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NAME ____________________ GROUP: A


1. Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The first letters are given.
Score 4
1. My mum’s 45 and her younger sister is in her th _ _ _ _ _ _.
2. My grandfather hasn’t got much hair. He’s b _ _ _.
3. My best friend doesn’t enjoy meeting new people. She’s quite s _ _.
4. My neighbour always says please and thank you. He’s very p _ _ _ _ _.
5. I don’t look like my sister. My hair is dark but her hair is f _ _ _.
6. My teacher always wears a jacket and tie. He’s very s _ _ _ _.
7. My aunt bought those sandals yesterday. They’re b _ _ _ _ n _ _.
8. My cousin likes loose tracksuits and old jumpers. His dad says he’s b _ _ _ _-d _ _ _ _ _ _.
2. Complete the sentences with one of these words/phrases. There are some extra words
which you do not need to use. score 4
well-dressed | unfashionable | fashionable | second-hand | tight | smart | loose | uncomfortable | comfortable |
casual | trendy | brand new | badly-dressed | skinny

1. My sister is much smaller than me so her clothes are too ____________________ on me.
2. His trainers are white and very clean. They must be ____________________.
3. My dad doesn’t need to wear a jacket and tie at work. Everyone is quite ____________________.
4. My cousin wore an old top and dirty trainers to the party. He was ____________________.
5. These boots are too small for me. They’re very ____________________.
6. When I was ill, I didn’t eat much and I got too ____________________.
7. My history teacher isn’t interested in new clothes or looking good. He’s quite __________________
8. When I bought this _______________ raincoat, there were bus tickets from the 1990s in the pockets.
3. Add the prefix un-, im- or in- to each adjective below and complete the sentences with the
adjectives formed.
Score 8
known correct kind expensive possible lucky visible patient

1. These plants grow well in this area, but the reason why they do is still __________________.
2. That’s not the right answer – I’m afraid it’s __________________.
3. Karen hates waiting for the bus – she’s very __________________.
4. I’m sorry I was angry and said some __________________ things to you.
5. You can’t jump over the house! That’s __________________!
6. Larry has a lot of accidents. He’s very __________________.
7. It would be fun to be __________________ for a day so nobody could see me!
8. These trousers didn’t cost much at all – they were very__________________.
4. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. score 4

Hi Julie,

Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) (not write) this e-mail on
my new laptop, because I still (2) (need) to fix a few things. My dad
(3) (work) on it at the moment. He (4) (install) an
antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer.
It (5) (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much
faster. My mum (6) (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but
I’m going to do all my homework on it, too.

(7) you (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop
soon. (8) you (want) to come round? Send me a text to
let me know.

5. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of these adjectives
and than or the.
score 7
easy | fast | good | hot | friendly | comfortable | bad

1) My brother can run 100 m in about 11 seconds. He is ___________________ runner in his school.
2) My best friend always says hello to everybody. She is _________________ person I know.
3) I think history is _________________ maths. I like both subjects but I always get higher marks in
4) If it isn’t raining, I wear my sandals. They are __________________ my boots.
5) My football team is ______________________ team in our town. We usually win all our matches.
6) I prefer doing homework to exams. Doing exams is ____________________ doing lots of homework.
7) In my country, it’s usually about 25° in July and 23° in August. July is usually ________________
score 4
6. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive.

Last month two teenage boys from Melbourne, Australia, (1) (swim)
20km along the coast for charity. They (2) (raise) $2500 in total but
they (3) (not know) they (4) (risk) their
lives at the same time. While spectator (5) (watch) the two boys finish
their long journey, they (6) (notice) something close behind them. It

(7) (be) a shark, but luckily the two boys (8) (reach)
the beach safely. It was a lucky escape.
7. Use too or enough and the words in brackets.

1. score 4
I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was ______________________ (hot) to drink.
2. He wasn't _____________________________ (strong) to lift that heavy box.
3. There aren't ____________________________ (policemen) in our town.
4. Do you have ______________________________  (information) to help me with this problem?
5. This exercise is_____________________ ( difficult) to do for a little child.
6. I didn't buy the car because it was ________________________ (expensive.)
7. She isn't _____________________________ (old) to start driving.
8. The shoes were _____________________________ (big)so I didn't buy them.

8. Read the article about an unusual school called Summerhill. Complete these sentences with
one or two words. score 5

A school with no rules?

Is it possible to have a school with no rules? Lots of ‘democratic’ or ‘free’ schools around the world say it is.
The oldest and best known of these schools is Summerhill School in England. About 75 children between the
ages of 5 and 17 go there.
The idea behind Summerhill is that children should be confident enough to make decisions on their own. The
students must decide which subjects they’ll study but they don’t have to go to class if they don’t want to.
They can hang out in the art room or garden instead. They don’t have to do exams either but most students
take some exams before they leave school.
Like students in most other schools, students at Summerhill do maths, English, science etc. What’s different
is that they have to choose other kinds of activities and projects. Here the students suggest the projects and
not the teachers. Suggestions have included: afternoon walks, magic shows and gardening.
Teachers do not give marks at the end of the year and the school does not send reports to families. If a parent
wants a report on their child, first the child has to say that it’s OK for the teacher to write one.

a. Summerhill is ________________ and more famous than any other ‘free’ school.
b. Students who don’t go to class can spend time in the ________________ instead.
c. ________________ students in Summerhill never do exams.
d. Apart from doing normal subjects, students also have to do activities and projects like________________.
e. The child has to ________________ before a teacher sends a report to their mother or father.

9. Choose one of the topics and write about it. score 10

 Write a story which ends with the following words: Ted never wanted to go there again.

Or Or
 You have moved to a new town and started a new school. Write an email to your friend telling him
everything about you new home and your new school.

Grade 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Score 0-10 11-16 17-22 23-28 29-44 45-50 51-50

Good luck!

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