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Week 6: Emerging Economies - China

Yuan MEI

2022 – 2023 Term 1

SMU Classification: Restricted

• Week 7 during class time after the Q&A session

• Duration: one hour

• Format: written, closed-book exam

▪ Multiple-choice questions and true/false questions (same
as Wooclap quiz questions)
▪ Short-answer questions

• Wooclap questions and answers from Week 1 to Week 6 will

be uploaded onto Elearn this week

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Recap from Last Week

• Smoot – Hawley


• Regional trade liberalization

• US-China trade war

• Discussion question: What do you think of the US-China

trade war? Is it benefiting or hurting the interests of
Singapore and other Southeast Asian Countries?

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• Economic history of modern China
▪ Centrally-planned economy
▪ Socialist marketing economy

• Some features of Chinese economy today

▪ State-Owned Enterprises
▪ Special economic zones
▪ E- Commerce and High-Tech Industry

• Challenges and Plans

▪ Emptying the Cage for the New Birds
▪ Huawei Controversy
▪ China Puzzle
▪ One Belt One Road
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Some Basic Facts About China

• Size: 9.6 M km2 ( 13000 times larger than Singapore)

• Population:
▪ 1.4 B (2500 times larger than Singapore)
▪ 50 cities with more than 2 M population

• Ethnic groups:
▪ 91% Han, 55 minority groups
▪ Largest minority group: Zhuang
• Population in 2010: 17 M

• Most popular dialect: Wu

▪ Users in 2015: 80 M 5
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Economic History of Modern China

• Mao’s Era (1949 – 1978)

• Reform and Opening-Up (1978 - )

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GDP per Capita (current USD)

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Mao’s Era

• Centrally planned economy with minimal trade (share of

world trade in 1977 is 0.6%)

• Major shifts in policies, usually accompanied with changes

in political power structure
▪ First five-year plan (1953 – 1957): industrialization with
the help from Soviet Union

▪ Great Leap Forward (1958 – 1960)

• People’s communes

▪ Focus on agriculture (1961 – 1965)

▪ Cultural revolution (1966 – 1976) 8

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Great Leap Forward

Source: Wikipedia
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Great Leap Forward

28 kg per square meter

world record in 2017:

1.72 kg per square meter

Source: Quora
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International Trade in Mao’s Era

• Determined almost entirely by planning

▪ State Planning Commission’s import plan covered more
than 90 percent of all imports
▪ Similar plan for exports

• Trade plan executed by a handful of corporations

▪ Each typically dealt with a narrow range of commodities

• A significant share of China's exports consisted of goods for

which China did not enjoy a comparative advantage
▪ Significant quantities of capital-intensive goods
▪ Plan written in terms of quantities, so relative prices and
exchange rate played little role
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Deng Xiaoping

Source: Washington Post

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Let’s watch a video.

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Reform and Opening-UP Era

• Under Deng Xiaoping’s rule China gradually transforms to a

socialist marketing economy
▪ Privatization

▪ Decentralization

▪ Opening-Up

▪ Special-economic zones

• “It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as

it catches mice.”

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Three Types of Enterprises in China

• State-owned enterprises (SOEs)

▪ Either directly controlled by State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission of the State Council

▪ Or the state is the controlling shareholder

• Private

• Foreign
▪ Wholly-foreign owned
▪ Joint-Venture

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Automakers in China

Source: Xiao and Ju (2014)

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SOEs in China
• In 1978, SOEs
▪ Employed nearly 80% of urban workers
▪ Contributed 78% of industrial output

• In 1990s, leaders of the Communist Party realized that SOEs

were very inefficient and private firms were the drivers of fast
economic growth

• SOE reform in 1990s: “Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small”

▪ Large SOEs: corporatized
▪ Small SOEs: closed or privatized

• 2016: “Stronger, better and larger” SOEs

▪ raised concerns about the future of the private economy
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SOEs in China: Profit Share

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Special Economic Zones (SEZ)

• In 1978, China virtually had zero foreign direct investment

(FDI) and negligible foreign reserve

• SEZ was first proposed by Guangdong Province to attracted

FDI in 1979
▪ Skepticism from the central government
▪ Started as a small-scale experiment in four cities
• Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen, and Shantou

• Huge success, especially in Shenzhen

▪ Drastic increase in FDI
▪ Today: hundreds of technological development areas,
free-trade zones, and export processing zones
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Source: Xu (2011)

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The China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)

• DENG Xiaoping during his tour to Southern China in 1992 said:
“Singapore enjoys good social order and is well managed. We
should tap on their experience, and learn how to manage better than

• 1994: both governments decided to join hands in developing a

modern industrial park

• Poor performance in the first few years

▪ Ownership split was Singapore 65% China 35%
▪ Local officials more interested in their own similar project

• In 2001, the two sides agreed to swap majority stake.

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Tianjin 22
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International Trade

• Significant trade liberalization since joined WTO in 2001

• Currently world’s largest exporting country and second largest

importing country (behind the United States)

• In 2019, exports and imports constitute 19% and 17% of GDP,


• 2020Q2: China's share of global exports reached a record 20 percent

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Exports as a share of global market

Source: Harvard Center for International Development 24

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E – Commerce

• Taobao (淘宝): the world's biggest e-commerce website

• Over 617 M monthly active users as of March 2018

• Single-handedly transformed the Singles Day (11th Nov) to

China’s most popular commercial event
▪ 2009: RMB 50 million

▪ 2017: RMB 213.5 billion

• Future plan: global online-shopping platform

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Things on Taobao

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Things on Taobao

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Mobile Payment 30
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Emptying the Cage for the New Birds

• First appeared in an official document written by WANG

Yang, the party secretary of Guangdong Province in 2008

• A industrial strategy to deal with

▪ Decreasing demand for Chinese exports after the
financial crisis
▪ Increasing competition from other developing countries

• Two components
▪ Relocate low value-added industries to in land regions
with cheaper labor
▪ Attract high value-added industries to the most
developed Pearl River Delta
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Pearl River Delta

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source: 33
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Shenzhen-Made Smartphones in Africa

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Firms in Shenzhen

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Let’s watch a video.

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Sales of Electric Vehicles

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Some Popular EV Models in China

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Huawei Controversy

• Some facts about the company

▪ Founded in 1987 by REN Zhengfei, a former technologist in
the army

▪ Main products: telecommunications equipment, cellphones,

other electronic devices

▪ Smart phone market share: 20% in 2020Q2 (1st in the world)

▪ 5G network equipment: considered one of the most advanced

along with Nokia and Ericsson

▪ 5405 patent applications in 2018 (1st in the world)

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• Prior 2018: USA banned sale of Huawei cell phones through
network providers, but still used its network equipment

• Jan 2018: National security allegations surface again

• Dec 2018: Arrest of Huawei CFO MENG Wanzhou

• May 2019:
▪ US Commerce Department added Huawei to the “Entity List” –
that bans Huawei from buying parts and components from US
companies without US government approval
▪ Google and other hardware firms immediately suspended their
business with Huawei

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• May 2020: U.S. Commerce Department tightens export controls
▪ Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: ANY use of American
software or American fabrication equipment is banned and
requires a license

▪ Huawei CEO YU Chengdong: Huawei’s self-developed Kirin

chips will become a swan song

• September 14 2020: last day of supplying chipsets to Huawei

• Sep 2021: deal between Meng and US Department of Justice

▪ Meng admitted Huawei concealing its link to Skycom and
operating it in violation of US sanctions against Iran
▪ Allowed to formally deny her key charges and did not have to
pay a fine
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China Puzzle

• Institution: refers to those basic and stable mechanisms that

govern the incentives of agents and coordinate activities in
major political and economic games.

• Conventional view: a set of institutions must be in place to

make markets function well
▪ Protect property rights

▪ Enforce contracts

▪ Separate from business

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China Puzzle

• Xu (2011): “Chinese institutions in government, corporate

governance, law, and finance look notoriously weak.”
▪ Poor legal protection of property rights
▪ Poor corporate governance
▪ Lack of democratic accountability
▪ Absence of rule of law

• “This incredible contrast between ‘poor’ institutions and

China’s spectacular performance challenges our general
understanding of the mechanics of institutions and our
understanding of ‘institutional quality.’”

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Corruption Perceptions Index, 2017

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Regionally Decentralized Authoritarian Regime

• Regionally Decentralized Authoritarian (RDA) regime is characterized
by economic decentralization and political centralization

• Economic decentralization
▪ Subnational governments have influence or even direct control
rights over a substantial amount of resources
▪ Competition across regions for political incentives
• Quantifiable targets
• Innovative reform policies

• Political centralization
▪ Regional leaders directly appointed by upper-level government
▪ Constant reshuffling across regions
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Governance Structure in China

Source: XU (2011) 48
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One Belt One Road

• An initiative from China

▪ One Belt: Silk Road Economic Belt
▪ One Road: 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

• Aims to connect Asia, Africa and Europe, through Europe-Asia

continental roads as well as sea routes through the South China
Sea and Indian Ocean, promoting economic cooperation among
countries along those routes.

• The realization of this development strategy requires physical

infrastructure – roads, rail, ports and aviation – undergirded by a
strong financing framework

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One Belt One Road

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• Neocolonialism
▪ Sri Lanka gave China operating rights to the Hambantota
port for 99 years

• Projects funded by Silk Fund and Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank (AIIB), both led by China
▪ Debt trap diplomacy

• Whether the money can actually be deployed wisely

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Malaysia’s East Coast Rail Link

• A railway project connecting Port Klang on the Straits of
Malacca to Kota Bharu in northeast Peninsular Malaysia

• 2016: finance deal and construction agreement, valued at

USD13.1 billion, signed by the Malaysian Government and the
state-owned China Communications Construction Company Ltd

• Jan 2019: Malaysia will be "impoverished" if it continues with

the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), said Prime Minister Mahathir

• Apr 2019: construction resumed after a new deal was achieved

▪ Cost down by one third
▪ China also agreed to a 50-50 joint venture
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Quiz Time
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After Class Discussion

• Discussion question: How should Singapore respond to the rise

of China and its One Belt One Road Initiative? Will it hurt the
welfare of Singaporeans?

• Please read this week’s supplementary materials on Elearn

• Discussion at the beginning of Week 9’s class


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