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Tracking Metacognitive Learning # 3


Year and Section: BSIT1A
Date: February 18, 2021

1. Challenging concepts (What concepts you find hard to understand?)

1. Memorization of different symbols for schematic Diagram
2. Proper Used of Schematic and Pictorial Diagram
3. The Comparison and Similarities of Block and Wiring Diagram

2. Insights (What new ideas or learning did you gain in discussion/ activity?)

a. Before reading the topic assigned/understanding the lesson, I thought that

Answer: I thought of Confusion own how to use schematic diagram

b. However, reading the assigned topic/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize

Answer: I realize that doing trial and error doing the proper for schematic diagram

c. Before reading the assigned topic /understanding the lesson, I thought that

Answer: I thought the using of all diagram in a one particular thing or place.

d. However, reading the assigned topic /understanding the lesson, I now think/realize

Answer: I realize that different diagrams has a different component to used

3. Questions (What questions would you like to get responses to? Or vague areas in which you want
more information?)
1. What would be the 1st thing to do once we start inputting components to the breadboard?
2. What is the proper way to do schematic diagram?;
How we should read the schematic proper to make it right the putting of components to
the breadboard?
3. Which the easier to understand for the experts the schematic diagram or the pictorial

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