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1 Describe essential activities done by an operating system for protection and sharing

2 State what is inter processor communication it's advantage

3 Describe different scheduling criteria

4 Describe PCB .list information contained in PCB & Explain any TWO
5 Define deadlock state the necessary decision for deadlock
6 Explain the following terms with respect to
memory management

I Compaction
ii Swapping
7 Enlist diff file allocation method and explain any two
8 Compared between windows and Linux operating system
9 Compare between FCFS and and SJF scheduling also

10 Describe continuous memory Allocation done by operating system with the help of
suitable example

11 Write to use of following operating system tools

i performance monitor
ii task scheduler

Iii user management

12 Write the operating of following commands
i Kill 9042018

ii Ps 07121975

iii Sleep 05

13 Page Reference String 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 7 8 9 7 5 9 5 4 4 5 4 2 using FIFIO

and LRU to Calculate page fault, with page frame is 4.
14 Calculate AWT and ATAT using FCFS Algo
Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 7
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 6
P5 4 8
15 Comparison between map and link list free page management techniques
16 Construct and explain directly structure of file system intern of single level 2 level and tree
17 State the syntax of &use of following process Related Command
i bg
ii kill
18 Describe working of contiguous file location method

19 Calculate AWT and ATAT using Round robin Scheduling Algo (Time Slice=4ms
Process Burst Time
P1 3
P2 5
P3 7
P4 4
20 Explain PS command with any four options.
21 Explain deadlock and what are necessary conditions for deadlock.
22 Explain Partitioning and its types
23 Describe sequential and Direct access method.
24 Write Unix command for following
i create folder OSY
ii create a file FIRST in OSY folder
iii list /display all files and directory
iv Write command to clear the screen
25 Explain Round Robin algorithm with suitable example
26 Explain multithreading model in details.
27 Explain LRU page replacement algorithm for following reference string
7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1 calculate Page Fault .

28 The Jobs are Scheduled for Execution as following .

Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 7
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 6
P5 4 8
ii FCFS also find AWT using Gantt Chart
29 List Free Space management Techniques? Describe any one in Details

1 Define process & program.

2 State two features of pre-emptive scheduling.
3 Define page fault and segmentation.
4 Write syntax of PS command and explain its use with the help of suitable example.
5 List any four type of operating system.
6 List any four file attributes.
7 State any two activities performed by file management component of an operating system.
8 Draw process state transition diagram.
9 Define the term Swapping.
10 Explain different process scheduling criteria.
11 List the directory structure.
12 Define virtual memory
13 Write Syntax for following command
i sleep
ii kill

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