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Good morning my fellow educators. Welcome to our 2nd LAC Session for this School Year 2022-2023.

For today’s LAC Session, we will begin with an opening prayer to be led by Ma’am Jemlah H. Tubianosa
followed by a Message of our School Officer-In-Charge, Ma’am Decelyn C. Doletin. We have 2 Speakers
today with a very interesting topic. For topic 1, Ma’am Norlette C. Carton will discuss the IPCRF-Review.
After the discussion of Ma’am Norlette, Open Forum will follow. For the last Topic, Ma’am Tonet T. Villamor
will discuss the eSAT (Electronic Self-Assessment Tool) and open forum after her discussion.

Without further ado, we will begin our LAC Session. To give us divine intervention, May I call Ma’am
Jemlah H. Tubianosa to lead the prayer. …. Thank you so much Ma’am.

At this point, we will hear a message from our dear School Officer-In-Charge, Ma’am Decelyn C.
Doletin……. Thank you, Ma’am, for that inspirational message.

Again, Good morning! How’s everybody? I hope everyone is feeling healthy and alive today.

At this moment, I will give now the floor to our dedicated Master Teacher 1, Ma’am Norlette C. Carton for
her topic. Ma’am….

Thank you, Ma’am Norlette. Now we will have our open forum which you can give your suggestions,
comments or any reactions about the topic.

Now, we will proceed to another topic to be discuss by our dedicated and gorgeous Teacher III, Ma’am
Tonet T. Villamor,. .. . Ma’am

Thank you, Ma’am Tonet. Now we will have our open forum, you can give your suggestions or reactions.

At this point, I will give the floor to our dear Farm School Coordinator, Ma’am Jocelyn Caumban for the
update of our incoming Farm Day.

We have come to the end of our LAC Session. We will end our LAC Session with a beautiful quote “It’s
okay to struggle. It’s not okay to GIVE UP” by Gabe Grunewald.

I’m Madelyn A. Guipo, your emcee. Good morning to all. Keep Safe and God Bless us all always.

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