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Group 3

Anisa Rahmawati (20191111020)

M. Afrizal Habibi (20191111025)
Nurmala Widia Ningrum (20191111037)
Fernanda Achmad (20191111044)

Research on English Language Teaching

Lectured by: Armeria Wijaya, S.S., M.Pd.

From the title of research you have chosen, please write in a clear description of their possible:

1. Research topic
2. Research problem
3. Research purpose
4. Statements of the problem (Research questions)
5. Hypotheses (if any)
6. Objectives of the research
7. Research method (qualitative or quantitative)
8. Research Design
9. Independent and dependent variables as well as moderating variable (if any)
10. Population of the research subject (if any, any number)
11. Sampling technique (if any)

Improving Young Learners Vocabulary Trough TPR Technique

1. Research topic: Improving Vocab in young learners

2. Research problem: Based on the preliminary observation before the research is
conducted, the researcher finds students in vocab comprehension skill is getting bored
and they just memorize then another day they've forgot it.
3. Research purpose: to check the improvment young learner’s vocabulary trough TPR
technique whether its effective or not.
4. Statements of the problem (Research questions):
- How is the implementation of improving vocab trough TPR technique?
- Can TPR technique improve students’ vocab skill?
5. Objectives of the research
- To describe TPR technique in vocab skill.
- To explain the improvement of students’ vocab in young learners after the
implementation of TPR technique.
6. Hypotheses (if any):
H0: TPR technique can improve students’ vocab skill
H1: TPR technique cannot improve students’ vocab’s skill
7. Research method (qualitative or quantitative): quantitative
8. Research Design: pre-test post-test design.
9. Independent and dependent variables as well as moderating variable (if any)
Ind var: TPR technique
Dep var: Young Learners Vocabulary
10. Population of the research subject (if any, any number):
Two classes of 7th grade of SMP 25 Kediri
11. Sampling technique (if any):
Using purposive sampling with the criteria below:
- The age is 12-13 years old.
- Midterm values are below standard values.

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