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Blue -ard
Causing an emotional reaction similar to that of seeing a blue sea -ard
Green -og
Causing an emotional reaction similar to that of seeing a green sea -og
Red -ych
Causing an emotional reaction similar to that of seeing a red sea -ych
Big -eb
Many -eb
Small -oll
Not -ent
[prepostion] -inch
[verb] -ith
I Chaern
You Nyll
They Tand
That Gend
Air Bod
Fire Llod
Water Nod
Earth Mod
Wood Rod
Body Parts
Head Baeth
Mouth Daeth
Hand Gaeth
Eye Llaeth
Ear Maeth
Celestial Bodies
Sun Llyn
Moon Byn
Star Dyn
Fruit Gill
Animal Tin
Gift Chag
Time Myd
Smaller piece of a larger whole Bid

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