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A Note on the Existence of the Multivariate Gamma Distribution

Article · June 2016


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Thomas Royen
Fachhochschule Bingen


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A Note on the Existence of the Multivariate Gamma Distribution

Thomas Royen
Fachhochschule Bingen, University of Applied Sciences

Abstract. The p - variate gamma distribution in the sense of Krishnamoorthy and Parthasarathy exists for all
positive integer degrees of freedom  and at least for all real values   p  2, p  2. For special structures
of the “associated“ covariance matrix it also exists for all positive  . In this paper a relation between central and
non-central multivariate gamma distributions is shown, which implies the existence of the p - variate gamma
distribution at least for all non-integer  greater than the integer part of ( p  1) / 2 without any additional
assumptions for the associated covariance matrix.

1. Introduction

The p-variate chi-square distribution (or more precisely: “Wishart-chi-square distribution“) with  degrees of
freedom and the “associated“ covariance matrix  (the  p2 ( , ) - distribution) is defined as the joint distribu-
tion of the diagonal elements of a Wp ( , ) - Wishart matrix. Its probability density (pdf) has the Laplace trans-
form (Lt)

| I p  2T | /2 , (1.1)

with the ( p p) - identity matrix I p ,   , T  diag (t1 ,..., t p ),t j  0, and the associated covariance matrix
, which is assumed to be non-singular throughout this paper.

The p - variate gamma distribution in the sense of Krishnamoorthy and Parthasarathy [4] with the associated
covariance matrix  and the “degree of freedom”   2 (the  p ( , ) - distribution) can be defined by the

| I p  T | (1.2)

of its pdf
g ( x1,..., x p ; , ). (1.3)

For values   2  this distribution differs from the  p2 ( , ) - distribution only by a scale factor 2, but in
this paper we are only interested in positive non-integer values 2 for which | I p  T | is the Lt of a pdf and
not of a function also assuming any negative values. These values  are called here “admissible values”. The
admissibility of all values 2  p  1 follows from the existence of the Wp (2 , ) - distribution, and the ad-
missibility of 2  ( p  2, p  1) follows from formula (1.4) below. Smaller values of  are admissible at least
with some additional assumptions for . Sufficient and necessary conditions for  entailing infinite divisibility
Key words and phrases: multivariate gamma distribution, non-central multivariate gamma distribution, Wishart
2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 60E05, 62E10

of the Lt | I p  T |1 (i.e. all   0 are admissible) are found in [1] and [3]. According to [1], | I p  T |1 is
infinitely divisible if and only if there exists any signature matrix S  diag (s1 ,..., s p ),s j  1, for which S 1S
is an M-matrix. For the infinite divisibility of a more general class of multivariate gamma distributions see [2].

At least all values 2  m  1,m  ,m  p, are admissible for “ m - factorial” covariance matrices  
W 2  AAT (  W W  I p  BBT ,B  WA with rows b j ) with a suitable matrix W  diag (w1 ,..., wp ),
wj  0, and a real ( p  m) - matrix A of the lowest possible rank m. This follows from the representation

g ( x1 ,..., x p ; , )  E  p
j 1
w2j g (w2j x j , 12 b j Sb jT  (1.4)

of the  p ( , ) - pdf (see [7] and [8]), where

g ( x, y)  e y  n0 g  n ( x) n!

is the non-central gamma density with the non-centrality parameter y and the central gamma densities g  n ,
and the expectation refers to the Wm (2 , I m ) - Wishart matrix S . With W 2   I p , where  is the lowest
eigenvalue of , it follows m  p  1. A special case – entailing infinite divisibility – is a one-factorial  
W 2  aaT with a real column a.

In the following section it will be shown that all values 2  [( p  1) / 2] (the integer part of ( p  1) / 2 ) are
admissible without any further assumptions for . This result is obtained as a corollary of a relation between
central and non-central multivariate gamma densities given in theorem 1. This relation was already derived in a
similar form for integer values   2 in [6], but the non-integer values require a different proof by means of
the Lt.

2. A Sufficient Condition for the Existence of the  p ( , ) - Distribution

Let be given any partition
 11 12 
  (2.1)
  21  22 

of the non-singular ( p  p) - covariance matrix  with ( pi  pi ) - matrices ii and set

0  11  1222121 , (2.2)

which is a non-singular covariance matrix too.

For 2  max( p1 1, p2 1) the Wishart Wp2 (2 , 22 ) - pdf and the non-central Wp1 (2 , 0 , ) - pdf exist
where the symmetrical positive semi-definite ( p1  p1 ) - matrix  is any “non-centrality matrix” of rank k  p1 .
The diagonal of a random matrix Z has a non-central  p1 ( , 0 , ) - distribution if 2Z has a Wp1 (2 , 0 , ) -
distribution, which exists (apart from integer values 2 with rank()  min( p1, 2 ) ) for all   ( p1  1) / 2
with rank()  p1 (see [5]).

The corresponding  p1 ( , 0 , ) - pdf

g ( x1 ,..., x p1 ;  , 0 , ) (2.3)

has the Lt

| I1  0T1 | etr(T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 ) (2.4)

with T1  diag (t1 ,..., t p1 ). (In the literature the “non-centrality matrix” is frequently defined in a different non-
symmetrical way.) Let p2 denote the set of all ( p2  p2 ) - correlation matrices C and let

2Y  2 X 1/2CX 1/2 (2.5)

be a Wp2 (2 , 22 ) - matrix with a random C  p2 and X  diag ( X p1 1 ,..., X p ), where the elements X j
have the gamma-densities  jj1 g ( jj1 x j )   jj xj 1 exp( jj1 x j ) / ( ) with the  jj from the diagonal of
 22 . The density of Y is given by

( p2 ( ))1 | 22 | | Y | ( p2 1)/2 etr(221Y ) (2.6)

with the multivariate gamma function  p2 ( )   p2 ( p2 1)/4  j 21    2 .

 j 1

Now, with the notations from (2,1), (2.2), (2.3), (2.5), (2.6), we show for the  p ( , ) - pdf from (1.3):

Theorem 1. If p  p1  p2 and 2  max( p1 1, p2 1), then

g ( x1 ,..., x p ;  , )  ( p2 ( )) 1 |  22 | 

 g ( x1,..., x p1 ; , 0 , 1222

1 1/2 1
X CX 1/222 21 ) | X | 1| C | ( p2 1)/2 etr(22
1 1/2
X CX 1/2 )dC.

Remark. The simple special case with p2  1,C  1 (and  22  1 ) was already given by theorem 2 in [11].

As a corollary we obtain

Theorem 2. The function g ( x1 ,..., x p ; , ) with the Lt | I p  T | from (1.2) is a  p ( , ) - pdf at least
for 2   ([( p  1) / 2], ).

Proof of theorem 2. Choose for p1 or p2 in theorem 1 the value [( p  1) / 2].

Proof of theorem 1. The equation in theorem 1 will be verified by the Lt of both sides. The left side has the Lt
| I p  T | and we get with the Schur complement for determinants

I1  0T1  12221 21T1 12T2

| I p  T | 
21T1 I 2  22T2

| I 2  22T2 | | I1  0T1  1222 21T1  12T2 ( I 2  22T2 )1 21T1 |

| I 2  22T2 |  | I1  0T1  1222 (I 2  22T2 (I 2  22T2 )1 )21T1 |
| I 2  22T2 |  | I1  0T1  1222 ( I 2  22T2 )1 21T1 |

| I1  0T1 |  | I 2  22T2 |  | I1  1222 ( I 2  22T2 )1 21T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 | . (2.7)

With (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6) we find for the right side the Lt

| I1  0T1 | ( p2 ( )) 1 | 22 |  

 etr(T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 1222

1 1
Y 22 21 ) | Y | ( p2 1)/2 etr(22
Y  T2Y )dY 
Y 0

| I1  0T1 | ( p2 ( )) 1 |  22 | 

 | Y | ( p2 1)/2 etr  (22121T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 12221  221  T2 )Y dY 

Y 0

| I1  0T1 | | 21T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 12221  I 2  22T2 | ,

(see e.g. formula (2.2.6) in [12]), and

| I1  0T1 |  | I 2  22T2 |  | I 2  21T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 1222

( I2  22T2 )1 |

| I1  0T1 |  | I 2  22T2 |  | I1  1222 ( I 2  22T2 )1 21T1 ( I1  0T1 )1 |,

which coincides with formula (2.7), where the last identity follows from the general equation

I1 A12
| I 2  B21 A12 || I1  A12 B21 |.
 B21 I2

Some further remarks. If   W 2  AAT is m - factorial, where A – and consequently B  WA – may con-
tain any mixture of real or pure imaginary columns, then the function with the representation from (1.4) has
again the Lt | I p  T | and it is a  p ( , ) - pdf at least for all values 2  m  1  [( p  1) / 2]. For

special structures of  smaller values of 2 are possible, e.g. with an m - factorial   W 2  AAT with a
real matrix A and m  1  [( p  1) / 2] . Furthermore, let be, e.g., p2  p1 ,0  W02  A0 A0T with a real
( p1  m0 ) - matrix A0 of rank m0 and m12  rank(12 )  p2 . Then, at least 2  max(m0  m12 1, p2 1) is
admissible and max(m0  m12 1, p2 1)  [( p 1) / 2] is possible for low values of m0 and m12 .

On the other hand it is at present an open question if there exist some ( p  p) - covariance matrices  for
which 2 is inadmissible for some values 2  ([( p  3) / 2],[( p 1) / 2]), p  5.

A consequence of theorem 2 is the extension of the inequality


G p ( x1,..., x p ; , )  G p1 ( x1,..., x p1 ;  , 11 )G p p1 ( x p1 1,..., x p ;  , 22 ),

x1 ,..., x p  0,rank(12 )  0, (2.8)

for the p - variate cumulative  p ( , ) - distribution function G p . This inequality was proved for 2  and
for all values 2  p  2 in [9] (see also [10]), and it implies the famous Gaussian correlation inequality for
2  1. Now, this inequality can be extended to all non-integer values 2  [( p  1) / 2] without any further
assumptions for .


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