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Bahasa Inggris November – Desember 2022 M

9 SMP (K.2013) Robi’ul ‘Akhir 1444 H
Procedure 90 Menit
Kerjakanlah dengan Jujur dan Sungguh-Sungguh, Minta Tolonglah hanya kepada Allah!
Selamat Mengerjakan, Semoga Sukses!

Choose the correct answer!

Read the text below and answer questions 1 to 5.

Chicken and Mushroom Soup

1/2 lb Boneless Chicken Breast
4 tbsp Sesame Oil
2 cups Chicken Stock
2 tbsp Sherry
1 cups Fresh Mushrooms, quartered
2 tbsp Fresh Parsley, chopped
1) Thinly slice the chicken breast meat.
2) Bring the chicken stock to a rolling boil and add the chicken and mushrooms.
3) When the soup begins to boil again and all of the ingredients float to the top, remove from the heat.
4) Add the sesame oil and sherry and taste for seasoning.
5) Add salt and pepper if necessary.
6) Serve in individual soup bowls and sprinkle the parsley on top.

1. What is the text above?

A. The ingredients to make chicken soup and mushroom
B. The procedure how to serve chicken soup with mushroom
C. The step how to cook chicken and mushroom soup.
D. The description of chicken soup.

2. What should we do when all of the ingredients float to the top?

A. Add the parsley
B. Add the sesame oil
C. Add the salt
D. Remove it from the heat.

3. “When the soup begins to boil again…”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. becomes hot
B. almost hot
C. starts
D. finishes

4. When can we add the chicken and mushroom?

A. After the chicken stock boils.
B. After we put the salt.
C. After the chicken became small.
D. After we remove the heat.

5. What will probably happen if we don’t sprinkle parsley on the top?

A. The soup won’t be sour.
B. The soup won’t be edible.
C. The soup will be tastier than before.
D. The soup will be less delicious.

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PM PAS 1 SMP 2022

Read the text below and answer questions 6 to 10.

How to install a computer program from a Download

1) Download the program from the website providing the program.

2) Open the download folder.
3) If the file you downloaded is an executable file, double-click the file icon to start the setup process. If the
downloaded file is compressed (e.g. .zip), you must extract the file's contents before setup can begin. Fortunately,
this function is built into most versions of Windows.
4) Once the files are extracted, double-click the setup to install.

6. What should we do if the file is compressed?

A. We should download the program.
B. We should double click the setup.
C. We should extract the file’s content.
D. We should open in the download folder.

7. The word “providing” in first step is closest in meaning to ...

A. caring
B. nursing
C. serving
D. managing

8. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To promote a computer program.
B. To make the readers aware the important of installing a computer program.
C. To tell one of the ways to install a computer program.
D. To show the process of downloading a computer program from internet.

9. “If the downloaded file is compressed, it must …. before setup can begin.”
What is the correct word to complete the sentence?
A. extracts
B. extracted
C. be extracted
D. being extracted

10. From the text above we know that....

A. we need to pay for installing the program
B. all programs have to be extracted
C. we need to double-click the setup for installing
D. the extracting menu are provided in some Windows versions

The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

How to Make Scrambled Eggs

• 4 Eggs
• ¼ cup or 60 g milk
• 2 tbsp butter
• Salt, pepper, as desired.
1 Beat eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in medium bowl unit blender.
2 Heat butter in large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot.
3 Pour in egg mixture. As eggs begin to set, gently pull the eggs across the pan with a spatula, forming large soft
4 Continue cooking – pulling, lifting and folding eggs – until thickened and no visible liquid egg remains. Do not
stir constantly remove from heat. Serve immediately.

11. What should we do to the pepper?

A. Mix it with butter.
B. Mix it with eggs.
C. Heat it under the stove.
D. Blend it with cooking oil.

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PM PAS 1 SMP 2022

12. What is not needed to make scrambled eggs?

A. Eggs.
B. Milk.
C. Butter.
D. Paper.

13. How much milk do we need if we want to make scrambled eggs from 10 eggs?
A. 60 g
B. ¼ tbs
C. 120 g
D. 150 g

14. What should we do at last?

A. Serve it at once.
B. Serve the eggs after it is warm.
C. Beat the eggs with salt, milk, and pepper.
D. Heat the cooking oil.

15. Arrange the sentences below into a correct order.

1) Bake and cool cupcakes

2) Decorate cupcakes and serve them cold.
3) Pick a cupcake/muffin pan
4) Fill cupcake liners
5) Choose a cupcake recipe
6) Choose your cupcake liners

A. 5) – 4) – 1) – 3) – 6) – 2)
B. 2) – 4) – 3) – 1) – 5) – 6)
C. 5) – 3) – 6) – 4) – 1) – 2)
D. 1) – 2) – 3) – 4) – 6) – 5)

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

Pop It Chocolate

• Pop It Sensory Toy
• Melting Chocolate Wafers.
• M&M Candy


(1) Clean your Pop It toy super well with soap and warm water.
(2) Dry it completely.
(3) Layer M&M's over the bubbles (make sure the "M" is laying down so when you release the chocolate the M will
be facing up).
(4) Pour melted chocolate over the candies in an even smooth layer. Make sure there are no gaps and shakedown
gently on the counter to even out air bubbles.
(5) Freeze uncovered until hardened (It takes about 30 minutes). Pop out the chocolate gently and break them into bars.

16. What does the text tell us about?

A. The way to decorate Pop It toy.
B. The procedure to make Pop It toy.
C. The steps of making chocolate on a Pop It toy.
D. The ingredients of Pop It chocolate.

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PM PAS 1 SMP 2022

17. What should we do at first?

A. Dry the Pop It. toy
B. Pour melted chocolate.
C. Clean the chocolate.
D. Clean the Pop It Toy.

18. “What Dry it completely.”

The word ‘it’ in the sentence above refers to …
A. The Pop It toy.
B. The soap.
C. The water.
D. The candy.

19. What should we do if the electric goes off after 30 minutes of freezing?
A. We should find batteries.
B. We should cancel our work.
C. We should eat the chocolate soon.
D. We should wait the melting chocolate.

20. Who is probably interested in reading the text?

A. Toddlers.
B. Infants.
C. grade-schoolers.
D. Adult persons.

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