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DVT is medical condition that typically occurs in the lower leg, thigh, pelvis, or arm.


1. Reduced blood flow – venous statistics occurs when blood flow is reduced when veins
are dilated and even skeletal muscles contraction is reduced.
2. Damage- damage to the intimal lining of blood vessel creates a site for a lot formation.
3. Phlebitis – formation of thrombus frequently accompanies phlebitis which is an
inflammation of the vein walls.
4. Platelet aggregates- venous thrombi are aggregates of platetes attached to the vein wall
that have a tail-like appendage contain fibrin white blood cells and many blood cells.
5. Tail- the tail can grow or can propagate in the direction of the blood flow as successive
layers of thrombus form.
6. Fragmentation occurs spontaneously as it dissolves naturally.
7. Recanalization – after a cute episode of DVT, recanalization or reestablishment of the
lumen of the vessel typically occurs.
- Pregnancy age more than 35 years
- Smoking
- Parity more than 3
- Obesity
- Medical problem, HTN, nephotic syndrome, severe infection.
- Caesarian delivery

- A pregnant woman is at risk of having DVT due to hypercoagulable state of

pregnancy which is likely evolved to protect women from excessive bleeding during
childbirth or if miscarriage.
- Other risk factors

Pulmonary embolism


Heart disease

Sickle cell

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