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For Easy L Mask brochure:

1. From the previous Easy L Mask presentation, it is said that it can "relieve pain and dry eye",
instead of only mentioning "have calming effect", it will be selling points if we can mention "can
help to reduce symptoms of dry eye syndrome"
- Regulation: not contain any claims (directly treat the disease)

2. After this phrase "Customized care for each area ensures worry-free use", I suggest to put the
information of LED each area and its function:
AROUND THE EYES NIR: help to reduce the
Red LED: help to stimulate symptom of dry eye syndrome
skin rejuvenation

Yellow LED: help to reduce dark spots and
induce whitening effect

*Suggestion: using color that visualize the real LED color

3. Add the information of side effect, complication, warning and caution

- Regulation: contain complete information: not only mention information about the function,
but also give information regarding warning and caution.

 English:
Side Effects: minimal side effects might occur, such as erythema.
Contraindication: It remains prudent to screen individuals with photosensitive dermatoses,
or those taking photosensitizing medications.
 Indonesia:
Efek Samping: dapat menimbulkan efek samping ringan, seperti eritema (kemerahan pada
Kontraindikasi: penggunaan produk ini sebaiknya dihindari oleh orang dengan riwayat
photosensitive dermatoses, atau sedang mengkonsumsi obat yang menyebabkan
peningkatan sensitivitas terhadap cahaya.

4. Change the “product mentioned is a skincare, not medical device” into “product mentioned is a
medical device”

5. “Among Easy L Mask users, 85% reported that their sleep quality had improved”
- Regulation: identity and address of the consumer should be provided if needed and should
be proven by written statement which is signed by the consumer
6. the brochure does not have a spesific problem can solved by eassy l mask. Like this can reduce of
thicknes unders eyes. Jelek ya be kata2 ku. Intinya, di brosur tidak ada masalah2 yang bisa di
redakan dengan mengunakan makser led ini
7. tidak ada pemeparan produk yang bagus, seharusnya ada ukuran dan pilihan warna yang bisa di
pilih oleh pembeli

For Easy L Hair brochure:

1. Since picture below shows the effect of the product, it’s better to put the data of period and it
will seem more trusted

Example: "this result can be seen after _______ (how many weeks?) routine usage"

- clearly mention the specific period if showing the effect of product usage
- contain objective information (true statement in accordance with the fact).

2. Put chart of hair growth addition per month during usage if data is available.
- Regulation: should be objective
3. pada bagan ada untuk meningkatkan vitalitas dengan daya tinggi, ini maksudnya apa. Atau bisa di
pilih dengan kata yang lbh bagus

4. sudah bagus sih. Cuman seharusnya di jelaskan lampunya menggunakan apa jd lbh jelas
bagaimanya cara dia untuk membantu tumbuh rambut

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