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I never thought that I would like this kind of musical theater because in my whole life
I have never watched a theater live or not. I don't like to watch theater because I'm a drama lover
but when I watched it, it was fun to listen to and watch. Maybe nice if right in front of you
performed it.

Conflict clearly leads to personal tragedy with the death and destruction of family and
personal property. The musical Miss Saigon presents us with powerful ideas about culture and
conflict, history and tradition. It sensitively contrasts individual relationships with national
struggles for political control. It asks us to consider the nature of sacrifice and our capacity for
selfless love.

Miss Saigon is the story of two young lovers torn apart by the fortunes of destiny and
held together by a burning passion and the fate of a small child.

Kim also displays love and utter devotion to her son Tam, to the point of self-sacrifice in
order to ensure his safety and well-being. Love is indeed a crucial theme in "Miss Saigon", from
Kim and Chris's initial falling in love, Kim's love for her son, Ellen's love for Chris, Thuy's
respect and love for Kim and tradition, to the lack of love and self-respect among the girls at the
Saigon bar at the start of the show. Love, then, is seen as the major motivating force for the
action of the piece. The place of women in society is investigated to some extent also. Kim has
fled a man to whom she was promised by her father - she seeks freedom, but finds she must
compromise her self-respect in order to maintain that freedom. The girls in the bar also do what
they have to do in order to survive and have a chance of gaining freedom. When offered
marriage to Thuy the second time, Thuy cannot accept the existence of Kim's son and she is
expected to accept Tam's death as a price for the respectability of becoming his wife.

For me, this kind of theatre gives me a moral lesson of pride and prejudice is that both
pride and prejudice are bad traits that can cause you to miss out on great things in life.

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