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The Nine Dots Puzzle

To solve this puzzle:

• Connect all nine dots

• Use only four straight lines

• Do not lift your pen off the paper

Adopting Your Customers’ Perspective

Seeing service through your customers’ eyes can help you go beyond your regular job duties and find
opportunities to deliver outstanding service.

Use the worksheet below to examine how your customers might view your service.

1. What I do: List your major job duties

2. How my customer sees it: Describe how your customer might view each one

What I do How my customer sees it

Help customers solve problems with the software Help customers get back to work quickly when a
problem occurs
Educate customers on ways to prevent problems
from occurring Educate customers on ways to maximize the
software’s capabilities without causing problems
Use customer feedback to identify bugs in the
software Instill confidence so customers know they can
count on the software to help them

Customer Service Fundamentals with Jeff Toister

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