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1st Marking Period Journal

Entry #1

Date: Friday, August 26,2022

Topic: First Few Days of High School

The first few days of high school was a lot. You are in a much bigger environment with people you
haven’t meant before. I’m worried that I’m not going to do as well in high school. High school is the
most important thing in your life. It takes a lot to graduate and I’m scared that I won’t. Besides that, it’s
been going okay. I ment some people that are also in CFPA Voice and we have a lot of common. It’s hard
to find your classes since Colgan is a big school. Luckily, you have teachers and older students who are
kind enough to show you where your classes are. I found some of my classes but it’s still hard to find
which hallway you are supposed to go to since they all look identical. I wonder if my teachers are going
to be strict or are, they going to be understanding. I doubt it since it’s high school and you’re suppose to
be on top of things. I hope I have a good school year! My goal is to get all A’s or be an A B student. I just
want to pass 9th grade and don’t get held back.

Entry #2

Date: Wednesday September 7, 2022

Topic: Revenge

Revenge is when you take the action of hurting or harm of someone that did you wrong. Revenge is a
bad thing. I say that because when you get revenge on someone, you are going to try and do something
that causes them a conflict. And when you cause them a conflict, they would have to go through it
personally. I am the person that seeks revenge. I know I said that revenge is bad but sometimes you
must do the dirty to make them feel the same way you did. I have been a victim of someone trying to
get revenge. I was with my younger sister and we were playing around and she broke something. I
snitched on her and she got in trouble. So, she snitched on me and got her revenge. Movies that discuss
revenge in it: John Wick, Curse of Chucky, and Cruella.

Entry #3

Date: Friday September 23, 2022

Topic: The Good Wife’s Guide

1st Marking Period Journal

I was not able to watch The Good Wife’s Guide because I didn’t have headphones, but I read the article.
I was not surprised on how the women had to prepare the night before and the day the husband was
coming home. Women had to make sure everything was perfect for the soldier to feel comfortable. For
example, women had to make sure house wasn’t filled with clutter, had to get herself ready to look
presentable for him, and had to tell the kids to not make so much noise. It was a lot of pressure because
she wanted to make her husband feel at home and not on the battlefield. It was sad to see that the
women had to do all that work just to not ask questions about the war. Also, because in the article it
says “Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and
truthfulness. You have no right to question him. A good wife always knows her place.” This shows that
women were slaves to their husbands and not a wife. Women do have a right to ask about what
happened. Maybe not that day but when the husband gets comfortable to talk about it. The word
master means that someone is over you. The rights between women and men were not equal. I know
this was published in 1955 but it’s just crazy to see women doing all the housework and be treated like
this. Our roles now and from 1955 has changed. Not by a lot. Men are still putting women under them
and women are still fighting for rights and equal pay. I would NOT want to be a good wife because how
men were treating women, I would have left him.

Entry #4

Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Topic: Spirt Week/ Homecoming

This week is going to be super exciting! Homecoming is soon and Colgan is having a spirt week. I
plan on joining in on spirit week. I forgot what the other spirit days were, so I must ask the teachers.
I love spirit week! Spirit week is the time where you get to have fun and dress up! I’m excited for
homecoming. It’s the one time of the school year to enjoy if you can’t go to prom. I already have a
dress in mind. No one asked me to homecoming but I’m going with my friends. I’m going to the
homecoming dance but not the football game. I wished we had a spirit day where we bring our
younger siblings to school. That would be cool! I’m going to dance my butt off with my friends at the
dance. I haven’t chosen a song for the homecoming, but I’ll find one soon. I wish my friend could go
but she is going with another friend to homecoming. I hope I enjoy myself! Being away at night and
your parents not near you is the dream of a high schooler. Every day, I think about homecoming and
the fun everyone is going to have! This is going to be the night of my life.

Entry #5

Date: Friday, October 14, 2022

Topic: Feuds and Holding Grudges

1st Marking Period Journal

People hold feuds and hold grudges. It’s common in a daily life of humans. People hold grudges for
many things, and one is when they go through conflict. Hypothetically speaking, your friend told on
you. Of course, you would be mad at them and not forgive them. You are holding this grudge, would
affect the friendship between you and your friend. I have held a grudge before. My sister ratted me
out and I got in trouble. I was mad at her and couldn’t forgive her for over a week, but I got over it.
One famous feud that I know is between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B. They are always going at it on
social meeting and aren’t talking to each other after the fight at the GALA. I can hold a grudge, but it
depends on the situation. If I was snitched on, of course I would be mad but get over it. But if
someone was talking about me then I would hold this grudge for a long time. Holding grudges can
be bad because you will affect your relationship with other people. At the same time, people can also
hold a grudge towards you if you did something to them.

Entry #6

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Topic: 1st Marking Period

The first marking period was easy. It was quite intense, but I pulled through. A lot more test than
usual if I must say. I was kind of stressed because I wanted to do well this quarter. I also wanted my
parents to be proud of me. If I would’ve study more and put more effort in working, I would have
straight A’s. I have 2 B+ and all A’s. Now I’m in the 2nd quarter, I will try and put more effort in my
studying. Getting to know my teacher and actually have teachers that were very much helpful made
the marking period much easier. I have teachers that I can depend on and I know who can help me
throughout the quarter.

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