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1- Filter Pet Hairs and Dandruff

Our pets leave hair and dandruff

everywhere. Cat dander is especially
small and sticky when deposited on a
surface. The UV light air purifiers
have a pre-filter that filters the hairs
in suspension and the HEPA Filter
filters the dandruff.

2- Eliminates odors

As we have said before, UV light air

purifiers mostly have an active
carbon filter. This filter is
responsible for trapping
fundamentally organic compounds
present in the air and responsible for
the bad smell. We can call this filter
the odor filter. UV light air purifiers
for smokers are very useful since
they not only purify the air they
breathe but also eliminate the smell
of tobacco.

The smell of food, the smell of moisture, and the smell of your pet … Active
carbon is an extremely porous material that attracts all these bad smells and
eliminates them.

3- Cleaning Reinforcement
When we do the cleaning of a room, there are always particles in suspension that
when we have finished will be deposited again on the floor, furniture and finally,
on any surface. An UV light air purifier serves to filter these particles constantly.
If you remove them, they are not deposited and if they are not deposited, we do
not have to clean them! This does not mean that you are going to release the mop
and the dust cloth so that it will undoubtedly be a support for cleaning.

4- Mold-free spaces

Mold proliferates in humid environments; this is a reality. It produces small spores

invisible to the eye that are deposited on any surface, toys, carpets, curtains, etc.
Mold is a common trigger for allergies and asthma. What does this mean? Well,
he is responsible for making them worse and that is why sometimes we listen I am
allergic to mold.

UV light air purifiers are effective in removing mold spores from the environment;
their HEPA filter captures mold spores and removes them.

Now we recommend that if the humidity in the environment is very high use a
good dehumidifier and root cuts the problem. If you reduce humidity, mold will
not find its comfort habitat and therefore will not proliferate.

5- Improvement of respiratory health

There are many particles in the air that cause damage to our respiratory health,
especially if we are allergic. Pollen and dust become our worst enemies, any
presence of them ends up generating a lot of cough and discomfort. An UV light
air purifier will be mainly responsible for keeping us calm in that aspect, helping
to filter dust and pollen giving us a healthier air to breathe.

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