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Moises Hernandez

Dr. Nelson

English 1301

3 November 2022

Title Name

Depression and many other mental health concerns have been a major issue tied to students

within college communities all over the world. There have been many studies that have

researched into these disorders and their negative impact on students and their mental and

physical health. Although mental health disorders are dangerous and scary, there have been

studies that have researched possible solutions to help completely subdue mental health disorders

and their deadly symptoms. One research article in particular held a study that involved the

regulation physical exercise and its effect on students going through depression. Michael

Grasdalsmoen, Hege Randi Eriksen, Kari Jussie Lonning, and Borge Sivertsen in a research

article called, “Physical exercise, mental health problems, and suicide attempts in university

students” successfully reaches the results of their studies to their audience through the abundant

amount of research with the primary use of Logos.

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