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a) RDA and deficiency of cobalt.

As part of supplements, cobalt is measured in micrograms (mcg). The average adult intake of
cobalt is 5 to 8 mcg per day.

If you have a cobalt deficiency this also means you have a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Anemia is a
main cause of a cobalt and vitamin B-12 deficiency. Recommended dietary allowance per day
not established. Deficiency of cobalt is not common among human beings. A deficiency
manifestation a cobalt deficiency is accompanied by all signs and symptoms of B-12 deficiency,
the most important is anemia.

a) Natural and global perspectives to human nutrition.

The national nutrition week is observed in India from September 1 to 7 to create awareness about
good nutrition and health its importance in our lives and how to curb the problem of

b) Emerging issues

Climate – friendly and sustainable eating

Vegan and plant based nutrition

Online nutrition counseling

Awareness of healthy eating

Personalized nutrition

Convenience food and healthy take away meals.

Prebiotics nourishment for the gut.

Diet myths and nutritional fake news.

Worse food balance. Corporate wellness.

Nutrition education in schools.

Artificial milk products.

c) Challenges of human nutrition

 High availability of low-cost foods and beverage that is also high in calories, fats, salt,
and sugar.
 Very powerful food marketing that particularly impacts children.
 Nutritional information that is difficult to understand and apply.
 Nutritious foods that is difficult to access for certain segments of the population.

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