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29/06/22 NUMBER:





Pick One Country from Africa, One Country from Europe and One Country
from Asia of your choice and analyse their governance ideologies and policies
that have impacted their economic and political history. Summarise by stating
what Zambia Can draw as lessons in each country you pick.


On top of the introduction.


Enlightenment on governance ideologies.

MAIN BODY……………………………………………………………………….4-10

Analysis of governance ideologies and policies;

South Africa, China and Germany.


Summary of lessons Zambia must learn from the analyzed ideologies.




A governance ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, myths or symbols of a social
movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers
some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order. It is simply a collection of ideas
that state rulers think are best for the formation of government and economic systems. These
ideologies include; capitalism, nationalism, autocracy, coalition, anarchism, socialism,
liberalism, populism and direct democracy, Religion based political ideologies,
constitutionalism, racialism and authoritarianism among others.

Factually, governance ideologies always depend either on the motive of the rulers or social
situation surrounding the society. For example, politicians may embrace tribalism in order to
continue piling votes in tribe sects that favor them. A cogent example is the Patriotic Front
government (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) in Zambia. The tribal
disunity between Tonga and Bemba speaking people was instigated through tolerance of ethnic
politics by Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, who was in constant political contest with Kenneth
Kaunda (Macola, 2008).

Nevertheless, Governance ideologies and policies are important because they provide a
perspective through which the world is understood and explained. By looking at the political
beliefs, opinions and values influencing and guiding the conduct of people, we can deduce their
governance ideology and policy. Additionally, political ideologies can help shape the nature of
political systems so that all imbalance is substituted. On the other hand, political ideologies and
policies can act as a form of social cement, providing social groups and indeed whole societies
with a set of unifying beliefs and values. Political ideologies have commonly been associated
with particular social classes- for example, liberalism with the middle class, conservatism with
the landed aristocracy, socialism with the working class; this therefore helps to foster a sense of
belonging and solidarity (Heywood, n.d., p. 4).

Most countries have had several governance ideologies that were thought to be appropriate by
either the rulers or the people. It is important to note that governance ideologies can and still
come with corresponding policies whose impact is an inevitable centric determinant of the social
and economic ventures of the citizens.

Having laid an outlay of the topic, the following embodiment will integrate the governance
ideologies and policies that have impacted the political and economic history of South Africa
(Africa), China (Asia) and Germany (Europe). This analysis is exclusive to the mentioned
countries as it essentially incorporates events in the cited countries.




South Africa occupies the southern tip of Africa sharing a border with Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe and Mozambique. In its partial interior, it incorporates Lesotho and Swaziland (in the
eastern flank of South Africa) which exist as independent countries.

To be analyzed in this section is the governance ideologies that can be traced in the History and
current affairs of South Africa.

COLONIALISM (1652-1994).

Like many African countries, South Africa also went through series of colonialism essentially
from 1652 to the absolute declaration of black people democratic political independence in 1994.
Of course it formally achieved independence from Britain on 31st May 1961 but the presence of
the Dutch governments indicates South African indigenous people were still wallowing in the
policies of imperialism.

Colonialism is simply an acquisition of full or partial political control over a country by another
country; occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. Colonialists always have
objectives and they use different strategies appropriate with the political or economic condition

of the territory in target. In south Africa, the arrival of the Dutch Indian company in 1652 (South
Africa History documentary., 2018) marks an essential first invasion. These were people who
came from Netherlands on agricultural purpose and were later joined by French Huguenot
refugees, Germans and English speaking people. These various nationalities intermarried and
gave birth to people referred to as Afrikaners. When Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Dutch
monarchy, Britain for the first time ventured in expanding her empire and took control of Cape.
Essentially, Britain didn’t take hold of Cape for too long; she only held it up to 1802 and gave it
to Batavia (was the capital of Dutch East Indies) which was been ruled from Netherland. This
meant it was back in the hands of the Dutch. Proceeding the war between Britain and France at
Bloubergstrand, Britain came back to colonize Cape and abolished slave trade in 1807.

After the re- establishment of British rule, the economic and social life of the Dutch (ancestors of
the Boers) –speaking free Burghers of the eastern cape changed and the United Kingdom
incorporated this territory into the British empire changing their currency (to pounds) and official
language (to English) in courts and schools. This displeased the Dutch and made them request
that they be allowed to go into the interior of South Africa and establish their own rule. After
several negotiations, the authority told them go and settle beyond the Orange and Vaal Rivers.
They moved and met Nguni people, and after a series of wars, they conquered and displaced
Nguni (Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and Ndebele) people and their Monarchy. This marked change of life
for South Africans as their lives depended on the Boer’s daily directives.


Constitutionalism is an ideology that embodies fundamental law. Consequently, it is expected

that all laws and the behavior of the state and state agents are founded on the principles of the

From 1910 to 1994, South Africa was divided into four provinces made up of the two former
British colonies of the Cape and Natal, and the two former Boer republics of the Transvaal and
Orange free state. This means the British and Boer states practiced a form of democracy within.
The two Boer republics explicitly prohibited black people from participating in their assemblies
and Natal did so de facto. There was no such barrier in the constitution introduced in the Cape
from 1854, but no black male was ever elected to the old Cape parliament. Under the 1910 Act

of union, the Cape franchise was preserved for those adulthood black males who met the
education and property qualifications, but they couldn’t become members of the union
government. In 1936, Africans in the Cape were removed from the common electoral roll for the
parliament, and twenty years later coloreds and Indians in the provinces were similarly deprived
of the vote (Feinstein, 2005, p. 27).


Apartheid (“apartness in the language of Afrikaans) was a system of legislation that upheld
segregationist policies against non-white citizens of South Africa. It had been present throughout
European invasion in South Africa. Significantly, after the Great Trek (which was in rebellion
against British government policies and in search of pasturelands) of the Boers from British Cape
colony between 1835 and early 1840s, they established two Boer states; the Orange Free State
and South African Republic or Transvaal. It was actually after series of contentions with the
native Nguni people that the Boers finally managed to take hold of large pieces of land for
agriculture and pastoralism.

In 1948, proceeding the diamond discovery Anglo- Boer wars (1899-1902) and the birth of the
Union of South Africa on 31st May 1910 with Louis Botha as prime minister, the National Party
was elected to power having defeated the United party (Clark & Worger, 2011). The National
party strengthened the racial segregation that had begun under Dutch and British colonial rule.
The legally institutionalized segregation became known as apartheid. While whites enjoyed the
highest standard of living in all Africa, comparable to first world western nations, the black
majority remained disadvantaged by almost every standard, including income, education,
housing and life expectancy. It was a period of fascism and racialism.


The ANC was founded on 8th January 1912 by Walter Rubusana in Bloemfontein as the South
African Native National Congress (SANNC), its primary mission was to bring all African
together as one people, to defend their rights and freedom. This included giving full voting rights
to Black South Africans and mixed race South Africans and ending the apartheid system

introduced by the National Party government after their election victory in 1948. It was not the
only party advocating anti- apartheid; the Pan African Congress (PAC) and the Communist Party
of South Africa were also focused to the core. This African nationalism period saw the
emergence of Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu and, as key players to South
Africa’s Democracy. After enduring 27 years (18yrs on Robben Island) in prison for opposing
apartheid system, Nelson Mandela became the first Democratic Black South African president in
1994 under ANC. This finally introduced people’s rule and expressions on policies by the then
and today government under Cyril Ramaphosa. Though the country doesn’t seem to have
recovered from effects of Apartheid as seen through xenophobic attacks.


China is a country in east Asia and is popularly known for its massive population as well as
cultural and economic diversity. Its philosophers adopted the ideology of communism as its
governance system. Below are some of the governance ideologies through its political and
economic history;


It is essential to know the very foundational governance ideology of any country because any
other ideology to come will either stumble or excel on the basis of historical governance insight.

Dynasty is a succession of rulers from the same family. China comes from a form of government
in which one person is the head of state for life or until abdication. There are thirteen (13)
dynasties that have impacted China’s political and economic history; Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin,
Han, Six dynasties of Jin, Sui, Tang, Five dynasty period, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing (Art.,
2004). Apart from exercising direct control over the Chinese realm, the china monarchy also
maintained hegemony over other states through the policy of Chinese tributary system. This
governance system was substituted for the Republic of China in 1912 after the abdication of
emperor Xuantong, marking the end of Qing dynasty (China.", n.d.).


Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician who is traditionally considered the paragon
of the Chinese sages. He was the first teacher passionate for education, its availability and
establishment as a vocation. He also established ethical, moral and social standards that formed
the basis of a way of life known as Confucianism. Additionally, Confucianism encouraged the
government to give jobs to educated people rather than nobles. Given that intellectuals especially
Han dynasty had believed his standards, the ideology was instituted in the governance system
(Forgeard, 2021). This affected the people because if they weren’t educated, government would
not give them meaningful jobs.


China’s colonialism by Britain was as a result of dominance over Opium. Opium was essential in
chemistry industries for the manufacturing of medicinal drugs back in Britain. During industrial
revolution in Europe, Britain sought this raw material externally. Opium had become a drive to
the economies of both countries hence two Opium wars (Goldstein, 2006). Britain’s involvement
into China’s economy didn’t bring complete negativity on the economy, rather, it helped China
enhance in mechanical industrialization. It also exposed China to international trade, with the
introduction of English language, many Chinese people took interest in learning and thriving


China is a communist- democratic Republic with Xi Jinping as president. The communist Party
of China was founded in 1921 by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. It was later led by Mao Zedong
who fought so hard against the Nationalist Party led by Chiang Kai-Shek, and the Japanese
invasion of Manchuria. In 1949, Mao Zedong declared the People’s Republic of China (PRC), a
decision that made the United States suspend diplomatic ties with PRC for decades (Anon., n.d.)
because of communism policies.

Internally, the Communist Party had done well for the people of China. Tony Saich (Saich, 2004)
writes,” In the countryside the CCP first abolished the landlord system and as a result of peasant
expectation and pre-1949 policy, land reform was carried out with land redistribution to the

household.” It was a phenomenon of community uniformity and promotion of industrialization.
To this day, the Communist regime under Xi Jinping, has continued to create economic
opportunities for the people of China both internally and externally. This governance ideology
and its policies has seen many African countries benefit.


The following are the notable governance ideologies and policies that are of impact on Germany;


This ideology is associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany. During Hitler’s rise
to power in 1930 Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism. Nazism is a form of fascism
with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It is a system of governance led
by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and
criticism, controlling all industry and commerce and promoting nationalism and often racism.
Analytically, Nazis were the Germany government and military that slaughtered over six million
Jews and others during world war two. Nazi is actually a shortened form of National Socialist
(National socialist German worker party). The actions of these groups during world war two
caused their names to be assimilated to “ruthless authoritarianism” and just brutality. Adolf
Hitler led this party to power in Germany in 1933 and his rule lasted until 1945 (Fascism, 2020).
This regime was against communism and democracy cleaving entirely to dictatorship systems.


The devastating aftereffects of World War Two were what shaped cold war Germany. The post
war Germany remained in ruins with destroyed houses and collapsed economic infrastructure,
food shortage and millions of Germany were displaced. In 1945, at the Potsdam conference,
United States, Britain and the Soviet Union met to discuss the peace of Germany after the war. In
1949, Germany formally split into two independent nations: The Federal Republic of Germany
(west), allied to the Western democracies, and the Germany Democratic Republic (east), allied to
the Soviet Union (DW, n.d.). This was as a result of a disagreement on the unification of

Germany, an idea by the US and Britain which the Soviet Union did not concede to. The result
was a divided economy; capitalist West and socialist East.


The current governance system encompasses coalition policy. It is made of the states of
Germany and federal government. The central government, the states and the Germany
municipalities have different tasks and partially competing regions of responsibilities ruled by a
complex system of checks and balances (Encyclopedia, 2021). The government is elected by the
people in elections where everyone has an equal right to vote. The constitution is called the
Grundgesetz. As well as describing people’s rights, it describes the jobs of the president, the
cabinet, the Bundestag, Bundesrat and the court. The president is the head of state. The current
chancellor is Olaf Scholz and Frank-Walter Steinmeier is the president.



It is seen in the era of apartheid in South Africa that segregation was an intense predicament.
Therefore, any related policy or ideology associated with discrimination or exclusions from the
natural native rights of citizens must never be tolerated. The concept of tribalism which is similar
to vast coverage of segregation embodied in apartheid must never be tolerated.

China did not mismanage its opportunity to grow its economic base during Britain’s colonialism
era. It is true colonialism introduced different grounds of trade because colonial masters had their
agenda to fulfil regarding industries back in Britain. But still, China utilized the enlightenment
systems of economic growth and world trade by focusing and expanding its ideas on their local

Authoritarianism of Adolf Hitler is still a concern today. Although the post war Allied response
and the later reunification of Germany restored several ruins, the time it took to see it restored
demanded vast resources and contribution from the three Allies. Analytically, Zambian leaders

must always know that their governance and economic policies introduced today are a basis for
tomorrow’s operational governance and economic progress. There must never be a time when
governance decisions are taken personal and selfishly at the expense of the country that the
leader is not living alone in. All leaders must be accountable to their governance and economic


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Macola, G., 2008. Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, UNIP and the roots of authoritarianism in nationalist
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Saich, T., 2004. Governance and Politics of China.. 2nd ed. New York: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN.

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