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Study Journal

The Title of Course Understanding Korean Society (2022-1)

Name Pyak Anatoliy
ID 2019105719
Major Business Administration
Week 1-4
Summary - The sociology (science of society/discipline of the mean) researches the laws of
social development, which extend their influence on human society. The subject of sociology
can be considered social facts, which should be understood as collective habits, traditions,
norms, laws, values, etc. Interpretive approach is the way to understand individuals’ actions
and interactions. Inter-subjectivity is the way to understand others’ (putting yourself in
someone else’s shoes) actions and interactions. Structural approach is a way to understand
social institutions and group dynamics Sociological imagination is an ability to see the
context which shapes your individual decision making, as well as the decisions made by
others. Our values are important because they shape us and help us develop ourselves.
Confucianism - educate a righteous and respectable person who improved himself and strove
for the righteousness of his family, and then the state. Also, the key motive of his teaching is
observed in the sincere devotion of the son to the father, the people to the emperor.
Secularism denies the religions says there’s no god no afterlife no salvation, the movement
towards a better society and possible social and political reforms must be based on scientific
knowledge and not on theology. Confucian capitalism, Korean companies are owned by a
single family and the family head has an absolute power in the company/family. Many
westerners tried to point Korea’s success to Confucianism (education, Collective good over
individual etc.) and when the crisis happened they also pointed at Confucianism that it was
the cause of crisis/authoritarianism, sexism, corruption etc. The definition of Confucianism
was remodeled, values changed from collective good to individual good, but Koreans still use
the family centered individualism. Values of older and younger generation in Korea is super
Social stratification is a categorization of people into groups based on: economic wealth,
political power, social status. Inequality is uneven and unfair distribution of opportunities and
rewards that increase power, prestige, and wealth for individuals or groups. Embodied
cultural capital is when the family’s wealth shapes the individuals cultural taste. Objectified
Cultural capitals are enjoyed by embodied cultural capital. Institutionalized- some types of
embodied capital can be superb more valuable through certifications. Cultural capital is
individual's social assets (education, intellect, style of speech, dress, etc.) that promote social
mobility within a stratified society. Consumption shows our values, identity, relationship etc.
Social Capital is the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a
particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. Social capital indiv- accessible
resources included in the social structure that will bring benefits to their owners. Personal
network capital is a capital because it can be possessed, can be used for individual interest, is
an object of investment. Human capital is the knowledge, skills, education etc. of individual.
Network theory says that your position on the network shows how much you can benefit

from the network. Personal network benefits all both individual and group.

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