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Once upon time in a land far, far away, there lived a two best friend born to a noble king. Mora, her
name had a best friend Marnie. The two friends loved each other dearly and were inseparable. They
played together, ate together, studied together, and always there for each other.

1. Grandma;
“ the two of you are like one soul in two bodies..”

2. Marnie & mora;

“ we will always stay together” “ for ever, and ever, and ever!!”

3. Grandma:
“ but what will you do when you fall in love and get married?’’

4. Mora;
“ married?”

5. Grandma;
“ yes, one day two young men will come, and marry you. Then they will take you to their separate
lands were you shall live happily ever after. You know?”

6. Marnie ;
“ impossible! If marriage will separate us like this, we shall not get married! Come!” “come!”

Well, love is a quite a sneaky things. One never knows when and where it might strike. Some years
passed by, and one day, lost in the forest, love made its appearance.

7. Marnie;
‘’ this is the perfect sport for our camp!”

8. Mora;
“oh, yes it is!”

When Mora and Marnie was looking at the scenery, they were approached by a man who brought a
roses and small box.

9. Marnie;
“shh.. someone’s there!”

10. ellio;
“ Hi, I’am ellio. What are you doing there?”

11. Mora;
“ hi!, I’am mora, and this my bestfriend marnie! Bye the way we will camp here”

12. ellio;
“for real? It’s been almost 15 years no one has come to camp.”
13. Mora;
“ is it real? How it can be? I guess! This will be related to mystical things!” /tck

14. Marnie:
“ keep your mouth mora! He said it’s been 15 years!’’

15. Mora;
“calm down marnie,, I’ll be with you. Anyway this place is too beautiful to pass up. You can see? The
rose is very red. Ah.. I really want to pick---‘’

16. ellio;
‘’hey, please don’t do that. if you want, I shall keep them in your tent, but not now.”

17. Mora;
“ that is very sweet of you Ellio, Marnie, lets go a bit deeper into the wood shall we, over that hill?”

18. Marnie;
‘’ No, I cant! Just here, this place is a bit scary”

19. ellio;
“ yes mora, its true. Besides, you need to see beautiful scenery right? If you go deeper there are only
trees around you. I think, just here will be enough.”

The three of them – ellio, mora, and marnie went to mora’s house to get their camping gear.
Something strange was happening with them- only mora and ellio. A tiny flutter in their hearts which
comes only when love knock. For the first time there was a third with the two friends. Both of them
held their love with ellio as a sacred secret.their first secret ever from each other.

20. Ellio;
“marnie, is mora would love this rubys studed stylo wouldn’t she?”

21. Marnie;
“OH.. she will indeed be a most unfortunate if she cannot value a gift selected by the most ravishing’’

22. Mora;
“hi, ellio, marnie. What are you doing guys?”

23. Ellio;
‘’ hm. Mora, this is for you’’

24. Mora:
“that’s for me? oh, thank you so much!”

25. Ellio;
“ I am so glad you like my little gift’”

26. Mora:
“I would be the most unfortunate girl in the world if I couldn’t value a gift selected by the noblest
man in the entire world!oh, you are to kind!”
Marnie heart broke into a thousand pieces of grief and sorrow. But mora and ellio hearts were soaring
in the lightness of love. They knew nothing of marnie’s grief.

27. Ellio;
“well, we arrived here. Oh yeah I’m just going to help you guys a little set up a tent because I have go
to somewhere”

28. Mora;
“oh darl, it’s okay”

One night mora told marniethat she wanted to pee. Marnie, who was verry sleepy offered that she
wanted to accompany mora.

29. mora:
“marnie, I want pee”

30. marnie;
“do you want me to accompany you?”

31. mora:
“oh its okay.i beg you, I’ll go alone. You look very sleepy. And also I’am brave girl!”

As marnie looked on, mora went into the bushes. But the moment she entereded it a golden halo
surrounded her and marnie remebereded “only the one with a soul pure as know can cross the golden

32. marnie;
‘’mora, I will return for you go to save the love of another!”

33. mora;
“no marnie! Please don’t leave me alone!”

The golden halo seemed endless and it seemed it held within is stinking sudge all the sorrows and
fears of the world. As ghostly shadow and creepy creatures kept coming before mora scaring the life
out her. But every time she could endure no more. She tought of ellio and marnie and she carried on.
She reached a river full of hungry crocodile and mora took a deep breath and ought of ellio and
marnie and jumped into the river. The lights of golden helo spred to the crocodiles and all of them
moved away as she swam across the river.

Then she reached a swinging door of iron spears. But the ones again the lights of her love made go
thought them. Finlly she reached the home of the old woman. The woman gave her food and fresh

34. The old woman;

“ you must really love him to have endured the river for him”
35. Mora;
‘’ I love him, but I think my best friend love him to, I can’t married with him”

36. The old woman;

“you came all the way to save your friends love?! Din’t it kill you to see them together?”

37. Mora;
“ I came here so that I would be the one to ensure their happiness. What more does true love
want than the happiness of the one loved?”

38. The old woman;

“no wonder yo crossed the river for you indeed have a soul a pure as snow, come!”

39. The old women;

“ here is the roses of life take it back to the palace and ellio will know who ellio loves”

The moment mora grasped the roses she found her self back to where she had left the tent.
And she saw ellio and marnie with a panicked face. Mora get closer to them and together

40. Mora;
“ ellio, who exactly do you love?”

41. Marnie;
“ hei mora, ofcourse your body, your heart, and also love your personality. He loves you so

42. Ellio;
“ I’m sorry mora, I didn’t mean to. What marnie said everything is true I really really loves
you since we meet.”
43. Marnie:
“ you know the most beautiful aspect of love mora? You feel happy when the one you love
is happy. You and ellio are happy rings me more joy than anything ever clould! You
needn’t worry about me mora! Ever!”

It was true marnie was said but that shes could the cause of mora’s and ellio happiness was
enough to give her strength and joy. And that is what true loves is all about even its pain is
joyful. Such truly love can be with anyone. Your parents your brother and sisters, your
friends and also your pet.

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