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Explanation number 1

MICROCOMPUTER - it is an electronic device with a microprocessor as its central processing unit

(CPU). The microcomputer is a computer designed for individual use. It is often used synonymously with
the word "desktop computer," but it may also refer to a server or laptop.

The first microcomputers became available in the 1970s and were mainly used by businesses. As they
got cheaper, individuals were able to buy their own microcomputer systems. This led to the personal
computer revolution of the 1980s when microcomputers became a mainstream consumer product.

Explanation number 2

MICROCOMPUTER- it is small in size. We can say that it is equivalent to personal computers.

Microcomputers use different technologies like CPU (one single chip), Microprocessor, Input/output
devices, and other storage parts. This is a multi-User computer that is a significant advantage.

Here are some examples:


• PC

• Smartphone

• Notebooks

The Functions are:

• Application processing

• Education

• Amusement
MINICOMPUTER- This type of computer is a small size compared to a supercomputer and mainframe
computer. In which had been used the different technologies such as transistors and core memory.
Many workers can work at a time without waiting.

The word "minicomputer" was introduced in the 1960s to describe powerful computers that were not as
large as mainframes, which could often occupy the entire space. Instead, most of the minicomputers
were a few feet wide and several feet tall. They were mostly used by large businesses in the 1960s and
1970s to process large amounts of data. Some minicomputers often functioned as servers, allowing
several users to access them from connected terminals.

Here are some examples of minicomputers:

• Tablet PC

• Desktop minicomputer

Functions are:

• Process monitoring

• Data acquisition

• Feedback Control

MAINFRAME COMPUTER- uses primary memory such as (RAM) and multiple processors. It serves
as a central processing unit for all workstations and terminals points associated with it. A mainframe
computer was designed to be used to process large amounts of data in pet bytes. Its able controls
thousands of users at one time. Mainframe ‘means a frame to hold multiple processors and main

Some examples are:

• Banking

• Government

• Education system

Functions are:

• Government data processing

• Banking

• Insurance
SUPER COMPUTER- In the old days, large enterprises and organizations used the supercomputer
because they required large-scale computing power. A supercomputer is architectural and operational
depend on parallel and grid processing because, with the help of thousands of processors, all processes
are executed simultaneously.

Supercomputer mostly implemented in large scale scientific and engineering areas, because where
required maintenance for a large amount of database.

Some examples are:

• Titan

• Sequoia

• K Computer

• Mira


• Super MUC

Functions are:

• Industrial function

• Space exploration

• Weather forecasting

• Nuclear testing

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