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Year 11 Activity: Saddam Hussein

YOUR TASK: Conduct your own research and give examples of these conditions in the rise to
power of Saddam Hussein.

the practice of persuading someone to do

something by using force or threats.
Conditions in which Saddam Hussein’s authoritarian state in Iraq emerged:
Traded with USA involving oil that Saddam’s Iraq invaded
the Kurd land
Oil revenues increased from 476 million in 1968 to 26
billion 12 years later
National finances improved, providing the resources to
carry out an extensive modernization program of both the
economy and social facilities and institutions
The poor stayed poor, and the rich kept getting richer
Saddam did not do much to shorten the gap between both
social units
Social division

There were territorial disputes as Iran and Iraq shared a

border over 1400 km.
Much of the power of these territories shifted from Iran to
Impact of war Iraq
The major territories were the Shatt al-Arab waterway and
the Iranian province of Khuzestan

Saddam based a lot of his ideological ideas on Stalin’s ideas

This led to a negative shift in many of the communist
Weakness of consequences that ended up taking place
existing political It was viewed negatively by the west and capitalist nations,
system and communism has never truly worked so it was doomed
from the get-go

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