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How accurate is it to say that opposition to apartheid in the

years 1948-1959 was largely unsuccessful? (25 marks)

The notion of South African Apartheid came with much civil and national turmoil as the victims of
such atrocity fought with their lives at stake. However, there is much debate to whether the
opposition to apartheid between the years 1948-1959 was successful or not. Firstly, we must
examine the facts; what occurred? Why did this occur? And what was its overall effect. This is what I
will be discussing in my essay.

As a piece of background information, it is important to state life in South Africa pre-apartheid rule,
1948. Specifically, how was it to live as a black individual. Interestingly, despite the National Party
having yet to come in power, as The British Empire handed South Africa self-governance rights in the
year 1910, Britain did not insist on whites having to share power with the blacks. This is ironic as the
black population sat at millions more than the whites, who were a minority throughout their entire
settlement in South Africa, with this being true extending past the establishment of the Apartheid
rule way further than you might think.

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