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The Effectiveness Of English Song To The Students' Listening Skill

Productive skills are speaking and writing and receptive skills are listening and reading.
Since sound comes first to our brain, listening becomes the primary part of mastering the
language. Listening is the first language skill that the student should master because if they have
good listening ability, they will understand what is being said or heard. But in fact, teacher
cannot avoid the real condition of the students that they still have many difficulties in listening
ability. Listening is one of the crucial skills in EFL learning that often causes difficulties for the
students to master it. Sometimes, it is effortful for them to comprehend the listening context.
(Rahman et al., 2022)
listening is a creative skill. Understanding the sound that falls on our ears, word
arrangements, the rise and fall of the voice, and deriving meaning from this material. (Rahman et
al., 2022) Listening is often considered as the most difficult skill. This is because in ELT the
teachers tend to prioritize the speaking, reading and writing skills. The students realize that
listening comprehension is not easy to learn, they mostly ignore it. This becomes an issue in the
world of education, especially for students. Moreover, the conditions worsened with the people
assume if someone is able to speak well it is mean that someone can communicate well. (Luh et
al., 2019)
Listening is also described as a process in which listeners attempt to decipher the
meaning of the speakers' message. It means that there are various components involved in the
listening process, such as the speaker, the audience, the tone, the instruments and so on. Both of
these factors assist with listening.(Rahmawati et al., 2022) English songs provide authentic
materials and contain various universal themes. (Eg: love, friendship, dream, and joy). English
songs also promote an active atmosphere (Xiao, 2013)

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