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huaman is only a part of the

do=tendo (sometimes called)
Japanese Sense of season sense of beauty 天道
Chinese sense of beauty: 1sense of beauty :Gap
full/perfect between chinese and japanese
E.G.2. 花好月圓人長壽 E.G1. 紅樓夢
blooming flower/full moon/ complete happiness/longevity 黛玉:withered lotus leaves
團圓: reunion to hear pattern of rain
十全十美: be perfect in every way (jp sense)
E.G.3 .牡丹 peony:blooming flower 寶玉:withered lotus leaves
 In contrast, japanese do not use these phrase ugly (cn sense)
EG.1 Okakura tenshin The book of tea Q: what’s the difference?
岡倉天心 茶の本
Shoan clean roji(path to tea house) ( 千利休
Tea master 15th 代 千玄室 )
Rikyu shook tree and scatter leaves
not cleanliness but beauty and nature Nature controls everything:
E.G.2 侘茶 wabicha do not go against the nature
Japanese sense of beauty: follow nature in life practice
侘び wabi : immitate nature
(def.) adj. sense of
-simple/ unpretentious beauty =/Chinese: Human above
-imperfect/ irregular beauty nature
-austere/ stark beauty produce different from
-“Languor “: Mundane(free of daily concern/emotion) nature/escape from control of
- Kamakura period: =solitude/tranquility/simplicity nature e.g. 長生不老
applied in waka poets & chanoyu
(e.g.use of simple /rustic things seen to represent beauty) Human
Zen buddhist and Shinto philosophines also this concept Animal
寂び sabi Material
-antique look/ elegant simplicity 侘びしい
-also mean solitude /desolation/resignation 寂しい   X しい
-Muormachi period:restraint+simiplicity>brilliant appearance  becomes the sense of
interior>exterior colour/emotion/ design of an
applied in chanoyu(simplicity of teahouse/pottery/utensils object
12th Century: applied in literary & poetryallusive,suggestive *two concepts sometimes
xfactual overlap, sometimes differetn
e.g. Fujiwara no Toshinari 1st application or implication
Matsuo Basho haiku(focus beauty of natural stuff) Q: why this concept?
atmosphere: quiet
because ppl sitting and doing
using simple elements to
show the 規律 of world
e.g. 蘇州園林 (irregular)

 teach us
Reality is fictional
truth is nothingness
= 無 (一 物 ) (常)
=無む sth unchanging
e.g. Japanese tea room
E.G.1. 枯れ山水 kare san sui Dry landscape garden

E.G.2. 徒然草 Tsurezuregusa Essays in Idleness

by Kenko Yoshikda
chp.137 (are we to look at cherry blossom only in full bloom)
chp.9(most precious thing in life is uncertainty)
chp.19(changing of season is deeply moving in every manifestation)

EG3. word : Shibui= gentle repression of asthetic emotion

<>Taoism to daily life/puttling all principles into practice

ablige of taoism ( rock with many holes indicate path to another world) path to ideal
world of taoism
After that understanding

一期一会 ichigoichie
the exact same meeting will never repeat itself, an awareness which forces the host to
do his utmost and the guest to fullly appreciate the host’s effort

e.g. Reflected in literature

物の哀れ mononoaware ( empathy of things)

Feel the pathos of things
be senstive to paths
be moved with a sense of pathos

Hiku: Yoin( aftertaste/significance) and Kuhaku (space)

e.g. Reflected in daily life

Table manner
Interior decoration

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