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Instructions: Explain what you mean by the Following words that are listed below.

Illustrative examples of various circumstances. To help better grasp the topic.

1. Physical Development – Human development includes the physical domain. Physical,

cognitive, and emotional growth and change are all parts of human development.
Physical development is the growth of the body and its components, including the
development of the muscles and the motor system. Babies, for instance, discover the
world as their physical senses of sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste mature.

2. Social Development – In order for everyone to function to their best potential, social
development aims to improve their well-being. The happiness of every citizen is
essential to society's success. Investing in individuals is essential to social progress. For
instance, when a person matures and develops, the skills needed to establish fruitful
and long-lasting social relationships start to take shape. Trust, empathy for others,
cooperation, and the ability to control emotions (such as happiness, rage, sadness, and
frustration) are all skills that grow throughout childhood.

3. Mental Development – Mental development encompasses the expansion of intelligence

as well as linguistic skills, as well as capacities like attending, perceiving, observing,
remembering, envisioning, and thinking. As we age, these skills develop, mature, and
eventually deteriorate as we become older. Age and certain experiences have an impact
on the rates of change. Mental development includes skills like paying attention, seeing,
observing, remembering, envisioning, reasoning, and problem-solving, as well as the
expansion of intelligence and language.

4. Emotional Development - Learning what feelings and emotions are, comprehending

their nature and causes, identifying your own feelings as well as those of others, and
creating practical coping mechanisms are all part of emotional growth. Using awareness
of one's own and other people's feelings as an example demonstrating restraint and
emotional control. being aware of other people and keeping an eye out for them.
creating wholesome friendships. verbally expressing one's emotions.

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