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1) Akbari Parth(110383116004)
2) Patel Amit(110383116013)
What happen in Traditional way,,,?

Once the train leaves the station, the stationmaster

informs the gatekeeper through the telephone.

Gatekeeper receives the information, he closes the gate

depending on the timing at which the train arrives.

If the train is late, then gate remain closed for a long

time causing traffic near the gates.

What happen when we use
automatic railway gate control,,,?

Train is detected by the sensor placed on either side of

the gate at about 5km from the level crossing.

The sensed signal is sent to the microcontroller and it

checks for possible presence of vehicle between the
gates, again using sensors.

Buzzer indication and light signals on either side are

provided to the road users indicating the closure of
Once, no vehicle is sensed in between the gate the
motor is activated and the gates are closed.

If any obstacle is sensed it is indicated to the train

driver by signals(RED) placed at about 2km.

When no obstacle is sensed GREEN light is

indicated, and the train is to free to move.

The departure of the train is detected by sensors

placed at about 1km from the gate. The signal about
the departure is sent to the microcontroller, which in
turn operates the motor and open the gate.

R1 & R2 : Sensors placed at about 5 km from the gate to
detect the train arrival on both directions.

R3 & R4 : Sensors placed at 1 km from the gate to

detect the train departure on both directions.

SG3 & SG4 :Signals at the side of the track to indicate the
train driver about the closing of the gate.

B : Buzzer, an audio signal to warn the road user

about the approach of train.

M : Motor for gate operation.

L : Light signal to warn the road user.
Working of Automatic railway control

i)Initial Signal Display :

SG1 and SG3 are placed at 2Km on both side,
SG2 and SG4 are placed at 180m from the gate.

All signals are made RED initially to indicate

that gate is open and vehicles are passing through
the gate.

Road signal is GREEN for road user, Buzzer

is‘OFF’ means the road users not be warned.
ii) Train Arrival Detection:
R1 and R2 sense the arrival.

Sensor works on the base on the vibration of

the track, using IR transmitter, IR receiver the signal
send to the microcontroller.

iii) Warning For Road Users:
When train arrival is sensed on any side of the
gate, road users are warned by RED signal to the
road users passing through the gate.

RED signal appears for the road user once the

train cuts the relay sensor placed 5Km before the
gate. A buzzer is made “ON”,than nobody should
enter the gate at that moment.

iv) Sensing For Vehicles:
Laser light is used as a source and LDR as a
tool for sensing purpose.
If LDR sense no vehicles then signal S2 & S4
made GREEN for the train.
If any problem sense on track then signal S2 &
S4 made RED.

v) Gate Closing Operation:
Once the microcontroller senses that
there is no vehicle inside, then it automatically
produces the signal to operate the motor through
relay circuit and hence close the gate.

vi) Signal For Train:
When the path is clear inside the gate,
GREEN signal is produced for the train otherwise
signal is made RED for the train so it slow down its
speed before 5 Km from the gate.
Another signal placed at 180 m before the
gate, when it is still RED when train approaches if
then provisions if then provisions should be stop
the train.

vii) Train Departure Detection:
Train departure sensing is done by sensors R3
and R4 respectively considering the directions of
train approach.

viii) Gate Opening:
When the train departure is sensed by the
sensors, signal is given to the Microcontroller
which operates the motor in reverse direction
and the gates are opened.
Once the gate is opened signal for road
users are made GREEN so that the vehicles can
pass through the gate.

• Reduction of the time to wait vehicle

• No need for gatekeeper

• We can avoid accident which sometimes happen

• The mechanism works on a simple principle and

there is not much of complexity needed in the
• The idea of automating the process of railway
gate operation in level crossings has been
• As the system is completely automated, it
avoids manual errors and thus provides
ultimate safety to road users.


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