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Kaley Schnell


English 0097

Mrs, Green

Annotated Bibliography

(The Tesla Revolution)

Middelkoop, Willem. Tesla Revolution: Ending the Fossil-Fuel Era. Amsterdam

University Press, 2017. The Tesla Revolution informs the impact and change; of renewable

energy resources. For hundreds of years, engines were the norm. In the next hundred years, it

will be majority gasoline, diesel, electric, and hybrids. The economy relies on cheap electricity;

people break down when they lose electricity. In less developed countries people are used to

power outages; this causes issues. The loss of energy scares people and makes them act out; The

goal of renewable energy is to help the plant and people.

Over the years accessible fossil fuels have declined, leading to a movement of change.

Many businesses, leaders, and citizens are working to have complete renewable resources. .”

Telas motors received sales reservations worth 14 billion for its Model 3 electric car in early

2016” page 29. The future of renewable energy had an explosive jump start with tesla. Arthur

Willam Middlekoop’s goal is to spread knowledge of the world's financial system since the

2000s; he's an activist for renewable energy.

(Hemp Today)
Rosenthal, Ed. Hemp Today. Quick American Archives, 1994. Hemp today focuses on

the start of hemp, production, and hemp worldwide. Hemp in the USA is a very popular “drug”

that is illegal to grow and sell. Hemp is not allowed to be made by American farmers; trade for

hemp around the world is huge, giving the USA a disadvantage.”In the depths of a worldwide

recession, the decision to go hemp is as much an economic choice as it is an ideological one

“Green” Environmentally friendly” and “sustainable” page 250”. The goal is to make Hemp a

positive mainstream source in the USA

The fast spread of hemp in the USA is beginning. Hemp seeds were used in the fabric of

clothes; as an earth-friendly material better than cotton. You'd find these Hemp seed clothes start

being sold in Los Angeles, California, etc. In 1993 that's when hemp went mainstream. In 1989

the use of hemp oil became popular; in items such as lip oil, lotion, and soap. Hemp had a

positive impact on the environment, they found a way to make Hemp fiber a material stronger

than wood. This can change the way houses are made in the future. The issue was getting the

Hemp from overseas. The Arthur of Hemp In The USA spread her wisdom; on the positive

impacts of Hemp in the USA; as she shared the process of how Hemp was brought to the USA.

(Big Vape)

Ducharme, Jamie. Big Vape: The Incendiary Rise of Juul. Henry Holt and Company,

2021. The takeover of vapes, In recent years the negative impact of Juuls has spread worldwide.

The highly addictive vape product; Juul was taking over with their popular flavors such as

mango; one of the most popular flavors to this day. These tangy flavors attracted the younger
generation, and before you knew it 1 in 5 kids vaped. To stop the spread of Juuls they banned

fruity and dessert flavors because they are more appealing to underage kids. This is the

beginning of the takeover of Juul.

The fall of Juul was arising worldwide. The company Juul; had to keep contaminated

Juul products on selves. The company did not care about the quilty of their product; saying their

consumers are drunk fucks that won’t notice. Benji a man who worked for Juul; claims his boss

told him “remember his loyalty to Juul ad claimed recalling the pods woud cause financial and

public relations headaches the company couldn’t afford” page 244. The creator who had the goal

to stop cigarette smoking; caused a new big issue with the spread of tobacco. The author is a

journalist that covers health, science, and medicine; she explains the rise of Juul till the fall.

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