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For a long time, machismo has been present and has brought terrible

consequences that come with insults and end with blows or worse, even death.
Since this occurs against the female gender, the superiority of the man who is
believed to be the boss and has control of everything. Machismo has existed since
the time of the cavemen, as the males commanded the women. Machismo has
endured for a long time in Latin American countries. Machismo is defined as the
arrogant attitude of men towards women. it is the superiority of men in relation to
women, thus subjecting and discriminating in all areas, classifying the male gender
as inferior.
We all know that it is machismo, that disconcerting thought that ensures that
men are superior to women, is still very present today. And what is worse, in both
sexes. Machismo is made up of certain behaviors, behaviors and beliefs that
promote, reproduce, and reinforce various forms of discrimination against women.
It is built through the polarization of roles and stereotypes that define the
masculine from the feminine. Its main characteristic is the degradation of the
feminine; its greatest form of expression, violence in any of its types and
modalities against women.

Here are some examples of sexist behavior:

 Withdrawal from the care of sons and daughters.
 Do not get involved in housework, except to dictate rules and exercise
 Maintain a vertical posture in family relationships.
 Having an active and heterosexual sexuality, issues for which polygamy is
 Not allowing yourself to express your emotions and feelings.

This inferiority complex is acquired from childhood, when the son feels
somehow inferior to a male chauvinist father, who expresses rudeness and hostility
in dealing with his family and his. Mothers also partly contribute to forming a
macho mentality in the family, since, like fathers, they share the same idea that
daughters should remain under the roof of the home, thus keeping them under
surveillance. In addition, they have the complete responsibility of learning to do
housework just like their mother, since this comes from customs, and this can still
be seen at this time. The masculine gender adopts this from childhood, privileges
offered by the family and even society, thus forming its mentality that it is superior
to the feminine gender. Machismo is a situation that can lead to death in some

Currently there are many movements, mostly led by women, that seek to
oppose machismo. It is necessary to understand that this ideology, made up of a
series of attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs, is part of society as we know it. To find a
way to combat machismo, it is essential to roughly analyze the reality in which we
live, where it is often perceived as something normal that does not deserve due
attention. Racy compliments are seen as flattery and emotional abuse is justified as
a couple issue. Even physical violence against women remains in the background
for supposedly valid causes, such as jealousy or the consumption of alcoholic
beverages. In this way, alarming figures that reveal cases of abuse are left aside,
being considered as the result of accidents or another convenient excuse.

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