features of Descriptive text. Third meeting conducted on 12th November 2020, the

teacher taught the students about social function and kinds of adjective in

Descriptive text. Last meeting conducted on 16th November 2020, the teacher

reviewed all of the materials that were learnt by the students and instructed the


students to make a Descriptive text. Then, the teacher introduced the Writco

application to the students and guided them to upload their result to the

application. For the detail information, the author described them in the following


4.1.1 Data Gained from Observation

As stated in the previous chapter, the classroom observation were conducted

in two places in classroom and their home through WhatsApp and Google

Classroom application, particularly at tenth grade students of IPA 2 in SMAN 2

Cianjur. Observation is the greatest data collection technique to find out the stages

of the utilization of Writco application that the teacher used as digital instructional

media in teaching-learning process.

As discussed before, the author was non-participant observer. The author

immediately saw and heard what was happening in teaching-learning process. It

was conducted seven process, those were opening, observing, questioning,

associating, experimenting, networking, and closing. The author did not interact

with the students in teaching-learning process with the participants consists of 31

students they were 21 females and 10 males students.

Based on the classroom observation findings, the Writco application was

used for reviewing and evaluating the students in Descriptive text material. The

students were enthusiastic in using the Writco application, because they were used

the new digital media in teaching-learning process that made they were not really

feel bored in teaching-learning process. It can be seen from their attitude and

response to the teacher in classroom and application that they were felt happy and

enjoy the lesson. The findings were explained in detail in the result of the

classroom observations below. Observation Result on Monday 19th of October 2020

The first classroom observation was conducted on Monday 19 th October

2020. It was followed by 31 students in classroom or using face-to-face teaching-

learning process.

In opening session, the author has seen that the students were greeted by the

teacher and they responded their teacher. Then, the students prayed together with

their teacher and one of students lead the pray. After praying, the students were

checked their attendances by the teacher, the students said present or “I’m here”

when the teacher called their names. After that, the students were given the

purpose of this meeting about Descriptive text. Before the teacher started the

lesson, the students were given some motivation for making them more

enthusiastic in teaching-learning process. It was important thing when the teacher

wanted to start the lesson, because it could make the situation and condition in the

classroom was more excited and fun.

In observing session, the author has seen that the students were asked to

make some groups include two students in each groups. The students were given

an example of Descriptive text entitled “My Best Friend” and they have to discuss

and comprehend it in pairs. It was for warming the students’ brain in introducing

the material that was Descriptive text or it could be called as brainstroming. On

the other hand, it was for making students adapt to the text like the social

function, the generic structure, the characteristic, the template, and the language

features of Descriptive text.

After the observing session, the next session was questioning session. The

students were given a chance to ask related to the text. Then some students asked

to the teacher.

Student 1 What is the social function or definition of Descriptive text?

Student 2 What are the differences between Descriptive text and
Report text?
Student 3 What are the generic structures of Descriptive text?

Then, the teacher explained the questions form the students use mixed language

Indonesian and English language to make sure that the students understand clearly

what the teacher said. In fact, the students understood the explanation from the

teacher easily.

The fourth session was associating. In this session, the author has

seen that the students were asked to find out the social function, generic

structures, and the characteristics of Descriptive text in some books or

websites as their sources, they could be from the printed books or through

online resources. Then, the students found out about the social function,

generic structures, and the characteristics of Descriptive text through their

gadget. The instruction from the teacher was for making the students more

understand and adapt to the Descriptive text in another sources except

from their teacher.


Fifth session was experimenting. After the students found out the

social function, generic structures, and characteristics of Descriptive text

the students were asked to write down the summary of the social function,

generis structures, and characteristics of Descriptive text using their own

phrases or words in their own books.

The next session was networking session. After the students were

given an instruction to find out and write down the social function, generic

structures, and characteristics of Descriptive text using their own words,

the students were asked to present their summaries in front of the class,

then group by group was presented the summaries. It was for making sure

that the students wrote down about the material correctly, if they made a

mistake the teacher will fixed the students’ summaries. After the students’

presentation was done, the students were given ten questions from their

teacher through Quizizz. They answered them through their gadget. It was

important thing for the teacher to evaluate the students in understanding

about Descriptive text.

Last session was closing. In closing session, the students were asked

to conclude the material that was learnt by them then they concluded the

lesson like what were they got from today’s lesson, they answered that

they were given some points about the social function, generic structures,

and characteristics of Descriptive text. After the students concluded the

material, as the opening session, the students were given some motivation

to make them keep excited for the next meeting. After that, the students

were asked to find out the language features of Descriptive text in their

home, it will be the next material in next meeting. Then, the students were

asked to end the teaching-learning process by praying together and one of

students lead the pray. Observation Result on Thursday 22nd of October 2020

Second classroom observation was conducted on Thursday 22 nd October

2020. The teacher used face-to-face teaching-learning process. Therefore, the

teaching-learning process was happened in classroom. So, the author did the

observation in the class of IPA 2.

In opening session, the students were greeted by the teacher and they

responded the teacher. After that, the teacher opened the teaching-learning process

by praying together and one of students lead the pray. After praying, the teacher

asked the students’ condition and the students were checked their attendances by

the teacher, then the students have to respond “present” or “I’m here” when she

called their names. It was the important thing to do by the teacher, because when

the teacher asked about the students’ condition, it was meant that the teacher cares

about the students’ feeling and mood. Therefore, when students have good feeling

and mood, the learning process will be very effective and fun for students and


The next agenda, the students were given some motivation from the teacher

for making them more excited in teaching-learning process. After that, the

students were asked to review some points about the previous material in the

previous meeting those were the social function, generic structures, and

characteristics of Descriptive text. It was the brainstroming session to make the

students still remember the previous materials. Fortunately, the students explained

some points about the social function, generic structures, and the characteristics of

Descriptive text greatly, it was made the teacher proud to the students, because

they were remembered the previous material clearly. After reviewing previous

material, the students were given the purpose of today’s lesson about simple

present tense by the teacher and they reminded about the teacher’s instruction in

the previous meeting that was they have to find out about the language features

that include in Descriptive text.

Second session was observing. In this session, the students prepared to

listen the material using Power Point and projector, then the teacher told them

today’s lesson they will learn about simple preset tense. Firstly, the teacher started

to explain the social function of simple present tense and the students have been

quite for a moment to listen the teacher’s presentation. Secondly, the students

were given some explanation about the positive form and its formula of simple

present tense, the students listened carefully to the teacher’s explanation. While

the teacher explained the positive form and its formula of the simple present tense,

the students were given several positive form examples, that was an important

thing for the students because they would understood the information about the

explanation faster. After the positive form, thirdly, the students were given the

negative form and its formula and the students were given some examples of

negative form of the simple present tense, as same as in the previous activity, the

students really listened carefully to the teacher’s description. Fouthly, the


interrogative form and formula were the last materials for the students, the

students provided some examples by the teacher to help the students comprehend

how the interrogative form might be developed into a complete sentence.

The next session was questioning session. After the students had given over

all the material explanation, the students were given a chance to ask some

questions regarding what they had learned. Following that, one of the students

inquired, "What are the distinctions between the simple present and the simple

past?" The teacher answered the question in mixed language Indonesian and

English languages. It was important for the teacher because it helped all students

to comprehend the description and statement from the teacher about the

differences between simple present and simple past tense more greatly.

Teacher : Okay, if you have some questions related to the material. I

give you a chance to ask about it.
Student : Miss, I have a question. What are the differences between
simple present tenses and simple past tense?

After the questioning session, there was the associating session. In

this session, the students were given a instruction by the teacher, they have

to make a group that consists of two students in each group, then the

students were asked to analyze the simple present tense that included in

“The Capital City of England” text. Students started to analyze and

underline the simple present tense that included in the text.

Fifth session was experimenting. The students' results were checked

by the teacher and she scored those result. Next agenda, The students were

asked to write simple present tense social functions and its formulas on the

whiteboard and in their own books using their own words. It is highly

useful when students wish to construct an example of the simple present

tense or when they forget the formula of the simple present tense they can

easily remember it by looking at their books.

The next session was networking session. The students’ books were

checked by the teacher throughout this session to ensure that they wrote

down the materials accurately. The students were given homework by the

teacher. They have to create five examples of each of the positive,

negative, and interrogative forms of the simple present tense. It was

beneficial for students to be familiar with many samples and formulas of

the simple present tense therefore they may rapidly grasp the simple

present tense material.

The last session was closing. In this session, the students were asked

to summarize the material they had learnt, then they concluded the

material about social function, positive, negative, and interrogative forms

of simple present tense. As the previous meeting, the students always

given some motivation to keep their spirit and enthusiastic in teaching-

learning process increasingly. After that, the students were given an

instruction to find out the adjective in Descriptive text, it will be discussed

in the next meeting. Last but not least, the students ended the teaching-

learning process by praying together and one of students lead the pray.
67 Observation Result on Thursday 12th of November 2020

The third observation was conducted on Thursday 12 th November 2020. In

this observation the teaching-learning process was different with the previous

meetings, because the meeting was through online system. In this observation, the

author observed the classroom activities through WhatsApp and Google

Classroom application. This was due to the corona pandemic that has plagued the

school system in the last two years, it recommended to use two methods the face-

to-face and online system. Therefore, in this observation the teaching-learning

process was carried out throughout the online system.

Opening session, the same as in previous meetings, in the opening session

the students were greeted by the teacher, then the students responded her. The

teacher opened the teaching-learning process through WhatsApp group message,

because at this meeting the teaching-learning process was carried out throughout

online teaching-learning process. After the students were greeted by the teacher,

they prayed together as the opening session in teaching-learning process and one

of students lead the pray. After that, the students were checked their attendance by

the teacher through Google Form. The students were given 10 minutes to fill the

attendance list in Google Form. Therefore, if the students did not fill the

attendance list in Google Form the students declared as absent. The next agenda,

the students were given some motivation by the teacher, the students often wrote

down the motivation from the teacher in their own books or notes for making

them remembered the motivation, it made the students felt more enthusiastic and

excited in teaching-learning process. Then, the students were asked to review the

previous material, fortunately the students explained the previous material that

was about simple present tense greatly, therefore the teacher moved to the next

material and she felt happy because her students were smart. After the students

reviewed the previous material, as the teacher’s instruction in the previous

meeting, the students were asked to find out what are the language features in

Descriptive text and find out about the adjective in Descriptive text, then the

students answered excitingly, because some students were found out about the

adjectives that include in Descriptive text. Unfortunately, there some students

were not follow the teacher’s instruction that the students have to find out the

adjective that include in Descriptive text. The teacher was not angry to them, but

she stated that they must be listened the material and explanation carefully,

because they have to comprehend about it.

Second session started when the students were given the purpose of today’s

lesson by the teacher that was about adjective. It was different with the previous

meetings, because in previous meetings the teacher was used projector to explain

the material and Power Point through teacher’s laptop. On the other hand, this

meeting the students were only sent the Power Point file by the teacher through

WhatsApp group message and they had to download it. Before the students would

be given some explanation from the teacher, the students saw the file through their

gadget or laptop first, the students started to listen the description about social

function of adjective in Descriptive text. The students were not only given the

explanation in text, but they had to listen to the teacher’s explanation through

WhatsApp group voice note sometimes, it was made them not feel bored in

teaching-learning process. Then, to make sure that the students understand about

what the teacher said, the students were given some examples of adjective by the

teacher, it was for making them comprehend the material accurately. In fact, the

students could understand what the teacher explained clearly. So, the teacher has

been sure that the students understand about the social function of adjective. Next

explanation, the students were given some points about the kinds of adjective. As

the same the previous activity, the students were given text messages and voice

notes by the teacher when they learned about kinds of adjective.

The third session, the students were given a chance to ask the teacher relate

to the material. Then, one of students asked the teacher.

Teacher : So, if you have a question relate to today’s material. You

can ask me about it. Raise your hand and give your question
to me.
Student : Miss, I have a question. What are the differences between
determiner and regular adjective? Thank you so much for
the opportunity

After the student gave the question, the teacher answered the student’s question

through WhatsApp group message and voice notes perfectly and she provided

some files as another sources that can read by the students to make them

understand more about the differences between determiner and regular adjective.

In associating session, after the students read the adjective material

from their teacher, the students were asked to practice about adjective

knowledge. The activities were the students had to analyze the adjective

that include in some sentences that the teacher made in Power Point file,

the students were given 15 minutes by the teacher in analyzing adjective

that include in the sentences. In fact, some students were still did not

comprehend it, therefore the teacher was repeated some points to make

them understand the material accurately and some students fixed their

answers into correct answers. Another practice, the students should be able

to distinguish which are determiners and regular adjectives in a text

entitled "Lembah Pelangi Waterfall", the students had to analyze it. In this

practice, the students were given 20 minutes, ita was made the students

relaxed and focused in analyzing the determiners and the regular

adjectives, After the students finished with their works, the students wrote

down the result in their own books, captured them, and they had to upload

their results to WhatsApp group message. The students’ findings were

checked and scored by the teacher.

The next session called as experimenting. In this session, the

students were asked to write down all of today’s material start from the

social function until the kinds of adjective by using their own phrases or

words through Google Form, the students did the teacher’s instruction for

5 minutes. Then, the students’ summaries were checked by the teacher to

make sure that all of students wrote down the material correctly.

Sixth agenda was networking session. The students were asked to

analyze the adjectives that include in another sample of Descriptive text 5

adjectives minimum and they had to make 5 sentences using adjectives in

it. In this stage, the students allowed use their phones to access online

resources in finding another sample of Descriptive text and they were

given 25 minutes in analyzing adjectives and making sentences. The title

should be different with the previous text that was given by the teacher.

The task was made by the teacher through Google Classroom. Therefore,

the students could filled the task by writing on their own books and

captured them or typing in Microsoft Word and they had to upload the file.

The last agenda started when the students were asked to conclude the

material by the teacher through WhatsApp group message and they

concluded that they learned about the social function and kinds of

adjective. After that, the students were given information by the teacher,

she said that the next meeting the students would use different digital

media in teaching-learning process that was Writco application. The

teacher told that she would explained about it in next meeting and the

students should prepared the next meeting more, because the teacher said

the nex meeting would be awesome. Then, the students were asked to end

the teaching-learning process by praying together and one of students lead

the pray. Observation Result on Monday 16th of November 2020

The last classroom observation was conducted on Monday 16 th October

2020. Fortunately, the teaching-learning process was face-to-face system.

Therefore, as stated in the previous observation, the students would use the Writco


Opening session was started when the students were greeted by the teacher

and they responded the teacher. After that, the students were prayed together with

the teacher and one of students lead the pray. Next activity, the students were

checked their attendance by the teacher and were given some motivation by the

teacher. As usual, the students should said “present” or “I’m here” when the

teacher called their names. After that, the students were asked to review all of

materials that they had learned in the previous meeting to make them remember

the material strongly. The students explained that they had learned about

Descriptive text included with its social function, generic sturtures, and

characteristics, the next was about simple present tense included its social

function and forms, last was about adjective included its social function and kinds.

The next session called as observing session. In this session, the students

were given three questions by the teacher, the questions focused on social

function, generic structures, and language features of Descriptive text. the students

answered those questions in 3 minutes, it was awesome knowledge from the

students, because they had already comprehend it very well. Another practice, the

students were given instruction by the teacher, they had to analyze the social

function, generic structures, and language features in “Taj Mahal” text. The

students had to answer the questions and analyze them in their own books, they

started to do the teacher’s instruction in 10 minutes. The teacher did those things

for evaluating the students’ knowledge about Descriptive text wether they

understand or did not understand yet. In fact, the students were comprehended the

material very good.


The third session was questioning. The students were given a chance to ask

about all of the Descriptive text material. However, in this meeting none of

students asked to the teacher, the teacher thought might be the students already

understand to the material. But, the students asked about the application that the

teacher told in the previous meeting.

Following the questioning, there was an association session. In this session,

the students were given instruction by the teacher. The students had to make a

descriptive text with a "historical places around your home" topic in their own

books. They were given 45 minutes to make it. The students then began writing

descriptive texts about historical sites near their homes. While the students were

writing their descriptive texts, the teacher observed and guided them. If they

encountered any difficulties during the writing process, they were required to raise

their hands and explain their difficulties. In fact, the students did it in 50 minutes,

because the students were confused about what the places that they wanted to

describe were. Then, the students were given some historical place examples by

the teacher.

The teacher had not answered the students’ questions yet, because she

wanted to surprise her students. During the experimental session, while students

worked on the teacher's assignments, the teacher also prepared the Writco

application that the students would use. This was a very useful strategy for the

teacher to streamline the teaching-learning time. Therefore, the teacher was ready

to introduce and use the Writco application very well.


Sixth session was networking. After the students have done their works that

was wrote a Descriptive text, the students were asked to download and install

Writco application by the teacher. After the students downloaded it, the students

were given an explanation about the Writco application and given some

instruction how to use it, then one of students was asked the teacher as follows:

Student : Miss, what are the uses and benefits of this application
Teache : This application is very useful for your work, because you
r can publish it especially the Descriptive text that you have
just completed, then the benefits of this application are that
your work can be seen, commented on, and liked by other
publishers, which can make you more enthusiastic and better
in writing your work.

The teacher told the students that the Writco application was very useful for their

works, particularly the Descriptive texts, because the application had aided all of

the publishers in creating some stories, quotes, and poems. In the application, the

students’ work can be seen, commented on, and liked by the other composers. As

a result, students can use the comment feature to identify errors in their work.

After the students knew about the application, the students were guided by the

teacher to make an account. The students were told by the teacher that they can

sign up for the account using a Facebook or Gmail account. Therefore, the

students had two options for creating their accounts, depending on whether they

signed up with their Facebook account or a Gmail account.

After the student has created their accounts, they will automatically saw the

Writco’s home page. Then, the students were asked to publish their works through

the application by the teacher. Unfortunately, they haven't be able to and haven't

find a way to publish their works through the application, then they were

explained how to publish their works step by step by the teacher..

Teacher : First step, you have to click on the compose button, which
depicts a pencil / pen on the homepage. After that, choose
story option. You will see the story draft on your screen.
Second step, you have to write your title and the contents of
your story that is your Descriptive text that you have just
completed it. After you write it, you have to take a picture of
your historical place.
The last step, you have to choose the language below the
content of your text. Click on English language. Then, you
have to choose the categories of your text.

On the teacher’s explanation above has seen that the students asked the teacher

about the steps to publish their works. Fortunately, the teacher gave her

instructions to the students slowly and clearly, it was made they were able to

publish their works correctly. Unfortunately, in fact, there were students did not

find the picture in online websites and they had no picture about the place in their

phones. As a result, the teacher instructed all of students that okay to not complete

the task in class, but they had to complete their works in the night. Therefore, the

students could take the picture first and completed the task.

Before the teacher was ended the teaching-learning process. She asked the

students to tell about their feeling about using Writco application in the


Teacher : Before I end today’s lesson. I want you to tell what do you
feel about today’s learning activities by using Writco
Student : We feel very excited and happy, miss. Because, we have a
s new experience and new application to use in the classroom

as the digital teaching-learning media.

Teacher : What am I missing in my Writco applicaion explanation and
Student : We feel you explain the application in great depth and use it
s in a way that makes teaching- learning process more
interactive and engaging.

From the dialogues above, the students felt very excited and happy when they

used Writco application in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text. They

argued that they had a new experience to use the Writco application as the digital

teaching-learning media. They also stated that the teacher explained the Writco

application very detail, it was made the students understood the application fastly

and she implemented the application that made the teaching-learning process

more interactive and entertaining.

Last session, it called as closing. The students were given some motivation

by the teacher to keep excited and engaged. They ended the lesson by praying

together with the teacher and one of students lead the pray.

4.1.2 Data Gained from Questionnaire

Besides, another instrument in this research was questionnaire. The author

also gained the data through questionnaire to investigate the utilization of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text.

Based on the questionnaire data, it was found that the students never learnt

using Writco application. It was their new experience in teaching-learning process

in writing of Descriptive text. They were enjoyed in teaching-learning process

because the application is the new digital media for them. When they finished

make a Descriptive text that was instructed by the teacher, they started to know

the function of Writco application and started to upload their writing to the

application guided by the teacher. They like using Writco application as the digital

instructional media in teaching-learning process. Because it helped their result can

be seen by the other users like India, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, etc. They thought

the use of Writco application was an effective in learning Descriptive text

material. They could easily understand the features of Writco application with

enjoyable learning. On the other hand, the students still need more exploration and

instruction about the Writco application. It was inferred that the students could

follow the steps to upload their result in Writco application but they still need

more open exploration to use it.

To answer the first research question, the data were gained from

questionnaire in the questions from number one to number five. Regarding to first

question, it was discussing the students’ opinion about implementing the digital

media in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process. Most of students

explained that implementing the digital media in teaching-learning process made

them happy and excited, another comments explained when they used digital

media in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process they understand the

material easily and more effective than used traditional or non-digital media.

Concerning to the second question, it was about types and kinds of digital

media that they used in teaching-learning process. The students answered that

they commonly used WhatsApp, Youtube, Google Classroom, Google Form,

ZOOM Meeting, Google Meet, Telegram, and Schoology. The students often used

WhatsApp as the teaching-learning facilitation, because most of teachers used it

when in the pandemic and it was the easiest application to use. The teachers can

share the material and the explanation easily, the students can access the material

from the teacher and respond to the teacher effectively. Besides, Google

Classroom used by the teacher as the instruction doing home works or

assignments tool for the students, then the students have to share and upload their

assignments to Google Classroom.

The third question was about using Writco application in teaching-learning

writing of Descriptive text process by the teacher. All of students argued that they

had learnt by using Writco application as their teacher’s instruction. The teacher

implemented the Writco application after the material were explained by her. The

teacher explained the Writco application first, then she described all of Writco

features until she guided the students to upload their Descriptive texts.

Next, fourth question was about how the teacher use the Writco application

in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process. All of students answered

there were four stages that the teacher used the application. But, the teacher used

the Writco application in fourth meeting, because she explained about the

Descriptive text first without using Writco. In the first meeting was used offline

system, the teacher explained about the social function, generic structures, and

characteristics of Descriptive text. Second meeting the teacher as same the first

meeting, she used offline system and explained about one of language features of

Descriptive text that was simple present tense. Third meeting the teacher used

online system, she explained about adjective. Last meeting, the teacher was used

offline system. She reviewed the previous material and started to use Writco

application. First stage, the teacher explained about the function and the benefits

of Writco application first, it was the reason to make the students interest to use it.

Second stage, the teacher explained the features of Writco start from home button

to profile button. It was for making students easy to use the application. Third

stage, the teacher guided the students to make an account in Writco. It was

because the Writco application provided our profiles for example name, gender,

etc. therefore making an account was important to do and Writco is an online

application, however our biography have to describe in Writco application. On the

other hand, it was for our privacy and policy. Fourth stage, the teacher guided the

students to upload their Descriptive texts start from write the title, choosing the

pictures and themes or topics until they published the texts.

Fifth Question was discussed about the efficiency of using Writco

application in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process by the teacher.

Most of students explained that the teacher used the Writco application clearly

and maximum. Because most of students great in doing their assignment by using

Writco application. Besides, some students argued that the teacher was too fast

explaining the application. The students did not get the steps greatly. Therefore,

some students should repeat the steps.

4.1.3 Discussion of the Utilization of Writco Application in Teaching

Writing of Descriptive Text

To investigate the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text, the author gained the data through observation and questionnaire

instruments. The observation was conducted in four meetings and the

questionnaire were the first question until the fifth question.

Based on the observation result, the teacher used Writco application as a

digital media in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text. She delivered and

explained the Descriptive text material in seven stages, there were opening,

observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, networking, and closing

sessions. She used mix Indonesian and English languages. Therefore, the students

can response to the teacher’s instruction and understand the material clearly. The

author did the classroom observation four times, the detail observation as follows.

The first observation was conducted on Monday 19 th October 2020. In this

observation, the teaching-learning process used face-to-face system. The students

were given material about Descriptive text by the teacher. But, it was only focused

on definition or social function, characteristics, and generic structures of

Descriptive text. The students were asked to find out about those materials by the

teacher through their cellphones or gadgets. Before they started to find out those

materials, some students were asked to the teacher.

Student 1 : What is the social function or definition of Descriptive

Student 2 : What are the differences between Descriptive text and
Report text?
Student 3 : What are the generic structures of Descriptive text?

After they got the information about the material, the students were asked to

present their result in front of the class in group. After that, the students were

asked to answer ten questions from the teacher through Quizizz. In the last

session, the students were asked to summarized and concluded about what was

they got from the lesson.

In the first meeting, the data showed that the students were very paid

attention to the teacher and they had a great response in teaching-learning process,

it can be seen from the students’ fast response and they were answered the

questions from the teacher through Quizizz greatly.

Second observation was conducted on Thursday 22nd October 2020. In this

observation, the classroom activities still used the face-to-face system. To start the

lesson, the students were asked to review the previous material by the teacher.

That were about the social function, characteristics, and generic structures of

Descriptive text. The second meeting had a different material with the previous

meeting. It was focused on one of the language features of Descriptive text, that

was simple present tense. The students listened to the teacher’s explanation

through Power Point and projector. They had to comprehend about the social

function and forms of the simple present tense. The students were given the

positive, negative, and interrogative forms and its formula. Before the students

were given those material by the teacher, the students has a chance to ask the

teacher about the material.

Student 1 : Miss, what is the social function of the simple present

Student 2 : Miss, I have a question. What are the differences between
simple present tenses and simple past tense?
Student 3 : Miss, How can we differentiate the positive, negative, and
interrogative forms of simple present tense?

The teacher used mix languages. There were Indonesian and English languages.

To test the students’ comprehension to the material, the students were asked to

analyze and underline the simple present tense that include in “The Capital City of

England” text. After that, the students’ books were checked by the teacher and she

scored them. Then, the students were asked to summarize the material by the

teacher. To close the lesson, the students were asked to conclude what was they

got from today’s lesson.

The second observation data showed that the students were very paid

attention to the teacher and they had a great response teaching-learning process, it

can be seen from the students’ fast response and they were analyzed and

underlined the simple present tense in “The Capital City of England” text


Third observation was conducted on Thursday 12th November 2020. This

observation was different with the other observation. Because, the teaching-

learning process was used online system that through WhatsApp group message.

In opening session, the students were greeted by the teacher. To open the lesson,

the students were asked to fill the attendance through Google Form by the teacher

and they had to remember the previous material that was about simple present

tense. Then, the students moved to the next material. It was adjective that include

in Descriptive text. They were sent the Power Point file by the teacher by the

teacher through WhatsApp group message and they downloaded it. They were not

only gave the explanation through the text message, but they had to listen the

description about social function and kinds of adjective through WhatsApp group

voice note from the teacher. Before that, the students were given a chance to ask

the teacher about the material.

Student 1 : Miss, what is the definition of adjective and what its

function to the sentences or text?
Student 2 : Miss, I have a question. What are the differences between
determiner and regular adjective?

The teacher used mix languages to examine the questions form the students

through WhatsApp group voice notes. Because, she said it was an effective way

for the students to understand about the material. Then, the students were asked to

practice about adjective material. They had to analyze the adjective that include in

some sentences that the teacher made in Power Point file. After they

comprehended it, next, they had to analyze and write down the kinds of adjective

there were determiner and regular adjective that include in “Lembah Pelangi

Waterfall” text. After that, the students had to upload their results to WhatsApp

group message, those result were checked and scored by the teacher. The next

agenda, they were asked to write down all of today’s material start from the social

function of adjective to the kinds of adjective. After they wrote the material, the

students were asked to analyze the adjectives that include in another examples of

Descriptive text 5 sentences minimum and they had to make 5 sentences that

using adjectives in it. The result should be uploaded to Google Form that was

made by the teacher. Then, the students were given information from the teacher,

that in the next meeting they would be used Writco application in teaching-

learning process. Therefore, they had to prepare their cellphones for the next

meeting. The last agenda was the students were asked to conclude today’s lesson

that what were they got from the lesson.

From the third observation, the data showed that the students still

had a great attention to the teacher and they had great responses to the

teacher. It can be seen from their responses actively and their practice

results were very impressive.

The last observation was conducted on Monday 16th November 2020.

In this observation, the teaching-learning process was back to the face-to-

face system. It was because the students informed by the teacher that they

would use Writco application in teaching-learning process. In opening

session, the students were greeted by the teacher. To open today’s lesson,

the students were asked to review all of the previous material that were

about Descriptive text, simple present tense, and adjective. After that, the

students were asked to make a Descriptive text with a “historical place

around your home” topic in their own books. In this meeting, all of

students were not ask to the teacher, beacuse they have no question to ask.

The next agenda, when the students were finished to write their

Descriptive text, the students were given an instruction to download the

Writco application. After they were downloaded it, the students were

given an explanation about the application and given some instructions

how to use it. Then, one of students was asked to the teacher.

Student : Miss, what are the uses and benefits of this application

Teacher : This application is very useful for your work, because you
can publish it especially the Descriptive text that you have
just completed, then the benefits of this application are that
your work can be seen, commented on, and liked by other
publishers, which can make you more enthusiastic and
better in writing your work.

From the dialogues above, the students were told by the teacher that Writco

application was very useful for them, especially in writing Descriptive text.

Because, Writco application had facilitated all of the users in creating some

stories, poems, and quotes. Then, the students’ works could be seen, commented,

and liked by the other users. After the students were explained about Writco

application, they were guided by the teacher to make an account. They could

signed up using their Facebook or Gmail accounts. Next agenda, after they had

created their accounts, they would automatically saw the Writco homepage. Then,

they had to upload their Descriptive texts through Writco application.

Unfortunately, they have not be able to and have not find a way to publish their

works through the application, then they asked the teacher how to upload their

Descriptive text through Writco application.

Teacher : First step, you have to click on the compose button, which
depicts a pencil / pen on the homepage. After that, choose
story option. You will see the story draft on your screen.
Second step, you have to write your title and the contents of
your story that is your Descriptive text that you have just
completed it. After you write it, you have to take a picture of
your historical place.
The last step, you have to choose the language below the
content of your text. Click on English language. Then, you
have to choose the categories of your text.

From the explanation above, the teacher gave slowly and clearly instructions to

the students. The effect was the students were able to publish their works

correctly. Then, the students were given an instruction by the teacher that was

okay to not complete the task in the classroom, but they had to finish it in their

homes in night. This meeting was the special meeting, because before they ended

the lesson, the students were given some questions by the teacher related to the

use of Writco application in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text.

Teacher : Before I end today’s lesson. I want you to tell what do you
feel about today’s learning activities by using Writco
Student : We feel very excited and happy, miss. Because, we have a
s new experience and new application to use in the classroom
as the digital teaching-learning media.
Teacher : What am I missing in my Writco application explanation
and implementation?
Student : We feel you explain the application in great depth and use it
s in a way that makes teaching- learning process more
interactive and engaging.

Based on the dialogues above, the students felt very excited and enthusiastic when

they used Writco application in teaching-learning process. They stated that they

had a new experience in using different digital teaching-learning media. They also

said that the teacher was explained the Writco application very detail, it made

them understand the application easily and fast and she implemented the

application made the teaching-learning process was more interactive and


Based on the last observation, the data showed that Writco

application was very useful for the students, especially in writing

Descriptive text. Because, Writco application facilitated all of the users in

creating some stories, poems, and quotes. Then, the students’ works could

be seen, commented, and liked by the other users. Then, the students used

a new digital teaching-learning media that was Writco application. They

stated that the teacher explained the application very well and detail. They

also argued that when they used Writco application the teaching-learning

process was more interactive and entertaining.

From the data above, it can be concluded that Writco application was

used as a digital media in teaching-learning process, it was very useful for

the students, especially in writing Descriptive text. Because, the

application aided all of the Writco users in creating some stories, poems,

and quotes. Then, the students’ works could be seen, commented, and

liked by the other users. Then, the students used a new digital teaching-

learning media that was Writco application. They stated that the teacher

explained the application very well and detail. They also argued that when

they used Writco application the teaching-learning process was more

interactive and entertaining. Those were related to the statement or theory

of Purcell et al. (2013).

Furthermore, based on the questionnaire data, the author only used

the first to fifth question to investigate the utilization of Writco

application. The data showed below.


First question was asking about the students’ opinion about

implementing the digital media in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive

text process. The students' comments were highly passionate and joyful

when they utilized the digital media in the teaching-learning process,

because they did not feel bored when using digital media in teaching-

learning process.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that digital teaching-

learning media can makes the students feel obligated and it can be

motivating the students, it was related to the statement of Aljumah (2012).

In addition, the second question was about types and kinds of digital

media that they used in teaching-learning process. The most of students

stated that they had utilized WhatsApp, Youtube, Google Classroom,

Google Form, ZOOM Meeting, Google Meet, Telegram, and Schoology in

the teaching-learning process except for Writco application. Because, the

teacher never used Writco application before. Therefore, the students

assumed that Writco application was a new digital teaching-learning media

that used by the teacher.

Based on the students’ arguments, Writco application was a new

digital teaching-learning media that used by the teacher in teaching-

learning writing of Descriptive text.

Third question was about using Writco application in teaching-

learning writing of Descriptive text process by the teacher. All of students


stated that when they were in learning writing of Descriptive text, the

students only utilized the Writco application once. They claimed that the

Writco application is a new one that they used in teaching-learning process

because the prior teaching-learning process did not use it. It was indicated

that the students were new in utilizing the Writco application. They were

very enthusiastic and excited in using the Writco application because their

teacher explained everything about the application in as much detail as


Based on the argument above, it can be concluded that Writco

application was used in teaching-learning process once. The students were

felt more excited and happy when using it, it was related to Aljumah

(2012) sentences that digital application could make the students felt more


Fourth question was about how the teacher uses the Writco

application in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process. When

all of materials concerning Descriptive text were given by the teacher at

last meeting, the students used the Writco application. Before using the

app, the students were given four steps by the teacher: first, the teacher

explains the application's functions and its benefits; second, the teacher

explains all of the application's features; third, the teacher guides the

students through the process of creating an account; and finally, the

teacher guides the students through the process of publishing their

Descriptive text writing.


It can be concluded that the teacher gave several steps to introduce or

use Writco application to the students. Those were: first, the teacher

explains the application's functions and its benefits; second, the teacher

explains all of the application's features; third, the teacher guides the

students through the process of creating an account; and finally, the

teacher guides the students through the process of publishing their

Descriptive text writing.

Fifth question was about the efficiency of using Writco application

in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process by the teacher.

According to the findings from this study through the questionnaire, the

majority of students claimed that the teacher had used Writco application

to the greatest extent possible and very clearly. In addition, the most of

students stated that when they used Writco application in teaching-

learning process, they were felt more excited and enthusiastics, it was

made them more interactive in teaching-learning process. It was related to

the statement of Aljumah (2012). On the other hand, a few students stated

that the teacher introduced the Writco application too rapidly, and that

they were unable to follow the teacher's instructions adequately.

4.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Writco Application in Teaching

Writing of Descriptive Text


To examine the advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text, the author used observation and

questionnaire. In relation to the previous chapter, the author processed the

observation data in four phases or meeting and the questionnaire data using

Creswell's theory. The detail information as follows,

4.2.1 Data Gained from Observation

Based on the classroom observation findings, the Writco application

was used for reviewing and evaluating the students in Descriptive text

material. The classroom activities divided into seven stages. Those were

opening, observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, networking,

and closing session. After the author was observed the classroom

activities, the students were enthusiastic in using the Writco application,

because they were used the new digital media in teaching-learning process

that made they were not really feel bored in teaching-learning process. It

can be seen from their attitude and response to the teacher in classroom

and application that they were felt happy and enjoy the lesson. The

findings were explained in detail in the result of the classroom

observations below.

Opening session was started when the students were greeted by the

teacher and they responded the teacher. After that, the students were

prayed together with the teacher and one of students lead the pray. Next

activity, the students were checked their attendance by the teacher and

were given some motivation by the teacher. As usual, the students should

said “present” or “I’m here” when the teacher called their names. After

that, the students were asked to review all of materials that they had

learned in the previous meeting to make them remember the material

strongly. The students explained that they had learned about Descriptive

text included with its social function, generic sturtures, and characteristics,

the next was about simple present tense included its social function and

forms, last was about adjective included its social function and kinds.

The next session called as observing session. In this session, the

students were given three questions by the teacher, the questions focused

on social function, generic structures, and language features of Descriptive

text. the students answered those questions in 3 minutes, it was awesome

knowledge from the students, because they had already comprehend it

very well. Another practice, the students were given instruction by the

teacher, they had to analyze the social function, generic structures, and

language features in “Taj Mahal” text. The students had to answer the

questions and analyze them in their own books. They started to do the

teacher’s instruction in 10 minutes. The teacher did those things for

evaluating the students’ knowledge about Descriptive text wether they

understand or did not understand yet. In fact, the students were

comprehended the material very good.

The third session was questioning. The students were given a chance

to ask about all of the Descriptive text material. However, in this meeting

none of students asked to the teacher, the teacher thought might be the

students already understand to the material. But, the students asked about

the application that the teacher told in the previous meeting.

Following the questioning, there was an association session. In this

session, the students were given instruction by the teacher. The students

had to make a descriptive text with a "historical places around your home"

topic in their own books. They were given 45 minutes to make it. The

students then began writing descriptive texts about historical sites near

their homes. While the students were writing their descriptive texts, the

teacher observed and guided them. If they encountered any difficulties

during the writing process, they were required to raise their hands and

explain their difficulties. In fact, the students did it in 50 minutes, because

the students were confused about what the places that they wanted to

describe were. Then, the students were given some historical place

examples by the teacher.

The teacher had not answered the students’ questions yet, because

she wanted to surprise her students. During the experimental session,

while students worked on the teacher's assignments, the teacher also

prepared the Writco application that the students would use. This was a

very useful strategy for the teacher to streamline the teaching-learning

time. Therefore, the teacher was ready to introduce and use the Writco

application very well.


Sixth session was networking. After the students have done their

works that was wrote a Descriptive text, the students were asked to

download and install Writco application by the teacher. When students did

not have gadgets that support the Writco application, students saw from

their classmates to be able to follow the learning process. They can also

borrow their friends’ cellphones or ask to publish the results of the

descriptive text that they have made through their friend's cellphones.

After the students downloaded it, the students were given an explanation

about the Writco application and given some instruction how to use it,

then one of students was asked the teacher as follows:

Student : Miss, what are the uses and benefits of this application
Teacher : This application is very useful for your work, because you
can publish it especially the Descriptive text that you have
just completed, then the benefits of this application are that
your work can be seen, commented on, and liked by other
publishers, which can make you more enthusiastic and
better in writing your work.

The teacher told the students that the Writco application was very useful for their

works, particularly Descriptive texts, because the application had aided all of the

publishers in creating some stories, quotes, and poems. In the application, the

students’ work can be seen, commented on, and liked by the other composers. As

a result, students can use the comment feature to identify errors in their work.

After the students knew about the application, the students were guided by the

teacher to make an account. The students were told by the teacher that they can

sign up for the account using a Facebook or Gmail account. Therefore, the

students had two options for creating their accounts, depending on whether they

signed up with their Facebook account or a Gmail account.

After the student has created their accounts, they will automatically saw the

home page of the Writco application. Then, the students were asked to publish

their works through the application by the teacher. Unfortunately, they haven't

been able to and haven't found a way to publish their works through the

application, they asked the teacher.

Teacher : First step, you have to click on the compose button, which
depicts a pencil / pen on the homepage. After that, choose
story option. You will see the story draft on your screen.
Second step, you have to write your title and the contents of
your story that is your Descriptive text that you have just
completed it. After you write it, you have to take a picture of
your historical place.
The last step, you have to choose the language below the
content of your text. Click on English language. Then, you
have to choose the categories of your text.

On the dialogues above has seen that the students asked the teacher about the

steps to publish their works. Fortunately, the teacher gave her instructions to her

students slowly and clearly, it was made the students were able to publish their

works correctly. Unfortunately, in fact, there were students did not find the picture

in online websites and they had no picture about the place in their phones. As a

result, the teacher instructed all of students that was okay to not complete the task

in class, but they had to complete their works in the night. Therefore, the students

could take the picture first and completed the task.


Before the teacher was ended the teaching-learning process. She asked the

students to tell about their feeling about using Writco application in the


Teacher : Before I end today’s lesson. I want you to tell what do you
feel about today’s learning activities by using Writco
Students : We feel very excited and happy, miss. Because, we have a
new experience and new application to use in the classroom
as the digital teaching-learning media.
Teacher : Is it an easy or tough application for you to use?
Students : We think it is an easy application to use miss
Teacher : What are some of the challenges you've faced when using
the application?
Student : The internet network connection has to stable, and the
gadgets have to support to the application, because some
students do not use mobile phones that supported the

From the dialogues above, the students felt very excited and happy when they

used Writco application in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text. They

commented that they faced some problems when using the Writco application,

those were the internet connection had to stable and the gadgets had to support to

the application, some of students did not have the gadgets that supported the

application. Then, when the students did not have a gadget or cellphone that

supported to the file, they had to borrow their friends’ cellphone to publish their

Descriptive text.

Last session was closing. The students were given some motivation

by the teacher to keep excited and engaged. They ended the lesson by

praying together with the teacher and one of students lead the pray.

4.2.2 Data Gained from Questionnaire

The questionnaire data was collected from the respondents that were

analyzed by using qualitative from Creswell & Creswell (2018) namely “overview

the data analysis processes”.

In this stage, the author explained the findings from the questionnaire those

were the six to ten questions of the questionnaire. It was an important thing to do

by the author, because by explaining the findings from the respondents’ answers,

the author knew what are the advantages and disadvantages of Writco application

in teaching writing of Descriptive text.

The sixth question of the questionnaire was about the use of the Writco

application in the teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text is simple or

complex. The majority of students indicated that the Writco application was easy

to comprehend it, including its features. However, one participant said that the

application was complex to publish the stories.

In conclusion, Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text is

simple and easy to use. There are some problems that faced by the students, but

they solved them easily.

Seventh was about the teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text is more

enjoyable or, on the contrary, more tedious. The result showed that all of students

answered the Writco application could make them more enjoyable in teaching-

learning process. But, sometimes some students felt bored. In fact, the majority of

students argued that Writco application made them feel more enjoy and excited in

teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process.


Based on the comments above, the author can be concluded that the Writco

application made the students more enjoyable in teaching-learning writing of

Descriptive text.

The eighth question was about whether the students can easily or difficultly

avoid the hurdles that appear throughout the teaching-learning writing of

Descriptive text process when using the Writco application. The most of students

said that the problems arose from the Writco application was very easy to solve.

There were some problems that faced by the students, signal problem and the

gadget has supported to the application. On the other hand, when the students had

a problem with their cellphones the teacher allowed them to borrow their friends’

cellphones in completing the Descriptive text assignment.

It can be concluded that Writco application had a problem in internet

connection. Another problem was faced by the students when they did not have

adequate cellphones. But, all of the problems were easy to solve.

The ninth data was about the overall teaching-learning writing of

Descriptive text process is very satisfying or even disappointing. All of students

stated that Writco application was very satisfying application. Because, the

students feel more enthusiastic in teaching-learning process and the application

was easy to use include its features that easy to comprehend.

Therefore, related to the data above, it can be concluded that the utilization of

Writco application in learning writing of Descriptive text by the teacher was a

satisfactory thing to do in teaching-learning activities.


Tenth data was about the Writco application can be useful or vice versa, it is

not necessary to use the application in other lessons. Most of the students argued

that Writco application was very useful application for them especially in

providing students to make some stories, poems, and quotes. Related to the

Writco’s function, the application facilitated the students in making some stories,

poems, and quotes. Therefore, the students agreed that Writco application was

very useful in writing story, poetry, and quote subject.

In conclusion, Writco application was very useful in other school subject

that provided the students who interested in making inspirational stories,

meaningful poems, and motivational quotes.

4.2.3 Discussion of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Writco

Application in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text

In this discussion, the author divided into advantages and disadvantages of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. The data gained from

observation and questionnaire. The observation was only taken from the last

meeting when the teacher utilized the Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text. The questionnaire used the sixth to the tenth questions. The

detail information as follows,

100 The Advantages of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of

Descriptive Text

Based on the classroom observation result, the students felt very excited and

happy when they used Writco application in teaching-learning writing of

Descriptive text. The detail information in the table below,

Teacher : Before I end today’s lesson. I want you to tell what do you
feel about today’s learning activities by using Writco
Students : We feel very excited and happy, miss. Because, we have a
new experience and new application to use in the classroom
as the digital teaching-learning media.
Teacher : Is it an easy or tough application for you to use?
Students : We think it is an easy application to use miss

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the advantages of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text were the application made the

students felt more excited and enthusiastic in teaching-learning process and it was

an easy application to use by the students, it was related to Aljumah (2012)


In addition, according to the sixth questionnaire result, the majority

of students indicated that the Writco application was easy to comprehend,

including its features. As a result, the Writco application was easy and

simple to use. Besides, the problems from the application readily

overcome by students. It can be explained from the table below,

Table 4.1 Students’ Responses

Question : Is it simple or complex to use the Writco application and


its features? Explain!


The use of the Writco application and its features during

Student 1 :
the learning process is simple to comprehend and use.

Following the steps or instructions given by the teacher

who was explaining and operating the Writco application,
Student 2 :
I discovered that it was a very simple application to

Yes, the Writco application is really easy to use because

Student 3 :
the features are not overly complicated.

I had no idea what is the Writco application at first, but

Student 4 after being shown how to use it, I found it was simple
application to understand.

Very simple to use because the teacher explains the

Student 5 :
application and the features first before I use it

Based on the students’ responses Writco application was the easy

application to comprehend and use. It was because of the teacher who

explained Writco application first before the students used it.

Related to the data above, it can be concluded that Writco application

was a simple application to use and the students were readily and easily to

overcome the problems that arose from the Writco application and when in

teaching-learning process. Those were related to the Purcell et al. (2013)

statement in their research.

From seventh question, the result showed that most of students

answered the Writco application can make them more enjoyable in

teaching-learning process. In fact, the majority of students argued that


Writco application made them feel more enjoy and excited in teaching-

learning writing of Descriptive text process. It can be seen as follows,

Table 4.2 Students’ Responses

Do you feel more enjoyable or more tedious when using

Question :
Writco application in teaching-learning process? Explain!


The teaching and learning process is more entertaining

Student 1 : and fun, because I can complete my homework using
Writco application from my phone anywhere.

I believe it is more enjoyable since I can use the Writco

program to add images as a tool to provide additional
Student 2 :
information to readers and to view other Writco users'

Using the Writco application can make me happier while

writing Descriptive text and it also makes it less
Student 3 :
monotonous, because I can comment to other people’s

I feel more comfortable when using the Writco

Student 4 application, because I can read other people's stories that
can motivate someone when reading it.

The Writco application might make me even happier

Student 5 because it is a lot of fun when I use it. Not only stories,
but the application also provides quotes and poems.

The students commented that they were felt more comfortable and

enjoyable when they used Writco application. Because, they argued that it

was entertaining and fun application.

From the data above, it can be concluded that Writco application

made them felt more enjoy and excited in teaching-learning writing of

Descriptive text process. It was related to the statement of Aljumah (2012)

in her research.

Related to the eighth question, the majority of students said that the

problems arose from the Writco application was very easy to solve. There

were some problems that faced by the students, signal problem and the

gadget has supported to the application. On the other hand, when the

students had a problem with their cellphones the teacher allowed them to

borrow their friends’ cellphones in completing the Descriptive text

assignment. The detail information showed as follows,

Table 4.3 Students’ Responses

Is it easy or difficult for you to overcome the issues that

Question : arise in the Writco application when learning descriptive
text? Explain!


When I want to make a Writco account, I have a problem

in sign up, because I forgot the Facebook and Gmail
Student 1 : passwords, therefore I have to make a Gmail account first
to sign up to Writco application. But I think that is as easy
problem to solve.

: It is very easy to solve, because my teacher explains the

Student 2
application very well.

: The problem is when the internet connection is unstable,

Student 3 because it can hamper to upload the Descriptive text. But,
I think it is a simple and easy problem to solve.

: Because of I can use the Writco application easily,

Student 4 therefore the problem of the application can solve easily

: It is very easy to overcome, because the teacher was

Student 5
explained the application clearly.

The participants responded and answered that the problems that

arose in teaching-learning process and from Writco application were easy


to solve. Eventhough, the some students who forgot their Facebook

password, but they argued that it was easy to overcome.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the most of

students answered that the problems that arose from the Writco application

and in teaching-learning process were easy to solve. Those findings was

supported by Purcell et al. (2013) statement in their research.

Next from the ninth question, all of students stated that Writco

application was very satisfying application. Because, the students feel

more enthusiastic in teaching-learning process and the application was

easy to use include its features that easy to comprehend. It can be seen

from the table below.

Table 4.4 Students’ Responses

Is the utilization of Writco application in learning writing

Question : of Descriptive text satisfactory or unsatisfactory overall?


: Very satisfying, because I have a new experience in

Student 1
learning Descriptive text.

: Yes, it is very satisfying for me, because it can help the

Student 2 students to learn from their mistake in writing stories
especially Descriptive text.

: I feel satisfied, because Writco is simple to use and I feel

Student 3
enjoy when using it.

: I think Writco application is very satisfying, because the

Student 4 features are easy to understand that make me feel

: When I knew how to make a Descriptive text through the

Student 5 Wrico application, so I think it is very useful and
satisfactory application.

The students commented that they were very satisfied with Writco

application. Because, they said that Writco could help them to learn from

their mistakes in writing stories especially Descriptive text.

Based on the table above, in conclusion, all of students stated that

Writco application was very entertaining application and the use of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text was very satisfactory

totally in teaching-learning process.

Form the last question, the students argued that Writco application

was very useful application for them especially in providing students to

make some stories, poems, and quotes. Related to the Writco’s function,

the application facilitated the students in making some stories, poems, and

quotes. Therefore, the students agreed that Writco application was very

useful in writing story, poetry, and quote subject. The detail information as


Table 4.5 Students’ Responses

Is the Writco application useful or not for you in other

Question :
school subjects? Explain!


: Because of Writco application facilitates me in writing

stories especially Descriptive text. Therefore, it is very
Student 1
useful application also in other subject that making stories
or poems.

Student 2 : I think it can be useful, because in order not to be

monotonous to collect assignments using the application
that commonly used, the teacher provides new things for

the students.

: Very useful application in other subject that facilitates the

Student 3
students to write some stories.

: I think it would be a useful application in other subject,

Student 4 because Writco application is an online application that
can use it everywhere and anywhere.

: Relate to the social function of Writco, it could be useful

Student 5 in other subject that provides the students in writing
stories or poetry.

The students’ answered that Writco application would be useful in

another school subject that facilitated the students in writing some stories,

poetries, and quotes.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that Writco application

was very useful in another school subject when it provided in making

some stories, poems, and quotes. Then, Writco application could be useful

in order not make a monotonous teaching-learning process and made the

students felt more enthusiastic and excited when they were learnt about

Descriptive text. Those result were related to the argument of Aljumah

(2012) in his research. The Disadvantages of Writco Application in Teaching Writing of

Descriptive Text

Based on the observation, some students stated that they faced some

problems when using the Writco application, those were the internet connection

and the gadgets had supported to the application. Because of some students did

not have the gadgets that supported the application, then, the students were

instructed by the teacher that they had to borrow their friends’ cellphones to

publish their Descriptive text and to complete the assignment. The detail

information included in dialogue below,

Teacher : What are some of the challenges you've faced when using
the application?
Student : The internet network connection has to stable, and the
gadgets have to support to the application, because some
students do not use mobile phones that supported the

It can be concluded that some students stated that the disadvantages of Writco

application were the connection should in the best or good condition and some

students argued that some of them did not have the supported cellphones to access

and operate the application.

Based on the questionnaire, the sixth question data showed one of the

students stated that Writco application was complex to publish the story. It can be

seen from the table below.

Table 4.6 Student’s Response

Is it simple or complex to use the Writco application and

Question :
its features? Explain!


The use of the Writco application was complex, because it

Student 1 :
has some complex steps to upload the story.

Based on the table above, one participant said that the Writco application had

complex steps to upload the story.


Next, the seventh question data showed that some students answered that

sometimes they felt bored when using Writco application in teaching-learning

process. As stated in the table below.

Table 4.7 Students’ Responses

Do you feel more enjoyable or more tedious when using

Question :
Writco application in teaching-learning process? Explain!


Sometimes I feel bored and sometimes I feel excited when

using Writco application. I feel excited when I see some
Student 1 :
quotes from the other users, but after I know the steps to
publish the story, it makes me feel tedious.

I think it is a little bit boring and tedious application.

Because, after I know several steps how to publish my
Student 2 :
story through the application, those are very complicated

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that several students stated that

Writco application sometimes made the students felt bored in teaching-learning

process and after they knew the steps how to publish the story, they said those

were very complicated steps. It was relevant to the theory of Purcell et al. (2013)

that when used the digital application the students would be in bored phase.

The eighth question from the questionnaire data showed that some students

claimed that they faced the big problem when they used Writco application in

teaching-learning process. It can be seen from the data below.

Table 4.8 Students’ Responses

Is it easy or difficult for you to overcome the issues that

Question : arise in the Writco application when learning descriptive
text? Explain!


I have a big problem when I want to use the Writco

application. I have no cellphone that supported to the
application it makes me feel bored in the class. Even
Student 1 :
though the teacher asks me to borrow my friend’s
cellphone, in fact I cannot operate the application in my

: The application is not able in appstore. Therefore, I have

Student 2 to access Writco through websites. It makes me feel sad,
because I cannot download the application in my phone.

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that some students stated that the

big problem was the gadget that should support to the application, it was a very

serious problem for them, because when they had no cellphones that supported to

the application, they were not be able to access and operate the Writco

application, they had to borrow their friends’ cellphone. Then, some students who

used Iphone that supported by IOS, they could not find out Writco application in

their appstore.

Furthermore, the ninth question showed that none of students stated

that the Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text was an

unsatisfactory overall. All of students agreed that Writco application was

simple to operate and they felt more enthusiastic and excited when used it.

It relevant to the statement of Aljumah (2012) in his research.

The last form the tenth question from questionnaire data. All of

students argued that Writco application might be useful in another school

subject. Because, related to the Writco’s social function was providing and

facilitating the users to make some stories, poems, and quotes. Therefore,

it can be concluded that Writco application could be useful to the school

subject that provided the students to make stories, poems, and quotes.

4.3 Concluding Remark

In this research, the author divided the findings into two aims of the

research. The first was about the utilization of Writco application in teaching

writing of Descriptive text. Second was about the advantages and disadvantages

of Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. The author used

observation and questionnaire to investigate and examine the data.

Based on the observation result, the teacher used Writco application in the

last meeting exactly on the fourth meeting. She used Writco application as a

digital media in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process. Before the

teacher showed the Writco application to the students, she explained the social

function and the features first. The data showed that the students enjoyed and feel

excited in teaching-learning writing of Descriptive text process.

After that, the advantages of Writco application were the students felt very

excited and happy when they used Writco application in teaching-learning writing

of Descriptive text. They commented that they faced some problems when using

the Writco application, those were the internet connection and the gadgets had

supported to the application, but they faced the problems were easy to solve.

Furthermore, according to the questionnaire data, they were highly

passionate and joyful when utilizing digital media in the teaching-learning

process. Writco was a new application that the students used in classroom

activties. When they were in learning writing of Descriptive text, the students only

utilized the Writco application once. They claimed that the Writco application is a

new one that they used in teaching-learning process because the prior teaching-

learning process did not use it at all. Their teacher explained everything about the

Writco application in as much detail as possible. When the teacher had finished

explaining all of the material concerning Descriptive text at the last meeting, she

used the Writco application. Before using the app, the teacher divided it into four

steps: first, the teacher explains the app's functions and benefits; second, the

teacher explains all of the app's features; third, the teacher guides the students

through the process of creating an account; and finally, the teacher guides the

students through the process of publishing their Descriptive text writing. The

majority of students claimed that the teacher had used Writco to the greatest

extent possible and very clearly.

According to the questionnaire data, it helped the author to examine the

advantages and disadvantages of Writco application. The data showed that the

majority of students indicated that the Writco application was easy to

comprehend, including its features. Then, all of students answered the Writco

application can make them more enjoyable in teaching-learning process. But,

sometimes some students felt bored. The majority of students said that the

problems arose from the Writco application was very easy to solve. There were

some problems that faced by the students, signal problem and the gadget has

supported to the application. All of students stated that Writco application was

very satisfying application. The students argued that Writco application was very

useful application for them especially in providing students to make some stories,

poems, and quotes.

As a result, the advantages of Writco application were easy and simple to

use, the application made the students feel more enjoy and excited in teaching-

learning process, the problems that arose from the application were easy to solve

and overcome by the students, and Writco application was very effective in

facilitating the students in writing inspirational stories, meaningful poems, and

motivational quotes. The disadvantages of the Writco application were the internet

connection had to stable and the gadget had supported to the application.

This chapter divided into two parts, the first part shows the

conclusion of the utilization of Writco application in teaching writing of

Descriptive text and second one discussed about the suggestion from the

researcher. Each of them is explain below.

5.1 Conclusions

This research reported the result of the utilization of Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. The aims of the research were to investigate

the implementation of Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text

and to examine the advantages and disadvantages of Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. The derived conclusion are as follows.

1. Firstly, the data from the previous chapter showed that the Writco application

was used as a digital teaching media for evaluating the score of the students.

Writco also created fun and enjoyable learning process to the students in

learning writing of Descriptive text and had a good atmosphere in face-to-

face and online teaching-learning process that avoid the students got bored

while learning. The evidence can be seen from the observation and

questionnaire data that the students’ attitude and response to the teacher were

very enthusiastic and excited. They commented that they were felt enjoyable

and happier while using Writco application in teaching-learning process.

They also commented that Writco made them inspired in writing Descriptive


text, because the application facilitated the users to comment the others’

works. Furthermore, there were several steps about the utilization of Writco

application in teaching writing of Descriptive text. Each of steps are as


1) The first step was the students were explained about the social function and

the features of Writco application by the teacher.

2) Second step, the students were asked to download and install the Writco


3) Third, the students were guided to make a Writco account by the teacher.

they can used their Facebook or Gmail account. If they were not had a

Facebook or Gmail account, they had to make it first. Finally, they can join

to the Writco application.

4) Fourth step, the students were guided to upload their Descriptive texts by

the teacher. There were several steps to upload the story through Writco

application that explained in the previous chapter.

2. Secondly, the data from the observation and questionnaire showed there are

some advantages and disadvantages of utilizing Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. The advantages were the students

positively response the teaching-learning process through Writco application

as their digital teaching media. They had never used Writco application

before. Therefore, the students were enthusiastic and excited in teaching-

learning writing of Descriptive text process. In addition, the students

commented that Writco application was included in simple application,


because they faced the problems that arose in teaching-learning process

easily, the application was easy to use, and they comprehended the

application fast. Furthermore, the students felt enjoy and enthusiastics when

using Writco application as their teaching-learning digital media. They also

commented that Writco application might be useful in writing stories, poems,

and quotes subject, because the application facilitated the users to write the

stories, poems, and quotes. Besides, the Writco application helped the teacher

in teaching writing of Descriptive text in evaluating and reviewing the result

of the students. On the other hand, from the observation and questionnaire

revealed that there were some disadvantages of utilizing Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. Such as the students should have stable

internet connection, because the application was an online feature that for

connecting and uploading the Descriptive texts. The other weakness was the

students had to have a support cellphone to use the Writco application,

because if their cellphones were not support to the application, they could not

use Writco application in teaching-learning process.

5.2 Suggestions

The present study offers the practical suggestion. The suggestion can be

drawn into two parts.

1. Firstly, this research suggested several guidelines for the teachers who want

to utilize the Writco application in teaching writing of Descriptive text,

especially when they want the students follow the teaching-learning process

greatly. First, this research suggests that the teachers should explain the

application slowly, the teachers should show the students how to make an

account and upload their writing through Writco application step by step

clearly, teachers also can give them the instructions by using projector. As

discovered in chapter IV. In addition, this research suggests that the teacher

should give more instruction and information to the students to prepare their

smartphones with the stable internet connection in the previous time.

2. Secondly, the research suggests the teachers who have some interest on

Writco application as the digital teaching media to utilize the application in

other subject such as stories, poems, and quotes subjects, especially in writing

skill. Since this study only focuses on the utilization of Writco application in

teaching writing of Descriptive text. Furthermore, the author sugessted the

application in different topic and level such as Junior High School students or

College students. In addition, the other researchers have to prepare more

perfectly when they want to utilize the Writco application, because it needs a

stable internet connection and the smartphone should support the application

to avoid loading while making an account and uploading the texts. The others

researchers also encourage to apply the Writco application inside and outside

the classroom, but the students have to apply the application not only for fun

but also for seeking knowledge.


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Meeting 1
Respondent : Ibu ER
Date : 19 October 2020
Time : 08.30 – 10.00
Place : Classroom
Topic : Descriptive Text
(1) The students greeted by teacher. Students
responded the
(2) Students prayed together with the One of students
teacher. lead the pray.
(3) The students were checked their The students said
attendances by the teacher. present or “I’m
here” when their
names called by
the teacher.
Opening (4) Students were given the purpose of the
lesson about Descriptive text by the teacher.
(5) Students were given some motivation by
the teacher for making them excited in the
(6) Students were asked to review some The students
points about the previous materials by the explained some
teacher. points of the
previous material.
(7) Students were given some examples of
Descriptive text to read.
Observing (8) Students were asked by the teacher to Students made
make group. Each group consisted of two some groups.

(9) Students were given a text with title “My

Best Friend” to each group.
(10) Students were asked to discussed it in Students discussed
group by the teacher. the text in group.
(11) Students were asked to comprehend the Students
text in pairs by the teacher. comprehend the
text in pairs.
(12) Students were given chances by teacher
to ask some questions related to the text.
(13) Students asked the teacher “What is the
social function or definition of Descriptive
text?”, “What are the differences between
Descriptive text and Report text?” and
“What are the generic structures of
Descriptive text?”
(14) Teacher answered the questions by
explaining the material perfectly.
(15) Students were asked by the teacher in Students found out
group to find out the social function, the social
characteristics and generic structures of function,
Descriptive text in books or websites. characteristics,
and generic
Associating structures of
Descriptive text.
(16) Students identified the social function,
characteristics and generic structures of
Descriptive text.
(17) Student wrote down the social function,
characteristics and generic structures of
Descriptive Text by using their words on
Experimenting their own books
(18) Students were asked to write the Students wrote
summary of the text they had read by using down the
their own words. summary.
Networking (19) Students in group presented their Group by group
summaries in front of the class. the students
presented the

summaries in front
of the class.
(20) Students were asked to answer 10 Students answered
questions in Quizizz from the teacher. the questions.
(21) Students were asked to conclude the The students
material they had learnt. concluded the
(22) Students were asked to find out the
language features of Descriptive text. It will
Closing be discussed in the next meeting.
(23) Students were given some motivation
by the teacher.
(24) Students were asked to end the lesson One of students
by praying together with the teacher. lead the pray.


Meeting 2
Respondent : Ibu ER
Date : 24 Oktober 2020
Time : 08.30 – 10.00
Place : Classroom
Topic : Descriptive Text


(1) The students were greeted by the teacher. Students
responded the
(2) Students prayed together with the Students lead the
teacher. pray.
(3) The students were checked their The students said
attendances by the teacher. present or “I’m
here” when their
names called by
the teacher.
Opening (4) Students were given the purpose of the
lesson about Descriptive text by the teacher.
(5) Students were given some motivation by
the teacher for making them excited in
(6) Students were asked to review some Students explained
points about the previous materials. some points of the
previous material.
(7) Students were asked to remind what are Students
the language features that include in responded the
Descriptive text. teacher.
Observing (8) Students prepared to listen about the
explanation of the material using Power
(9) Students started the lesson about the
social function of Simple Present Tense.

(10) First, students were given some Students listened

explanation about the positive form of the explanation
Simple Present Tense and the formula. that were given by
the teacher.
(11) Second, students were given some Students listened
explanation about the negative form of the explanation
Simple Present Tense and the formula. that were given by
the teacher.
(12) Last, students were given some Students listened
explanation about the interrogative form of the explanation
Simple Present Tense and the formula. that were given by
the teacher.
(13) Students were given chances by teacher
to ask some questions related to the material.
(14) Students asked the teacher “What are
Questioning the differences between Simple Present and
Simple Past?”.
(15) Teacher answered the questions by
explaining the material perfectly.
(16) Students were asked in group to
analyze the Simple Present Tense included
in “The Capital City of England” text.
(17) Students analyzed the Simple Present
Tense included in “The Capital City of
England” text.
(18) Students wrote down the social function
Experimenting and formula of Simple Present Tense by
using their words on their own books.
Networking (19) Students’ books were checked by the
teacher to make sure all of students were
wrote down the material correctly.
(20) Students were asked to make 5 Students made 5
examples of positive form of Simple Present examples of
Tense by the teacher. positive form of
Simple Present

(21) Students were asked to make 5 Students made 5

examples of negative form of Simple examples of
Present Tense by the teacher. negative form of
Simple Present
(22) Students were asked to make 5 Students made 5
examples of interrogative form of Simple examples of
Present Tense by the teacher. interrogative form
of Simple Present
(23) Students were asked to conclude the Students
material they had learnt. concluded the
(24) Students were asked to find out the
adjective in Simple Present Tense. It will be
Closing discussed in the next meeting.
(25) Students were given some motivation
by the teacher.
(26) Students were asked to end the lesson One of students
by praying together. lead the pray.


Meeting 3
Respondent : Ibu ER
Date : 12 November 2020
Time : 08.30 – 10.00
Place : Work and Study at Home
Topic : Descriptive Text
(1) Students were greeted by the teacher Students
through WhatsApp group message. responded the
teacher through
WhatsApp group
(2) Students prayed together with the teacher Students lead the
in virtual. pray in virtual.
(3) Students were checked their attendances The students
by using Google Form. responded and
answer the Google
(4) Students were given the purpose of the Students
lesson about Descriptive text through responded the
WhatsApp group message. teacher through
WhatsApp group
(5) Students were given some motivation by
the teacher for making them excited in
(6) Students were asked to review some Students reviewed
points about the previous materials through some points of the
WhatsApp group message. previous material
WhatsApp group
(7) Students were asked to remind what are Students answeres
the language features that include in the teacher’s
Descriptive text. instruction.

(8) Students prepared to listen some

explanation about the material that was sent
the Power Point file by hte teacher in
WhatsApp group.
(9) Students started to lesson the explanation
Observing about the social function of the adjective in
Descriptive text in WhatsApp group.
(10) Students were given some examples of
adjective “girl”, “temple”, etc.
(11) Students were given the explanation
about the kinds of adjective.
(12) Students were given chances by teacher
to ask some questions related to the material
in WhatsApp group.
(13) Students asked the teacher “What are
Questioning the differences between determiner and
regular adjective?” in WhatsApp group.
(14) Teacher answered the questions by
explaining the material in WhatsApp group
(15) Students were asked to underlined the Students analyzed
adjective in some sentences that the teacher the adjective in
made in WhatsApp group message. some sentences
WhatsApp group
Associating message.
(16) Students analyzed the differences each
kinds of adjective determiner and regular
adjectives in “Lembah Pelangi Waterfall”
text that sent by the teacher in WhatsApp
group message.
(17) Students wrote down the social function
Experimenting and kind of adjective by using their words in
Google Form.
Networking (18) Students summaries were checked by
the teacher to make sure that all of students
were wrote down the material correctly in

Google Form.
(19) Students were asked to analyze the Students
adjectives in “Lembah Pelangi Waterfall” underlined the
text that sent by the teacher in WhatsApp adjectives in
group. 5 adjectives minimum. Lembah Pelangi
Waterfall text.
(20) Students were asked to make 5 Students made 5
sentences using adjective in Google sentences through
Clasroom task. Google Classroom
(21) Students were asked to conclude the Students conclude
material they had learnt in WhatsApp group. the lesson through
WhatsApp group
(22) Students were given information the
next meeting they will use Writco
Closing application.
(23) Students were given some motivation
by the teacher.
(24) Students were asked to end the lesson One of students
by praying together with the teacher through lead the pray in
WhatsApp group message. virtual.
Meeting 4
Respondent : Ibu ER
Date : 16 November 2020
Time : 08.30 – 10.00
Place : Classroom
Topic : Descriptive Text
(1) Students greeted by the teacher. Students
responded the
(2) Students prayed together with the One of students
teacher. lead the pray
(3) Students were checked their attendances The students said
by the teacher. present or “I’m
here” when their
names called by
the teacher.
(4) Students were given the purpose of the
lesson about Descriptive text.
(5) Students were given some motivation for
making them excited in lesson.
(6) Students were asked to review some Students described
points about the previous materials. some points of the
previous material.
(7) Students were asked to review the Students answered
material about Descriptive text. the teacher’s
Observing (8) Students were asked to answer 3 Students answered
questions about social function, generic three questions
structures, and language features of about social
Descriptive text. function, generic
structures, and
language features
of Descriptive

(9) The students were given instruction to Students

analyze the social function, generic analyzedthe social
structures, and language features of “Taj function, generic
Mahal” text. structures, and
language features
of Taj Mahal text.
(10) Students were given chances by teacher
to ask some questions related to the material.
(11) Students have no question to the
(12) Students were asked to make a Students made a
Descriptive text with “historical place in or Descriptive text
around your home” theme in their own with historical
Associating books. place or in around
their home theme.
(13) Students were guided by the teacher in
making a Descriptive text.
(14) Students wrote down the Descriptive
text on their own books.
(15) Students were asked to download and Students
install the Writco application for uploading downloaded and
their Descriptive text. installed the
(16) Students were given the explanation
about all of the Writco application features.
(17) Students were guided by the teacher in
making Writco application account.
(18) Students were guided to upload their
Descriptive text step by step until the
uploading succeed.
Closing (19) Students were asked to share the new Students answered
experience of using Writco application in and shared their
classroom. new experience of
using Writco

(20) Students were given some motivation

by the teacher.
(21) Students were asked to end the lesson One of students
by praying together. lead the pray.

What do you feel when using digital media in teaching-learning
Question 1 :
process? Explain!


Student 1 : A litle bit satisfied.

Student 2 : It makes the teaching-learning process more effective.

Student 3 : I think it makes me easy to understand the material.

I feel very happy when using digital media in teaching-learning

Student 4

Student 5 : I think I feel excited when using digital media in classroom.

: I feel happier than before. Because, digital media can helps me when I
Student 6
confused with the material.

: I feel enthusiastic. Because, I can try a new thing especially a new

Student 7

: I feel digital media can makes the students easier to complete their
Student 8

: I feel excited enough when using digital media. Because, it makes me

Student 9
feel happy.

: I think digital media makes me comprehend more about the

Student 10
explanation or material that explained by the teacher.

Student 11 : I feel excited. Because, I can try something new.

: Digital media can makes the students more active in teaching-learning

Student 12

: I think the modern media and technique make the students feel more
Student 13

: I think sometimes I can understand about the material when using

Student 14
digital media and sometimes I cannot understand it.

Student 15 : Digital media makes me more explore about the material.

Student 16 : Yes, I feel happy.

Student 17 : I feel that sometimes I do not understand to use the digital media.

Student 18 : Digital media is enjoyable for me.

Student 19 : Digital media makes me more enthusiastic, of course.


Student 20 : I can get more experiences when using digital media in classroom.

: When using digital media it makes me easier to complete my

Student 21

: I think digital media is a little bit confusing when I do not know how
Student 22
to use it.

: I feel very excited and enthusiastic when using digital media.

Student 23
Because, it makes me more spirit in learning something.

: I feel very enjoyable when using digital media. Because, I will get
Student 24
more knowledge.

: I feel happy. Because, digital media can make the teaching-learning

Student 25
process more active than before.

Student 26 : I feel very excited when using digital media.

Student 27 : I think digital media makes the learning process more effective.

: Digital media can makes the situation and condition in teaching-

Student 28
learning process happier.

Student 29 : I feel enthusiastic, of course.

Student 30 : I feel more excited when using digital media.

: I love digital media so much. Because, it makes me more diligent in

Student 31
completing my assignment.

What are the digital teaching-learning media have your teacher used
Question 2 :
in learning Descriptive text? Explain!


There are so many digital media. For examples Youtube, Google

Student 1 :
Classroom, and WhatsApp.

Student 2 : I think Google Classroom, WhatsApp, and Quizizz.

Student 3 : Google Classroom

Student 4 WhatsApp, Google Classroom, and Google Meet.

Student 5 : Zoom Meeting.

Student 6 : Youtube, Google Form, Google Classroom.


Student 7 : Youtube, Google Form, Google Meet, Zoom Meeting.

Student 8 : Google Form, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 9 : WhatsApp, Google Classroom.

Student 10 : Youtube, Google Meet, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 11 : Zoom Meeting, Schoology, WhatsApp, Google Classroom.

Student 12 : Google Classroom, Google Form, WhatsApp.

Student 13 : Youtube, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 14 : Youtube, WhatsApp, Google Form, Google Classroom.

Student 15 : Google Classroom, Google Form, WhatsApp.

Student 16 : Quizizz, Schoology, Zoom, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 17 : Youtube, Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Google Form.

Student 18 : Google Classroom, WhatsApp

Student 19 : Google Classroom, Google Form, WhatsApp.

Student 20 : Youtube, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 21 : Google Classroom, Youtube, WhatsApp

Student 22 : There are several videos, photos and some files.

Student 23 : WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Classroom.

Student 24 : Google Form, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 25 : Google Form, Telegram, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 26 : Youtube, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 27 : Telegram, Google Form, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 28 : Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Telegram, Youtube.

Student 29 : Google Classroom, Google Form, Youtube, WhatsApp.

Student 30 : Youtube, Google Classroom, WhatsApp.

Student 31 : WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Google Form.

Have your teacher used Writco application as the digital media in

Question 3 :
teaching writing of Descriptive text?


Student 1 : Yes, of course. My teacher have used Writco application.

Student 2 : Yes, of course.

Student 3 : Yes, exactly.

Yes, she used Writco application when she explained the Descriptive
Student 4

Student 5 : Yes, of course.

Student 6 : Yes.

Student 7 : Yes, of course.

Student 8 : Yes, she uses Writco application.

Student 9 : Yes, of course. My teacher uses Writco application.

Student 10 : Yes. My teacher used Writco application in teaching-learning process.

Student 11 : Yes, of course.

Student 12 : Yes, she used Writco application.

Student 13 : Yes, my teacher uses Writco application.

Student 14 : Yes, exactly. My teacher have ever used Writco application.

Student 15 : Yes, of course.

: Yes, my teacher have ever used Writco application as the digital

Student 16
teaching-learning media.

Student 17 : Yes. My teacher used Writco application.

Student 18 : Yes, she used Writco exactly.

Student 19 : Yes, exactly my teacher used Writco application.

Student 20 : Yes, of course.

Student 21 : Yes, my teacher have ever used Writco application.

Student 22 : Yes, she used Writco application.

Student 23 : Yes, of course.

Student 24 : Yes, exactly.

Student 25 : Yes, of course. She used Writco application.

Student 26 : Yes, exactly. My teacher have ever used Writco application.

Student 27 : Yes, of course.


Student 28 : Yes, my teacher used Writco application.

: Yes, of course. My teacher used Writco application when learning

Student 29
Descriptive text.

Student 30 : Yes, exactly.

Student 31 : Yes, sure.

How is the teacher uses Writco application in teaching writing of

Question 4 :
Descriptive text?


Student 1 : She uses Writco application in the last meeting.

Student 2 : My teacher uses Writco application in the last meeting.

The teacher has several stages. She explained Writco application and
Student 3 : its features, then she guided the students to make an account, and she
guided them to upload the Descriptive text through Writco.

She explained the application first, told all of the features, she guided
Student 4 me in making an account and guided me to upload the Descriptive

Student 5 : She told how to use it.

: My teacher explains Writco application, she gives the instruction to

Student 6 download it, she accompanies the students to make an account, and
she guides me to upload Descriptive text through it.

Student 7 : My teacher explains how to use Writco application.

: She makes an assignment to make a Descriptive text. Then, she uses

Student 8
Writco application.

: My teacher explains Writco application first, then she guides the

Student 9
students to upload Descriptive text.

: Before I use Writco application, my teacher explains Writco

Student 10
application first to make me understand how to use it.

Student 11 : My teacher uses Writco in the last meeting.

: My teacher explains about Writco application. then, she guided me to

Student 12
upload my story.

: The teacher explains Writco application, she guided to make an

Student 13
account, and she guided to upload Descriptive text.

: My teacher explains about Writco application and its features first,

Student 14
then she guided to make an account and to upload Descriptive text.

Student 15 : She guided to upload the students’ result through Writco application.

Student 16 : She uses Writco as the digital teaching-learning media.

Student 17 : My teacher uses Writco in the last meeting.

: My teacher guides the students to make an account and guides them

Student 18
to upload the result.

: She explains Writco application first, then she guides me to upload

Student 19
Descriptive text through it.

Student 20 : She uses Writco application as the digital teaching-learning media.

: She guides the students to make an account and guides to upload the
Student 21
result through it.

: She explains about Writco application and its features first, then she
Student 22 guides the students to sign up, and she guides me to upload of my
Descriptive text.

: My teacher uses Writco application as the digital teaching-learning

Student 23
media in the last meeting.

: My teacher uses Writco application as the digital taeching-learning

Student 24
media in the classroom.

: My teacher explains about Writco application, then she explains all of

the features, she instructs the students to download it, after they
Student 25
downloaded it she guides the students to sign in, and she guides the
students to upload Descriptive text through it.

: My teacher uses Writco application very good. Because, she explains

Student 26
about it very detail.

: My teacher uses Writco application as the digital teaching-learning

Student 27

: My teacher uses Writco application in the last meeting with the

several stages. She explains about Writco and its features, she guides
Student 28
me to make an account, and she guides me in uploading the result of
my Descriptive text.

Student 29 : She uses Writco application in the last meeting as digital media.

Student 30 : My teacher uses Writco as the digital teaching-learning media. She

explains about it, then she guides me to make an account and guides

me to upload the Descriptive text through it.

: She explains about Writco first, then she guides the students in
Student 31 making an account and guides them in uploading their result through

Does your teacher apply Writco application to the maximum or vice

Question 5 :
versa? Explain!


Student 1 : She used Writco in maximum, of course.

Student 2 : To the maximum.

Student 3 : She uses Writco application to the maximum and I like it.

I like how my teacher uses Writco application, because she utilize it

Student 4
in maximum.

Student 5 : I feel satisfied when my teacher used Writco application in maximum

Student 6 : To the maximum, exactly.

Student 7 : Yes, to the maximum, of course.

Student 8 : Yes, she used Writco in maximum.

: The teacher uses Writco in maximum. Because, she explained it very

Student 9

Student 10 : She uses Writco application in maximum.

Student 11 : Yes, in maximum.

Student 12 : I think yes.

Student 13 : The teacher uses Writco application in maximum.

: The teacher utilize Writco application in maximum and I feel satisfied

Student 14
to it.

Student 15 : She used Writco in maximum.

Student 16 : Yes, of course.

Student 17 : Yes, I think she uses Writco in maximum.

Student 18 : I think yes. My teacher uses Writco application very good.

Student 19 : My teacher utilize Writco application very well and very detail.

Student 20 : My teacher uses Writco application very well.

: She apply the Writco application in teaching-learning process very

Student 21

: I think she uses Writco application very good and she explains the
Student 22
application very detail.

Student 23 : Yes, in maximum of course.

: I think so. My teacher uses Writco very good in teaching-learning

Student 24

Student 25 : Yes, exactly.

Student 26 : Yes, I think my teacher uses Writco application very well.

Student 27 : Yes, of course.

: Yes, exactly. My teacher apply the Writco application very good and
Student 28
very well.

Student 29 : Yes, of course.

Student 30 : I think yes, of course.

Student 31 : I think so.

Is it simple or complex to use the Writco application and its features?

Question 6 :


The use of the Writco application and its features during the learning

Student 1 :
process is simple to comprehend and use.

Following the steps or instructions given by the teacher who was

Student 2 : explaining and operating the Writco application, I discovered that it
was a very simple application to operate.

Yes, the Writco application is really easy to use because the features
Student 3 :
are not overly complicated.

I had no idea what is the Writco application at first, but after being
Student 4
shown how to use it, I found it was simple application to understand.

The Writco application is not difficult to use, perhaps it is a bit of

Student 5 : struggling in the learning process because the teacher who explains it
too fast.

Student 6 : Very easy to use and interesting application.

Student 7 : Very simple to use the application.

: Simple to use and it can help me in completing my Descriptive text

Student 8

Student 9 : Simple enough to use.

: Very simple to use because the teacher explains the application and
Student 10
the features first before I use it.

Student 11 : It is simple to use of course.

Student 12 : After the teacher explains the steps I can use it easily.

: Simple to use because I only follow the teacher’s instruction very

Student 13

: Yes it is simple to use, because the features of Writco application is

Student 14
easy to understand.

Student 15 : It is a simple application to use and I feel amazed to the application.

Student 16 : Yes, it is a simple application.

Student 17 : It is a simple application because easy to understand.

: First time, I do not understand how to use it. After the teacher tells me
Student 18
the steps, it is a simple application I think.

Student 19 : Easy to use.

Student 20 : Easy to understand.

Student 21 : Alhamdulillah I can use it easily.

Student 22 : It is very simple application and interesting to use.

: Too many steps to publish the story, so I choose the complex

Student 23
application to use.

: The features of the Writco application are interesting, then it is simple

Student 24
to use.

: It would be a complex application if they never use Writco

Student 25 application, but after the teacher explains me about it, I decied this
application is a simple application to use.

: I do not understand the application clearly, and it is a complex

Student 26
application I think.

: It is a simple application to use, because the teacher explains the

Student 27
application very detail.

Student 28 : It is easy to use.

Student 29 : It is a simple application.

Student 30 : It is simple to use.

: The teacher describes the application clearly, so I think it is a simple

Student 31
to use.

Do you feel more enjoyable or more tedious when using Writco

Question 7 :
application in teaching-learning process? Explain!


The teaching and learning process is more entertaining and fun,

Student 1 : because I can complete my homework using Writco application from
my phone anywhere.

I believe it is more enjoyable since I can use the Writco program to

Student 2 : add images as a tool to provide additional information to readers and
to view other Writco users' stories.

Using the Writco application can make me happier while writing

Student 3 : Descriptive text and it also makes it less monotonous, because I can
comment to other people’s work.

I feel more comfortable when using the Writco application, because I

Student 4 can read other people's stories that can motivate someone when
reading it.

The Writco application might make me even happier because it is a

Student 5 lot of fun when I use it. Not only stories, but the application also
provides quotes and poems.

Student 6 : Yes, I feel happier when using Writco.

Student 7 : Yes, I feel more enjoy in learning process.

: It is very enjoyable learning, because I can make the Descriptive text

Student 8
easily through the Writco application.

: It is more interesting lesson where I can see another examples of

Student 9
stories in Writco.

Student 10 : It is more enjoyable.

Student 11 : Interesting enough.

Student 12 : I feel more fun, because the teacher uses the new application.

Student 13 : I feel more excited of course.

Student 14 : Yes, it is more enjoyable.

Student 15 : I feel more enthusiastic when using it.

Student 16 : I feel excited enough.

Student 17 : Yes, I feel more enjoyable, because it is easy to use.

Student 18 : Sometimes I feel bored, but sometimes I feel excited using it.

Student 19 : It is more enjoyable, because I feel excited.

Student 20 : I feel more enjoyable when using it of course.

Student 21 : I feel more enthusiastic, because I can learn from the other’s stories.

: It is more enjoyable and fun, because I can see another stories from
Student 22
the other users.

Student 23 : Little bit tedious.

Student 24 : More enjoyable.

Student 25 : It is more enjoyable.

Student 26 : I think I feel more enjoyable.

Student 27 : I feel more excited in learning process.

: Feel more enjoyable, because I use a digital media in learning

Student 28

Student 29 : I feel more enthusiastic when using it.

Student 30 : I feel flat when using it.

Student 31 : I feel more excited, because the Writco application is very interesting.

Is it easy or difficult for you to overcome the issues that arise in the
Question 8 :
Writco application when learning descriptive text? Explain!


When I want to make a Writco account, I have a problem in sign up,

because I forgot the Facebook and Gmail passwords, therefore I have
Student 1 :
to make a Gmail account first to sign up to Writco application. But I
think that is as easy problem to solve.

Student 2 : It is about the signal, so I think sometimes it is easy to solve and


sometimes difficult to solve.

Student 3 : It is very easy to solve.

Student 4 : I face the problem and it is very easy to solve.

Student 5 : It is very easy for me to overcome.

Student 6 : I think there is no problem.

: I think it is difficult to solve, because I have no cellphone that support

Student 7 the Writco application. I just look forward to my friend’s phone and
listen to the teacher’s instruction.

: The problem is when the internet connection is unstable, because it

Student 8 can hamper to upload the Descriptive text. But, I think it is a simple
and easy problem to solve.

Student 9 : Very easy for me to overcome.

Student 10 : It is easy to solve the problem.

: Because of I can use the Writco application easily, therefore the

Student 11
problem of the application can solve easily too.

Student 12 : It is easy to solve the problem of course

Student 13 : There is no problem when I use the Writco application.

Student 14 : Yes, it is very easy.

: It is very easy to overcome, because the teacher was explained the

Student 15
application clearly.

Student 16 : I can solve the problem easily.

Student 17 : Yes, I can solve the problem easily.

Student 18 : Yes, I can face the problem of course.

Student 19 : It is very easy to colve.

Student 20 : I have not had any issues when I use the Writco application.

: It is very easy to solve, because my teacher explains the application

Student 21
very well.

Student 22 : Yes, I can solve the problem.

Student 23 : I have no any problems when using the Writco application.

Student 24 : I think it is very easy to solve the issues.

Student 25 : There is no issue when I using it.

Student 26 : Sometimes I feel difficult to choose the theme of my Descriptive text,


but I think it is very easy to solve the problem for me.

Student 27 : I have no idea that the Writco applicaiton has problem.

Student 28 : Sometimes easy to solve and sometimes difficuklt to solve.

Student 29 : I can overcome the issues greatly.

Student 30 : I have never feel there is any issues when I use Writco application.

Student 31 : It is very simple and easy to solve.

Is the utilization of Writco application in learning writing of

Question 9 :
Descriptive text satisfactory or unsatisfactory overall? Explain!


Student 1 : I think it is good enough.

Student 2 : I think it is very satisfactory.

Student 3 : Very satisfactory, because I do not feel bored in the classroom.

Student 4 : Very good application, beacause I have never use it before.

: Very satisfying, because I have a new experience in learning

Student 5
Descriptive text.

Student 6 : Satisfactory enough for me.

: Yes, it is very satisfying for me, because it can help the students to
Student 7
learn from their mistake in writing stories especially Descriptive text.

Student 8 : I think it is very satisfying.

Student 9 : Very satisfying, because I can comment on the other’s stories.

: I feel satisfied, because Writco is simple to use and I feel enjoy when
Student 10
using it.

Student 11 : I think it is satisfying enough.

: I think Writco application is very satisfying, because the features are

Student 12
easy to understand that make me feel enthusiastic.

Student 13 : Writco application is very satisfactory.

Student 14 : Yes, Writco application is satisfactory of course.

: I think Writco makes me feel excited in making stoires especially

Student 15
Descriptive text.

Student 16 : Writco application is very satisfying in learning Descriptive text.


Student 17 : I feel esxcited when using Writco and it is very satisfying application.

Student 18 : I think Writco makes me feel excited in making Descriptive text.

Student 19 : Writco is really satisfactory.

: I think it is fair enough, because I feel enthusiastic in teaching-

Student 20
learning process.

: I think Writco is satisfying application, because it makes me feel

Student 21
happy and because of that application I have a new experience.

: When I knew how to make a Descriptive text through the Wrico

Student 22
application, so I think it is very useful and satisfactory application.

Student 23 : Writco application is really satisfactory.

Student 24 : I think it makes me feel enthusiastic in learning Descriptive text.

Student 25 : Yes, Writco application is very satisfying application.

Student 26 : Writco application is amazing enough for me.

: I feel excited when using Writco, because the features are easy to
Student 27
understand and use.

Student 28 : Writco application is very satisfying application.

Student 29 : I feel enthusiastic, therefore Writco application is very satisfying.

Student 30 : I think Writco is an amazing application.

: I think Writco application is very useful for the learner who wants to
Student 31
make stories or poems.

Is the Writco application useful or not for you in other school

Question 10 :
subjects? Explain!


I think Writco might be a useful application, but I’m not sure, because
Student 1 :
I do not use it in other subjects.

I think Writco can be useful in other subject, because it makes the

Student 2 :
students feel excited in teaching-learning process.

The answer is yes, because Writco application make the students

Student 3 :
easier in making some stories.

Student 4 : I do not know, maybe another teachers should try Writco application

as their digital media.

I think it is very useful applicaiton, because I can ask the teacher’s

Student 5 :
advice for my Descriptive text.

Student 6 : I’m not sure, but I think it could be a useful application.

: Because of Writco applcation facilitates me in writing stories

Student 7 especially Descriptive text, therefore it is very useful application also
in other subject that making stories or poems.

: I think Writco can be useful in other subjects as the digital teaching

Student 8
media in classroom.

Student 9 : I think it is very useful.

: I do not know and I am not sure, but the other teacher should try
Student 10
Writco as the digital media in classroom activities.

: I think it can be useful, because in order not to be monotonous to

Student 11 collect assignments using the application that commonly used, the
teacher provides new things for the students.

: I think it is very useful in other subjects that can make students more
Student 12
interested in reading and writing.

: Very useful because it can lead to high enthusiasm for learning in

Student 13
writing stories or poetry.

: I think it is very useful to use in other subject that making some

Student 14
stories or poems.

: It is very useful application for students who interested in writing

Student 15

: Yes, of course. Writco application would be a useful application in

Student 16
other subject.

Student 17 : I think it is very useful application in other subject.

: Very useful application in other subject that facilitates the students to

Student 18
write some stories.

Student 19 : Yes, I think Writco application might be useful in other subject.

Student 20 : It would be a useful application in writing stories or poetries subject.

: Yes, it would be a useful application in other subject, because Writco

Student 21
facilitates the students who interested in writing stories.

Student 22 : I think it would be useful enough in other subject.

Student 23 : I think it is very useful application in other subject, because Writco


application provides a new experience.

: I thinkit would be a useful application in other subject, because

Student 24 Writco application is an online application that can use it everywhere
and anywhere.

Student 25 : I am not sure about it, the teachers might be try Writco application.

Student 26 : Yes, it is very useful application in other subject.

Student 27 : I do not know, I think it could be useful in other subject.

: Yes, Writco application is a useful application in other subject of

Student 28

: It is very useful in other subject when the teacher teaches the students
Student 29
in writing something.

: Relate to the social function of Writco, it could be useful in other

Student 30
subject that provides the students in writing stories or poetry.

: Yes, I think Writco application very suitable for use in writing stories,
Student 31
poems, and quotes subject.


Mata : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / : X / Ganjil
Pelajaran Semester
Sekolah : SMAN 2 Cianjur Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran Scientific Learning, peserta didik diharapkan mampu

terampil membedakan, menangkap makna, dan meyusun terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan
sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan • Membuka kelas dengan berdoa

• Pemeriksaan kehadiran
• Pemberian sedikit motivasi belajar untuk siswa
• Megingatkan peserta didik mengenai unsur bahasa yang terkandung dalam
descriptive text
• Memberikan tujuan pembelajaran
Inti  Peserta didik mampu mencermati dan memahami fungsi dan tujuan umum
dari simple present tense
 Peserta didik mampu memahami formula atau rumus simple present tense:
positive (+), negative (-), dan interrogative (?)
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis simple present tense yang terkandung
dalam descriptive text yang berjudul “The Capital City of England”
 Peserta didik mampu membuat contoh kalimat yang menggunakan simple
present tense
Penutup • Menyimpulkan materi
• Menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada
pertemuan berikutnya
• Mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan memberikan pesan dan motivasi tetap
semangat belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa tutup

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

Pemahaman peserta didik Penilaian hasil kerja peserta Pengamatan perilaku,

terkait fungsi sosial, definisi, didik berupa pengumpulan tugas sikap spiritual, dan sikap
dan tujuan umum dari simple dalam menyusun kalimat yang sosial dalam melaksanakan
present tense menggunakan simple present pembelajaran atau tugas
tense dengan instrumen: disiplin,
jujur, dan tanggung jawab

Mengetahui, Cianjur, 24 Oktober 2020

Guru Pamong Peserta PLP


NIP. 198002112008012005 NPM. 8820317034

Lampiran I

Lampiran II
Latihan Soal
A. Analyze simple present tense from the text below!
Analisa simple present tense dari teks di bawah ini!

The Capital City of England

Do you know the capital city of England? Right. London is the capital of the
United Kingdom.
Look at the map carefully. Here is London. Can you see it? It is situated in
southeastern England along the Thames River. London is a well-known city with
a population of about 7 millions. It is the largest city in Europe. Although it is no
longer included among the world’s most populous cities, London is still one of the
world’s major financial and cultural capitals.
Are you still with me? OK, thank you. Let’s continue. London’s climate is
generally mild and damp although it can be erratic. London is one of the driest
parts of Britain. However, the weather is generally cloudy, and sometimes it rains
on half the days of the year. With the mean temperature in July of about 18° C
(about 64° F), London has warmer summers than most of the island. It’s frosty
during winters in London. Fog frequently develops in winter.
Now let me tell you about the city. London’s metropolitan area extends for more
than 30 miles. Most of Central London is located north of the Thames. It contains
the City of London, the City of Westminster, and districts in the West End. The
City of London is the heart of the city. The City of Westminster is the seat of the
national government
For example:

1. Do you know the capital city of England? (Interrogative)

B. Please write positive, negative, and interrogative simple present tense

using these subjects and verbs!
Example: Subject = you, Verb = like
(+) You do like white color
(-) You do not like white color
(?) Do you like white color?

1. Subject = your name, Verb = swim

2. Subject = I, Verb = travel



Mata : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / : X / Ganjil
Pelajaran Semester
Sekolah : SMAN 2 Cianjur Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran Scientific Learning, peserta didik diharapkan mampu

terampil membedakan, menangkap makna, dan meyusun terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan
sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan • Membuka kelas dengan berdoa

• Pemeriksaan kehadiran
• Pemberian sedikit motivasi belajar untuk siswa
• Mereview materi yang sudah dipelajari
• Memberikan tujuan pembelajaran
• Memberikan contoh teks yang memiliki genre yang berbeda (descriptive
dan recount)
Inti  Peserta didik membaca descriptive text yang telah disediakan
 Peserta didik mampu memahami dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan fungsi
sosial, tujuan, dan struktur descriptive text dengan jenis teks yang lain
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, tujuan, dan struktur
descriptive text
 Peserta didik mampu merespon pertanyaan yang diberikan melalui Quizizz
Penutup • Menyimpulkan materi
• Menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada
pertemuan berikutnya.
• Mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan memberikan pesan dan motivasi tetap
semangat belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

Pemahaman peserta didik Penilaian hasil kerja peserta Pengamatan perilaku,

terkait fungsi sosial dan didik berupa pengumpulan tugas sikap spiritual, dan sikap
struktur teks deskriptif mengenai fungsi sosial, dan sosial dalam melaksanakan
struktur teks deskriptif pembelajaran atau tugas
dengan instrumen: disiplin,
jujur, dan tanggung jawab

Mengetahui, Cianjur, 19 Oktober 2020

Guru Pamong Peserta PLP


NIP. 198002112008012005 NPM. 8820317034

Lampiran I
Materi (Contoh Descriptive Text)
My Cat
Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace,
performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the
delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance,
for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat.
He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 Lives.
His familiarity with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic brands of
cat food in favor of only the most expensive brands.
Gregory is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending
some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be
petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does
not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me
because he is jealous of my friends.
After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling
to himself in front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his
obnoxious, but endearing, habits.

My Favourite Place

People have their own favourite place in this world. For example beach,
mountain, park, zoo, etc. Actually I have favourite place in the world and I think
this place is special. This place is forest.
My favourite place is forest because in that place I can hear the different
sounds of the animals are living there. I enjoy that when I am alone, because I
love to draw trees, but also I like to be with someone and talk. I always go to the
forest with my high school friends on weekend. We love nature so much. We can
think about life, family, friend and the future there. In that place, we can imagine
I love to be there for a long time because I can rest softly, and I have a
good time there. There are trees, animals, and different plants. I can smell the air;
I can feel the temperature of the weather. I can look up through the sky; see its
own colors like blue and white. It is a lovely thing when I can see the clouds are
moving slowly and expanding. It is like a heaven in the world.
I enjoyed the time when I go to the forest; I can hiking, daydreaming, and
drawing the scenery in there. I love this place a lot. I would like to be there.
Wherever there is a forest, it is good for me. Good place to make a new

Travel on the Train for the First Time

Last year, I was Eighteen years old. I had graduated from my senior high
school and I wanted to continue my education in Yogyakarta. . . I lived with my
family in Cirebon during eighteen years So, I would live alone there and it was
new experience for me.
I went to yogyakarta by train, Before I came to the train station, I did not
know how to check-in. All procedures were so new to me. Fortunately, a security
guard helped me and gave me some directions to check-in. After that I entered to
the train and sat on the chair.
I listened to the song and I was Really enjoy when I was in the train. After
5 hours in the train , finally I arrived in Yogyakarta. I would start my new life in
yogyakarta. I was really excited to start my new adventure to the new city.

Lampiran II

Materi (Power Point)

Lampiran III

Latihan Soal



Mata : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / : X / Ganjil
Pelajaran Semester
Sekolah : SMAN 2 Cianjur Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran Scientific Learning, peserta didik diharapkan mampu

terampil membedakan, menangkap makna, dan meyusun terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan
sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan • Membuka kelas dengan berdoa

• Pemeriksaan kehadiran
• Mereview materi yang sudah dipelajari
• Memberikan apersepsi atau sedikit gambaran mengenai materi yang akan
• Pemberian sedikit motivasi belajar untuk siswa
Inti  Peserta didik mampu memahami fungsi umum atau tujuan dari adjective
(kata sifat) yang terkandung dalam konteks descriptive text
 Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi perbedaan dari setiap jenis-jenis
adjective (kata sifat) yang terkandung dalam descriptive text
 Peserta didik memberikan contoh dengan membuat kalimat menggunakan
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisa perbedaan dari setiap jenis-jenis
adjective (kata sifat) yang terkandung dalam descriptive text yang
ditugaskan melalui Google Classroom
Penutup • Menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya
• Menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada
pertemuan berikutnya.
• Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan memberikan pesan dan motivasi
tetap semangat belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

Pemahaman peserta didik Penilaian hasil kerja peserta Pengamatan perilaku,

terkait fungsi sosial, tujuan didik berupa pengumpulan tugas sikap spiritual, dan sikap
umum, dan jenis-jenis dengan menganalisa adjective sosial dalam melaksanakan
adjective dan membuat kalimat pembelajaran atau tugas
menggunakan adjective dengan instrumen: disiplin,

jujur, dan tanggung jawab

Mengetahui, Cianjur, 12 November 2020

Guru Pamong Peserta PLP


NIP. 198002112008012005 NPM. 8820317034

Lampiran I

Lampiran II
Latihan Soal

A. Analyze the adjective from the text below!

Analisa kata sifat apa saja yang terdapat pada teks di bawah ini!
Minimal 5 Adjectives
Lembah Pelangi Waterfall
Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or foreign
tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village, Ulubelu sub
district, Tanggamus district, Lampung province, Indonesia. The access to this
place is quite difficult because Ulu Belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung
with its hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive.

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the waterfall on the
second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100
meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best
enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and
the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds is
like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there.
Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an
interesting spot for bathing.
In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very
interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees
will actually so the both your eyes.

1. The access – determiner (artciles)
2. Several spots – determiner (quantifier)

B. Make 3 (three) sentences using adjective!

Buatlah 3 (tiga) kalimat yang menggunakan kata sifat!
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________



Mata : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / : X / Ganjil
Pelajaran Semester
Sekolah : SMAN 2 Cianjur Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran Scientific Learning, peserta didik diharapkan mampu

terampil membedakan, menangkap makna, dan meyusun terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek
dan sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan • Membuka kelas dengan berdoa

• Pemeriksaan kehadiran
• Pemberian sedikit motivasi belajar untuk siswa
• Memberikan tujuan pembelajaran
• Mengulas materi yang sudah dipelajari
Inti  Peserta didik mampu memahami dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, tujuan,
dan struktur descriptive text
 Peserta didik mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, tujuan, dan struktur
descriptive text
 Peserta didik dibimbing membuat kerangka descriptive text (identification
dan description)
 Peserta didik dibimbing dan diberi arahan untuk mengunduh dan
menggunakan aplikasi Writco
 Peserta didik mampu menyusun descriptive text melalui aplikasi Writco
Penutup • Menyimpulkan materi
• Menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada
pertemuan berikutnya.
• Mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan memberikan pesan dan motivasi tetap
semangat belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

Pemahaman peserta didik Penilaian hasil kerja peserta Pengamatan perilaku,

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur didik berupa pengumpulan tugas sikap spiritual, dan sikap
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam menyusun teks deskriptif sosial dalam melaksanakan
dalam teks deskriptif pembelajaran atau tugas
dengan instrumen: disiplin,
jujur, dan tanggung jawab

Mengetahui, Cianjur, 16 November 2020

Guru Pamong Peserta PLP


NIP. 198002112008012005 NPM. 8820317034

Lampiran I

Lampiran II
Make your own descriptive text with “historical building/place” theme. In this
chance, you have to use Writco application to complete your work.
Share your Writco link to my WhatsApp number!



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