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Monica Nengchia Pertiwi A1B02089

Reza Anggraini A1B021101
Hafidz Diva Blesalke A1B021081


Dr. Ira Maisarah, M.Pd


Stanley Burnshaw who has had a long career in the literary life of the century. He is one of
other figure whose contribution to American letters has been so versatile and various. Printer,
publisher, essay- ist, editor, critic, translator, playwright, biographer, and, most of all, poet,
Burnshaw is a ‘‘man of letters’’ in the richest meaning of the term.

My Friend, My Father

Plot, characters, scene/setting

A. Plot summary
my father my friends is about The child who had never been quite special enough now
befriended a father who was also but one among many. From that vantage, however, their
relationship blossomed, and though never without tension it was evidently fulfilling for both.

  In this disaster, father and son bonded deeply, and, for stanley, survivorship took on
the added responsibility of bearing witness to the postwar rebirth of the Jewish people:
indeed, in keeping with the practice of most of his earlier books, he appended the
textof Mirages to The Refusers, as well as a historical retrospect describing the advent of

In later years, stanley himself would sometimes despair over whether modern Israel
could survive, and the moment of this present writing would not in all likelihood have given
him grounds for greater hope. But it made him all the more determined to assert his identity
as a Jew.

Stanley knew that humanity was a troubled condition as such. As his destructive
century unfolded, he feared increasingly for its future as a species at war with its habitat. His
call for “planetary maturity” is more relevant than ever, but he understood that bland
stewardship and rational adjustment would not be enough.
B. The Characters

 The Young man : (protagonis) is stanley burnshaw

 Sonya : Gracefully girl, stanley wife
 The father : Stanley support system
and public figure
 William Howard : President of united states 1857-1930
 Max : Stanley brothers
 Frederic : Stanley brothers
 Eva : Stanley and Sonya beautiful daughter
 Marry : Stanley older sister
 Pauline : Sonya sister

C. Scene/Setting

-Background scene:
A town called Pleasantville, thirty miles from Manhattan.
" ... Nineteen twelve— where we lived— a place called Pleasantville. Thirty miles from
Manhattan... "
( Third paragraph, second sentence, page 197. )

-Time setting:
From 1912 to the last winter of the first world war (1918).
" ... Nineteen twelve- ..."
(Third paragraph, second sentence, page 197.)
" ... In the war's last winter ... "
- (Third paragraph, fourth sentence, page 347.)

-Atmosphere setting:
Heartwarming (Sad Ending)
For the atmosphere background, it can be seen from the conditions in which the story took
place. Namely at the beginning of the first world war in the United States. Where everyone is
feeling worried and afraid of the impact of what is currently raging.

... Thank You ...

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