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Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Division of Leyte
Palo, Leyte
Poblacion 2, Hindang, Leyte


Direction: Read carefully and answer the following question. Write your answer in 1 whole sheet of

1. A large instrumental ensemble typical of classical music, which combines instruments from strings,
winds and percussions.
a. Orchestra b. Concerto c. Opera d. Instrument
2. Musical texture of a Classical Era music with simpler melodies supported by subordinate harmonies
and more significant uses of chords.
a. Monophonic b. Polyphonic c. Homophonic d. Phonic
3. Considered as the “Father of the Symphony” and “Father of the String Quartet”.
a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Franz Joseph Haydn
c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Adam de la Halle
4. Which composers introduce Symphony No. 3 which was written in honour of Napoleon and is
regularly voted the greatest symphony of all time.
a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Franz Joseph Haydn
c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Adam de la Halle
5. He was a philosopher whose language was music, a pure product of the Enlightenment who
believed the world could be healed through its power.
a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Franz Joseph Haydn
c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Adam de la Halle
6. Which of the following is NOT part of the strings musical instrument?
a. Violin b. Cellos c. Double bass d. Flute
7. The following are the different types of musical instrument except;
a. Strings b. Woodwind c. Brush d. Percussion
8. An Austrian composer of the Classical period which is widely recognized as one of the greatest
composers of Western music.
a. Mozart b. Beethoven c. Haydn d. De la Halle
9. Which period that music was a period of formality
a. Renaissance b. Classical c. Medieval d. Baroque
10. The Following are the music composed by Beethoven except;
a. Moonlight Sonata b. Fur Elise c. The creation d. Fidelio

Direction: Read carefully and answer the following question. Write your answer in 1 whole sheet of

11. A feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various visual elements
within the pictorial field as a means of accomplishing organic unity.
a. Balance b. Variety c. Emphasis d. Movement
12. It is a scale between one element or between a whole object and one of its parts.
a. Balance b. Variety c. Proportion d. Movement
13. Which of the following is another word for "center of interest"?
a. Focal Point b. Dominance c. Emphasis d. All of the above
14. It is the lightness or darkness of a color. The tonal values of an artwork can be
adjusted to alter its expressive character.
a. Line b. Shape c. Tone d. Color
15. It is the physical volume of a shape and the space that it occupies.
a. Form b. Shape c. Tone d. Color
16. It refers to a period in European history approximately between 1400 and 1600.
a. Baroque b. Romanese c. Renaissance d. Classical
17. It is a period or style of Western art music composed from approximately 1600 to 1750.
a. Baroque b. Romanese c. Renaissance d. Classical
18. It is the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and it is generally very important to keep
a viewer’s eyes engaged in the work.
a. Form b. Shape c. Tone d. Movement
19. A flow, or a feeling of movement achieved by the repetition of regulated visual information.
a. Form b. Rythm c. Tone d. Movement
20. Which characteristic is seen in art work during the Renaissance Period?
a.Tenebrism b. Individualism c. Realism d. None of the above

Direction: Read carefully and answer the following question. Write your answer in 1 whole sheet of

21. Which of the following social dances originated from Cuba?

a. Boogie b. Cha-cha-cha c. Waltz d. Tango
22. What is the name of the Cuban composer who introduced the music of Cha-cha-cha?
a. Enrique Jorrin b. Enrique Lorvine c. Enrique Oirisha d. Enrique Santeria
23. Which of the following is the popular modern standard dance?
a. Boogie b. Cha-cha-cha c. Waltz d. Tango
24. When was Cha-cha-cha first introduced to the United States?
a. 1934 b. 1944 c. 1954 d. 1964
25. What is the step pattern of Cha-cha-cha?
a. step, step, close, step, close c. step, close, step, step, close
b. close, step, close, step, step d. step, step, step, close, step
26. What is the basic dance step of waltz.
a. box step b. circle c. close step d. turn-turn
27. What is the counting of waltz dance?
a. 1,2,3 b. 1 & 2 & 3 c. 1 & 2 d. 1, 2
28. The following are the different styles name of waltz except;
a. American waltz b. International waltz c. Viennese waltz d. Latin waltz
29. He helped waltz become popular through his music.
a. Enrique Jorrin b. Wolfgang c. Mozart d. Johann Strauss
30. What is the Common injuries in performing cha-cha-cha dance?
a. hip b. head c. shoulder d. hands

Direction: Read carefully and answer the following question. Write your answer in 1 whole sheet of

31. A drugs which distorts reality and facts it affects all senses and makes a user see, hear and feel
things that don’t exist in the time being.
a. hallucinogens b. inhalants c. narcotics d. depressant drugs
32. This drug speeds up your whole body
a. cocaine b. marijuana c. Methamphetamine d. heroin
33. This drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness
a. hallucinogens b. inhalants c. narcotics d. depressant drugs
34. This drugs slow down a person’s central nervous system (CNS).
a. hallucinogens b. inhalants c. narcotics d. depressant drugs
35. The following are example of stimulants drugs except;
a. nicotine b. cocaine c. alcohol d. caffeine
36. How important is psychoactive substance?
a. because it gives relaxation to human b. use for mood and perception altering
c. it use in medicine and psychiatry d. it use for fun
37. Why do people take drugs of abuse?
a. for relaxation b. for fun c. curiosity d. no reason at all
38. The following are the different types of psychoactive substance except;
a. stimulants b. depressant c. alcohol hallucinogens

39. Drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try.
a. gate way drugs b. depressant drugs c. stimulants drugs d. narcotics

40. The name hallucinogen came from the word hallucination which mean ?
a. illusion b. imagination c. dreaming d. reality


Prepared by:
Shecel Joyce T. Sumabong 😊

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