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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay writing is all about describing something such as an object, person, place,
place, emotion, etc. This type of essay encourages the ability to create a written account of a
particular object, event, or experience.

Descriptive Essay Definition

A descriptive essay describes a person, place, situation, object, or emotion. Students usually
get such types of essays as an assignment in high school or college. It is different from any
simple essay because it keenly focuses on a single description of a person, place, or event.

Similarly, it helps to test the writer’s ability to express and explain their experiences.
Therefore, a student may be asked to describe anything, such as a beach or a forest. It
makes it both an exciting and challenging task.

Moreover, avoid using vague language. Instead, use adjectives and adverbs in your essay for
an impressive outlook. A key to writing a good descriptive essay is to use a lot of sensory

Only then will it create a clear picture in the reader’s mind. One of the key features is to use
your creativity and make the reader visualize the subject of the description.

Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

The primary purpose of this essay is to provide vivid details about a person, place, or
situation. The reader will get a clear idea of the whole picture this way.

Descriptive essays are not written to show facts and figures to prove something. They only
contain specific details about the situation. On the other hand, descriptive essays are mostly
assigned to the students of creative writing.

How to Start a Descriptive Essay?

Analyze Thoroughly
This first step is the basis of your essay. It is important to analyze the object thoroughly and
document all the details in your description. These details include the object’s features like
skin color, age, and expressions.
Also, observe the physical setting to develop your opinions about them. They may include
the position and shape of the object, surroundings, time of the day, and the kind of lighting.

Create a Complete Storyline

After observing the object, the next important step is to create a perfect storyline. It turns a
good descriptive essay into an exciting and interesting drama. However, make sure the
excitement does not affect the writing skills and sentence structure. Also, try to focus on
your feelings and opinions about the object.

Use the Perfect Vocabulary

The choice of words and vocabulary is the most critical aspect while undertaking a writing
task. Therefore, it is advisable to use the best words for describing any object. Write
thoughtfully and use specific words to convey your thoughts.
Specify the Importance of the Topic
It is a good practice to know “why” to describe your topic correctly. Therefore, before
finalizing a topic to analyze, always ask yourself, why you are choosing it. Moreover, focus
on the reasons behind a particular issue. For example:
• why is the subject the way it is?
• why does the person seem so scared?
Such questions will make the topic even more clear.

Be Organized
It is easier for a writer to lose focus in the excitement that may affect the true essence of the
essay. To avoid such a situation, try to be more organized and logical in your arguments.

Present a Clear Impression to the Reader

The goal of the descriptive essay is that the reader feels a sense of familiarity with the object
or a situation. Thus, it is vital to be more precise and explicit so that it presents a clear
impression to the reader.

Psychological Elements
Don’t forget to focus on the mental and emotional elements when writing about a specific
behavior. Try to explore the emotions and describe the body language as well.
How to start off an essay strong and organized? By following the steps mentioned and
explained here, you can start your descriptive essay on a strong and organized ground.

Writing a Descriptive Essay

Essential steps that to follow for writing a good Descriptive Essay:
• Choose a Topic
The first step is to choose an interesting topic for your descriptive essay. Make sure
to choose a topic that you can easily write about and create a picture in your reader’s
• Create an Outline
After deciding on the topic, create a descriptive essay outline to list down all the
details you need to discuss in your essay. Generally, the descriptive essay outline
follows a five-paragraph essay structure. The outline will help you plan the focus for
each paragraph and put all the details into a logical sequence.
• Write the Introduction
A reader goes through the introduction before reading an entire essay. It is
considered as the first impression of work and thus needs to be drafted carefully. It
offers basic details about the topic and its importance.
Try to use easy and understandable language. It will make it even more interesting
for the reader to read till the end. Also, discuss all the important points and craft a
perfect thesis statement for your essay.
• Create Thesis Statement
It presents the writer’s main argument, purpose, and scope of the topic. It should be a
single sentence describing the objective of the essay. Similarly, a thesis statement
must be engaging enough to attract readers to the body paragraphs.
• Compose Body Paragraphs
This part comes right after the introduction and thesis statement. It is an integral part
that contains all the major arguments of your essay. Usually, there are three body
paragraphs; however, a writer can increase their numbers.
Add a single argument in one paragraph. Avoid using irrelevant details and use
transitions to make it even stronger. Lastly, each paragraph should only have five to
six sentences.
• Write the Conclusion
It is the last part of your essay and probably the last chance to impress the reader.
How to start off a conclusion? According to the descriptive essay format, a conclusion
should be a summary of the main points in the body text.
A strong conclusion is important if you want to leave your readers with a strong
impression. A compelling conclusion should have the following points.
Restating the thesis statement
Summarization of major points
Adding a closing statement
After concluding your essay, review and proofread it several times to identify

Descriptive Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for your descriptive essay can sometimes become difficult. It is because
you want to write about so many things, including a place, person, emotions, and an event.

Writing about a person should include the following aspects of gender, age, posture, and
expressions. Similarly, writing about an animal should contain details about animal species,
weight, and behavior patterns.

Descriptive Essay Topics

1. How can you make the world a better 17. Write about your mother
place? 18. Describe an event at your school
2. Describe your first day at school 19. Do you like riding a bicycle?
3. List the names of the place you want to 20. How did you feel about your English
visit exam?
4. The first time I fell in love 21. Why do I want to be famous?
5. Describe your favorite fiction character 22. Staying at a friend's house
6. Describe location for a perfect party 23. What is your unusual talent?
7. Earth from the eye of an astronaut 24. How do you see your future?
8. Share a description of your favorite 25. Which is your most liked subject?
movie 26. Your favorite season
9. Your dream house 27. Your favorite animal in the zoo
10. Your favorite childhood memory 28. Which is your least favorite meal?
11. Describe your worst nightmare 29. A trip to the beach
12. What is your favorite place to read? 30. My favorite place
13. Describe your best friend 31. Describe an inspiring family member
14. Write about your favorite pet 32. Your visit to ____________.
15. Share a description of your most liked 33. Describe the event of your last birthday
teacher 34. Your favorite subject
16. Describe your visit to a new city 35. What is your hobby?

Essay topics on places and events should first include their importance, consequences, and
other generic information.

The following points should be kept in mind while choosing a topic:

• Select a topic that interests you.
• The topic should have a good scope.
• A topic that inspires you emotionally or mentally.
• Choose the topic that is appealing to the senses of humans.
Human senses include hearing, touch, taste, smell, and sight, or at least one.
• Choose an issue that engages the readers.

Five Elements of Descriptive Writing:

• Sensory Details
• Figurative Language
• Dominant Impression
• Precise Language

Two types of Descriptive Essays

• Objective
• Impressionistic

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