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1. introDuction

Computers have become an essential tool for individuals, businesses, and governments in the 21st century.
They offer numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved productivity, and enhanced

A computer is an electronic device that processes data and executes instructions. It can perform a wide
variety of tasks, from simple calculations to complex simulations. There are several types of computers,
including personal computers (PCs), laptops, tablets, smartphones, and servers. Each type of computer
has its own unique features and applications.

Computers possess several key characteristics that make them valuable tools. These attributes include
speed, accuracy, storage capacity, versatility, and automation. Computers are capable of processing large
amounts of data quickly and accurately, making them ideal for tasks that require complex calculations or
data analysis. They can also store vast amounts of information and perform a wide range of functions,
from word processing to graphic design.

Computers can be classified into categories based on their processing capabilities and purpose. The major
classifications include analog computers, digital computers, hybrid computers, and quantum computers. Each
type of computer has its own unique features and applications.

Computers have evolved over time through different generations. Each generation brought advancements in
technology and improved performance. The generations of computers include vacuum tube computers,
transistor computers, integrated circuit computers, and microprocessor computers. The latest generation of
computers includes quantum computers, which use quantum mechanics to perform calculations.

Computer languages are used to communicate with and program computers. They provide a set of
instructions that a computer can understand and execute. Examples of computer languages include C++,
Java, Python, and HTML. These languages enable developers to create software applications,
websites, and other digital solutions.

2.literature on coMputer

• MeaninG of coMputer.

A computer is a device that can store, retrieve, and process data. It consists of hardware, such as the
central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), and hard drives, as well as software, such
as operating systems, applications, and programs. Computers can be used for a variety of tasks, including
word processing, data analysis, video editing, and communication. In recent years, computers have become
increasingly powerful and sophisticated, and have become an essential part of everyday life. Computers
have made it possible to accomplish tasks that were once impossible, and have opened up new possibilities
for communication, entertainment, and education.

The first computers were actually people, called “computers,” who performed calculations by hand. They
worked on tasks like navigation, astronomical calculations, and census work. But as technology advanced,
mechanical devices were created to automate calculations. The first fully electronic computer was the
ENIAC, developed in the 1940s. This machine used thousands of vacuum tubes and took up an entire
room. However, over time, computers have become smaller, faster, and more powerful. In the 1960s, the
term “computer” started to refer specifically to these machines, rather than to the people who did the

To review, the term “computer” was originally used to refer to people who performed calculations by
hand. Over time, the word came to refer to machines that automate calculations. These machines were
first developed in the 1940s, and became more widely used in the 1950s and 1960s. The first computers
were large, expensive machines that were only used by businesses and government organizations. In the
1970s, the invention of the microprocessor led to the development of smaller, cheaper computers that could
be used in homes and offices.

As technology has advanced, the definition of the term “computer” has become increasingly complex. The
rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has further muddied the waters, since some AI systems, such as neural
networks, use algorithms that mimic the way the human brain processes information. These systems have
blurred the distinction between humans and computers, raising philosophical questions about the nature of
intelligence and consciousness. Some have even argued that, in the future, AI systems may become so
sophisticated that they will be indistinguishable from humans. The debate over the definition of the term
“computer” is likely to continue as technology advances.

• types of coMputer

The main categories of computers include:

- Supercomputers

- Mainframe computers

- Minicomputers

- Personal computers

- Smartphones

Supercomputers: are the most powerful type of computer, and are used for tasks that require immense
amounts of processing power. Supercomputers are typically used for scientific and engineering tasks, such
as weather forecasting, climate modeling, molecular modeling, and nuclear research. They are also used
for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Supercomputers are often housed in special facilities, due
to their massive size and the amount of electricity they require. The world’s most powerful supercomputer,
as of 2022, is Fugaku, which is located in Japan.
Mainframe computers: are large, powerful machines that can handle a large number of users and tasks at
the same time. Mainframes are typically used by businesses and organizations, such as banks and hospitals.
They are used for tasks such as managing databases, processing transactions, and running enterprise
software. Mainframes are often located in special computer rooms, and are connected to a network of
smaller computers, known as terminals. The IBM z/OS mainframe operating system is the most
widely used mainframe operating system in the world.

Minicomputers: are smaller than mainframes, but more powerful than personal computers. They are used
for tasks such as engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. Minicomputers are sometimes
referred to as midrange computers, as they are more powerful than personal computers but less powerful
than mainframes. The DEC PDP-11 is one of the most famous minicomputers, and was widely used in
the 1970s and 1980s. Minicomputers typically have their own operating system and can support multiple
users. They are often used in networked environments.

Personal computers: or PCs, are the most common type of computer today. They are designed for
individual users, and are typically used for tasks such as writing documents, sending emails, browsing the
web, and playing games. The first personal computers were developed in the 1970s and 1980s, and early
models included the Apple II, the Commodore 64, and the IBM PC. Over time, PCs became more
affordable and powerful, and by the 1990s, they had become the dominant type of computer. Today, there
are many different types of personal computers, including desktop computers, laptop computers, etc.

Smartphones: are a type of personal computer that combines the functions of a phone and a computer.
The first smartphones were introduced in the 1990s, but they became more popular in the 2000s with the
release of the iPhone and Android operating systems. Today, smartphones are used for everything from
calling and texting to taking photos and videos, browsing the web, playing games, and using apps. They
are also used as mobile payment devices and for navigation. Smartphones have become so advanced that
they are often referred to as pocket computers.

• characteristics of coMputer

There are many characteristics that define a computer, including the following:

- Input: A computer takes information from its surroundings, either by reading data from an input device
or by receiving information from the Internet.

- Processing: Once the data is inside the computer, the CPU processes it, following instructions from the

- Output: A computer produces output, whether it’s on a monitor, printer, or some other device.

- Storage: Computers store information so it can be accessed and processed. Storage can be either
temporary (in RAM) or permanent (on a hard drive or other storage device).

- Control: The control function of a computer is carried out by the CPU. The CPU decides which
operations need to be performed and in what order. It also makes sure that the right devices are activated
at the right time. The CPU also keeps track of what is being stored in memory. Control is essential for
a computer to function properly. Without control, a computer would be a jumble of data and instructions
with no way to keep track of what is happening.

- Communication: A computer can communicate with other computers and devices through various means,
including the Internet, networks, and communication ports. A computer can also communicate with its
users through a user interface, such as a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen. Communication is essential for a
computer to be able to exchange data with other computers and devices, as well as to receive instructions
from its users.

- Speed: The speed of a computer is determined by several factors, including the CPU, the RAM, and
the storage device. The faster a computer is, the quicker it can process data and produce results. The
speed of a computer is measured in clock cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz). The faster the clock cycle,
the faster the computer. Other factors that affect speed include the type of software running on the
computer, and the way the software is written.

A computer also needs a power supply to provide electricity, a cooling system to keep it from overheating,
and a casing to protect its internal components. It also needs software to run applications and manage
the computer’s resources. And of course, a computer needs a user to give it instructions and make use of its

• classification of coMputer

There are three main categories of computers, based on their size and capabilities: personal computers,
mainframe computers, and supercomputers.

Personal computers, or PCs, are the smallest and most common type of computer. They are designed for
use by a single user, and usually have a microprocessor, a keyboard, a mouse, and a monitor. PCs come in
various sizes and configurations, and can be used for a wide range of tasks, including word processing,
email, and web browsing.

Mainframe computers are much larger and more powerful than PCs. They are used by organizations to
handle large amounts of data processing, such as for businesses, banks, and government agencies.
Mainframe computers can process millions of transactions per second, and can manage large databases.
They also have a high level of reliability, and can be used to run critical applications 24/7.

Supercomputers are the most powerful type of computer, and are used for very demanding tasks, such as
scientific research, weather forecasting, and military applications. Supercomputers have hundreds or even
thousands of processors, and can perform billions of calculations per second. They require a tremendous
amount of power and cooling, and are often the size of a small room. Supercomputers are used to solve
complex problems that would be impossible to solve with a PC or mainframe.

These are the three main categories of computers, based on their size and capabilities. There are also
other types of computers, such as embedded computers, mobile computers, and virtual computers. Embedded
computers are designed to be integrated into a larger system, such as a car or a medical device. Mobile
computers are designed to be portable, and include devices like smartphones and tablets. Virtual computers
are software-based computers that run on a physical computer, and can be used to run multiple operating
systems or virtual machines.

So, there are many different types of computers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In
general, the larger and more powerful the computer, the more expensive it is, and the more power and
cooling it requires. Personal computers are typically the least expensive and most common type of
computer, While supercomputers are the most expensive and most powerful. When choosing a computer,
it’s important to consider what tasks you need it to perform, and what size and power you need. Then you
can choose the type of computer that best meets your needs.

If you need a computer for general use, such as for writing documents, email, web browsing, and watching
videos, a PC is usually the best option.

• Generation of coMputer

Let’s start with first generation computers. The first computers were developed in the 1940s and 1950s,
and were large and expensive machines that filled entire rooms. These first-generation computers used
vacuum tubes for processing, and magnetic drums for memory. They were difficult to program, and
required special operators to run them. However, they were still revolutionary for their time, and laid the
groundwork for the development of modern computers.

Second-generation computers were developed in the 1960s, and used transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
They were smaller, faster, and easier to program than first-generation Computers, but they still required
special operators to run them. These computers also used magnetic core memory, which was more reliable
and faster than magnetic drums. The second generation also saw the introduction of time-sharing, which
allowed multiple users to share a single computer. This allowed for more efficient use of resources and
reduced the cost of computing. It also paved the way for the development of the internet.

The third generation of computers began in the 1970s, and featured the first microprocessors. These
small integrated circuits replaced the larger transistors, and allowed for the development of smaller and
more affordable computers. The third generation also saw The introduction of operating systems, which
made it easier to run applications on a computer. Additionally, third-generation computers could be
connected to networks, allowing for the sharing of data and resources. These computers also introduced the
concept of “user-friendliness,” which made them more accessible to a wider range of users. In the 1980s,
the third generation saw the rise of personal computers, which allowed individuals to own their own
computers for the first time.

The fourth generation of computers began in the 1990s, and featured the introduction of the World Wide
Web and the popularization of the internet. This led to a massive expansion in Computer networking,
and a proliferation of personal computers around the world. The fourth generation also saw the
introduction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which allowed users to interact with computers using a
mouse and windows, rather than just a keyboard. This made computers even more user-friendly, and made
them more accessible to non-technical users. In the 2000s, the fourth generation saw the rise of mobile
devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
We are now in the fifth generation of computers, which is characterized by cloud computing, big data, and
the Internet of Things. Cloud computing allows users to access software and data from anywhere in The
world, as long as they have an internet connection. Big data refers to the massive amounts of data that
are generated by businesses and individuals every day. The Internet of Things is the interconnection of
devices, such as smart home appliances, vehicles, and medical devices. These devices are able to
communicate with each other and share data. In the future, computers are expected to become even more
ubiquitous and powerful, and to have a greater impact on our lives.

• iMportance of coMputer

Some of the most important benefits that computers have brought to society.

First, computers have improved productivity. They allow people to do more work in less time, by
automating many tasks that used to be done manually. This includes tasks such as bookkeeping, data
entry, and analysis. It also includes using computers to design products, such as cars, buildings, and even
entire cities. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) have revolutionized
the way that many products are designed and manufactured.

Another benefit of computers is their ability to improve communication. The internet has made it possible
for people all over the world to communicate with each other instantly, whether by email, instant
messaging, or video chat. This has allowed for the formation of communities and collaborations that would
not have been possible before. Additionally, the internet has made it easier for people to access
information. This has led to an increase in education and knowledge sharing, as well as a decrease in
information inequality.

Another major benefit of computers is their impact on entertainment. Computers have revolutionized the
way that we consume media, from books to music to movies. We can Now access a vast library of media
from anywhere in the world, and share our own creations with others. This has led to a democratization of
media, as anyone with a computer can now create and distribute their own content. Additionally, computers
have allowed for the creation of new forms of entertainment, such as video games, that could not have
existed without them. Overall, computers have had a huge impact on our leisure time, and have given us
new ways to enjoy ourselves.

Another key benefit of computers is their ability to improve health care. For example, computers are now
used to store and analyze medical records, which has made it easier for doctors to track patients’ health
over time and spot patterns that could indicate a health problem. Computers are also used to operate
medical equipment, such as CT scanners and X-ray machines. Additionally, computers are being used to
develop new treatments and medicines. For example, computer simulations are now being used to test new
drugs before they are given to patients. This has the potential to save countless lives by reducing the
number of people who are harmed by side effects from new drugs.

Finally, computers have had a major impact on the economy As they have enabled new forms of
commerce. For example, online shopping has become a huge part of the retail industry, and it would not
be possible without computers. In addition, computers have made it possible for companies to track
inventory and logistics more efficiently, which has led to improvements in supply chain management.
Overall, computers have had a profound impact on the economy, making it more efficient and productive.

• coMputer lanGuaGes

There are many different computer languages, but we’ll focus on the three most popular: C, Java, and
Python. We’ll discuss each language in a bit more detail, and then compare them.

C is one of the oldest and most widely used programming languages. It was created in the 1970s, and is
still widely used today. C is a general-purpose language, meaning that it can be used for a wide range of
tasks. It is known for being fast and efficient, and it is often used to create operating systems and other
low-level programs. C is also a good language for beginners to Learn, as it has a relatively simple syntax
and is relatively easy to understand. However, C can be tricky to learn for people who are new to
programming, as it is a low-level language, meaning that it is close to the machine code that a computer

Java is another popular programming language. Java was created in the 1990s, and has become one of
the most widely used languages in the world. Java is known for its cross-platform compatibility, meaning
that it can run on any computer, regardless of the operating system. Java is also a powerful language
that can be used for a wide range of tasks, Including web development, mobile app development, and
software development. Java is often seen as a good language for beginners, as it is easy to learn and has
a large community of developers who can offer help and support. However, Java can be slower than some
other languages, and it can be difficult to debug errors.

Finally, we have Python, which is one of the most popular languages today. Python was created in the
1990s, and has since become one of the most widely used languages in the world. Python is known for its
readability, meaning that it is easy to understand and write code in. It is also known For its large
number of libraries, which allow programmers to add extra functionality to their programs. Python is often
seen as a good language for beginners, as it is easy to learn and has a large community of developers who
can offer help and support. However, Python can be slower than other languages, and it does not have as
many built-in features as some other languages.

So, each of these languages has its own strengths and weaknesses. Which one is right for you will depend
on your needs and preferences. C is a good choice for speed and efficiency, Java is a good choice for
crossplatform compatibility, and Python is A good choice for readability and support. Of course, you don’t
have to limit yourself to just one language. Many programmers know more than one language, and it can
be helpful to know more than one. In fact, some languages are designed to be used together, like Python
and C. Python can be used to create the high-level code that controls a program, while C can be used to
create the low-level code that runs on the computer hardware. This combination can be very powerful, and
it is just one example of how multiple languages can be used together.

In conclusion, computers have become an essential tool for individuals, businesses, and governments in the
21st century. They offer numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved productivity, and
enhanced communication. Computers possess several key characteristics, including speed, accuracy, storage
capacity, versatility, and automation. They can perform a wide variety of tasks, from simple calculations
to complex simulations. There are several types of computers, including personal computers (PCs),
laptops, tablets, smartphones, and servers. Each type of computer has its own unique features and
applications. Computers can be classified into categories based on their processing capabilities and
purpose, and they have evolved over time through different generations. Computer languages are used to
communicate with and program computers, and they enable developers to create software applications,
websites, and other digital solutions. With advancements in technology, computers continue to evolve, and
their applications are likely to expand in the future. Overall, computers have had a profound impact on
society, economy, and technology, and they have become indispensable tools in various fields, including
business, medicine, engineering, entertainment, and science.


1. Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. (2017). Discovering Computers 2018: Digital Technology, Data,
and Devices. Cengage Learning. 2. Tucker, A. B. (2017). Computer Science Handbook, Second
Edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 3. Hafner, K., & Lyon, M. (1996). Where Wizards Stay Up
Late: The Origins of the Internet. Simon and Schuster. 4. Brynjolfsson, E., & McAfee, A. (2014).
The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies.
WW Norton & Company. 5. Kurzweil, R. (1999). The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers
Exceed Human Intelligence. Penguin. 6. Vardi, M. Y. (2018). “Are We Approaching an AI
Winter?”. Communications of the ACM, 61(10), 79.

These references cover a range of topics related to computers in the 21st century, including their history,
technology, applications, and impact on society.

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